La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, December 07, 1904, Image 1

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Treats Largely with Interstate Conditions Gives
Due Credit to Agricultural
v Conditions
The Presidents message Is a long
one, bat li on ' that every American
hoald read, ubfw" doing he coald
get more information as to what the
government Udolnr than by, tbe same
amount of reading in any other book
or document. , The affaire of 100,000,
000 people cannot be eondenied Into a
before the public that the meMage
doee ' not treat. . Of agrlonltare be
seys:; ; . '
- v The department ; of agriculture has
grown Into an educational institution
w 1th a faculty of 3,000 specialists mak-
in g research Into all the sciences of
: x, The chances are that if everybody
I knew the exact facts about our Eoli-
day line, how carefully selected and .
how fair in price, we would not have
half enough to go around. ; .'
: , '1. We have been fortunate in being
able to buy our holiday stock close:
Zfhe selling .will ' be just as close. We.
i want you to see our line before asssrt-
Iments are "broken.. In the start we
will have a variety of goods not sold
elsewhere; these are . apt to be the
" goods you want. "
Make sure of them by buying early
Fair prices will last to the end. "
Best assortment will not.
- fl. a " -r
Ready for
production. The congress appropriat
es, directly and indirectly 16,000,000
annually to carry on this work. It
reaches every state and territory in
the onion and thi Island a of the sea
lately oome i nder oar flag. '
Co-operation is had with the state
experiment stations, and with many
nMwtr institutions and individuals.
T he world Is carefully searched tor
new Tarintles of grains, fruits, grasses,
vegetables, trees and shrubs suitable
to various localities in onr country,
and marked benefit to our producers
has resulted.
The activities of oar age In lines of
Inspection .'.
research have reached the tillers of tbe
soil and inspired them with ambition
W know more of the principles that
Kovoin the forcee of nature with which
they have to deal. Nearly half of th
people of this counter devote their
ena.gieato growing thinga Iromtb
soil. Until a recent date little has
been done to prepare these million
for their life work. In most lines of
hnmao activity college trained men
are tbe leaders. The farmer had no
opportunity for special training until
the congress made gravis on for it 40
years ago. Uu ing these years prog
ress has been ma and teachers have
been prepared. ' Over 500 atudente
are in" attendance at our state
agricultural ool leges. Tbe federal
government expends ten millions
of dillars annually - toward this
education , and for . researuh
in Washington and in the several
states end territcriei. The depart
ment of agriculture has given facili
ties for postgrad ate work : to . 6U0
yiuog men during the last seven years
preparing them for advanced lines of
work in the department snd . in the
state institutions.
Tbe fa:ts concerning meteorology
life and being systematically inquired
into. Temperature and moisture are
controlling factors in all agricultural
operations. The seasons of the cyc
lones of the Caribbean sea and their
paths ate being forecasted with in
creasing accuracy,. The sold winds
that come fro.u tha noith are antioi
pated and their times and intensity
told to farmers, gardeners and fruiters
in all southern localities. t
We sell S290.U00.000 worth of ani
mals and animal products to foreign
countries every year, in addition to
supplying our own people more oheap
ly and abundantly than any other
nation ts able to provide for its people
Successful manufacturing depends
piimarily on cheap food, : which ac
counts to a considerable extent for
our growth in this direction.
The department of agriculture by
careful inspection of meats, guards
tbe health of our people and gives
dean bills of health to deserving ex
perts, it is prepared to deal promptly
with imported diseases of animals and
maintain the excellence of our . flocks
and herds in . this ' respect. There
should be an annual census of the
livestock of tbe nation .
We sell abroad about $600,000,000
worth of plants and their products
every year. ..Strenuous efforts are be
ing made to import from ) foreign
countries suoo grains as are suitable
to our varying localities.
Seven years ago we bought three-
fourths of our rioe. By. helping the
rioe growers on tbe gulf ooaet to'eecure
seeds from the Orient suited to their
conditions and by giving them ade
quate protection they now supply
home demand and export to the is
lands of the Caribbean sea and
other ice-growing countries. -
r ..;'
Japanese to Train Guns
on Russian
Tokio. Deo 6. The effective bomb
ardment ot . the Russian battleships
in Port Arthur whioh began last
Saturday waa one of tbe results of
the rapture of 303 Metre Hill. Up to .
that time the warships were able to
seek shelter from the Japanese ' fire
under Pal Yu mountain but the capt
ure of 203 Metre Hill has enabled the
Japanese to train their guns on the
Russian vessels with the result that a
n amber hare been set on Are and
others most either put to sea or suffer
irrepararable damage "
,Tbe."LIttle Outcast" at the Opera
House last night was well attended
and gave general satisfaction.
auburn. Cel., Dec. 7. 'The board of
super visors this morning passed a
strong resolution calling upon the attorney-general
of California to come
forward and assist the district attorney
of Placer county tn the conduct of tbe
Weber murder case. The supervisor
say thev fear the prosecution may fail
unless the oonnty is represented by
sble counsel. - ' ' :
Congress At Work
' Both bcsMe of Congress ere , at
work. Monday on motion of Gover
nor of Ohio tbe house extended until
January 5 the time when the Mer
chant Marino Commission shall sub
mit Its report This commission has
been engaged all summer gathering
facts about the Ouuditlon of Amerioan
shipping and will most probably givs
its plan for reviving our shipping in
terest." This being the most impor
tant question that will be considered
ih'i Ua rnnrl will be
awaited with great ipU rest.
Several tariff bills were introduced
the first day. Cochran of New York
introduced a bill providing for ascer
taining tbe money expended in tbe
last Presidential electkn. .
A New Industry
Mr Chas Willerodt formerly of Jos-
ph, baa moved to tnls city and ea
tabllshed his granite and marble works
here. He cuts monuments and head
stones from native granite and marble,
aad he Is past master at the art. He
has placed many monuments In the
Enterprise cemetery and they are the
most beautilul ones tutre, Wallowa
Democrat. ; '
On Tuesday evening at 7 p m at the
home of Mrs. Hueahan." corner at O
and 7th street, by tbe Bev, B B Hays,
pastor of the Presbyterian oh rob, Mr.
Cecil 0 Catee and Pearl A Greinar.
A Batch OF Offices
- The President sent to the Senate on
Dec 8 second day of the session the
names of 1W0 parsons whom he had
appointed to office during the recess.
Men's Suits arid Overcoats
Regular $8 Kersey Cloth Overcoat, m fYfJ
Velvet Collar H?f'X Jll v) J U U
Regular $i2.5o Blue Kersey Overcoat, tj 1 f iOiO
, with Silk Velvet collar j 1 U Uw
New Styles in Men's .Men's and Boys' Winter Just Received. Latest hapes' PatAC ia Pla8t oowy and, fancy
Ial5 aad colors in the famous . VdUj cloth caps, in ehapa to suit every
STAR HAT. want
$2.50 and $3.00 " 25c to $1 5O
$3.25, $3.50, Boys' Reefer Overcoat $ 2-7 8
Men's Underwear at Underpricts I fttn' SMrt5ihirP price Reason, v.
$5.00 Boys' Suit Special at $3,9 5
Land Grabber Muet Answer for Their Crimes
..... All Guilty Except Miss
... ' Ware y--
Porland,Deo. 7 "We the jury,
find tbe'de'endant, 8 A DPutfr guilty
"We, tbs jury find the detendar t
HoraoeU KoKinley, guilty
We the jury find the defendant
Daniel J Taipley, guilty.
"We tbe jury find tbe , defendant
Mrs Emma Watson, guilty.
- "We the iury find . ths defendant
Miss Msrle Were, not guilty." ,
This is tbe result of the jury's de
liberation in the laod. fraud oases a n-
nouoed at 8 o'clock this afternoon.
Frank Walgamot, the aiith deft n-
dant, having already pleaded guilty.
Is not inoluded in tbe verdict. ' "
The trial was for conspiracy to rob
the United States government of cer
tain land most of bioh was looated
in "7-11 " Tha trial bas oooupied
he attention of the federal court for
two weeks and has been followed with
keen interest by the public
The penalty for the crime of which
the defendants have been oonvioted is
given in tbe revised statutes as follows
"If two or more', persons conspire
either to commit any offense against
the United States or to defraud the
United States in any manner, or for
any purpose, and one or more of suoh
parties do any act to rffeot ths object
of the conspiracy, all tbe - parties to
suob oonspjraoy, shall be liable to a
penalty of not more thau.ll0.00O or1
to imprisonment for not more 'ban
two years or to both fine and iroprie
ment at the discretion of the court."
8ection 6440, Revised Statutes of
the United States.
Mr Heney. remarkable address to
tbe jury was a terrible airaignment of '
tb defendants and a clear : preseuta '
tton of the evidence adductd by tbe
governor nt against them.
Puter, McKinley, Emma Watson,:
Traploy and Marie Ware listened with
pale faces to the merciless Indictment
Walgamot was tbe only one of tbe de
fendants WHO WM ' WMil . uwu. .
room. . Puter's expression was that of
dogged despair, and fear was plainly
stamped upon the white face of Kin
ma Watson.
Tbs hush ot expectancy pervaded
the densely crowded courtroom when
Heney began his address to the jory
immediately upon the opening ol
eourt. ;'''.&..:: -. -
Subpoenas were isrued yesterday '
for Sunator John H Mitchell and
Congressman Hermann to appear in
Portland by Deoember 15, to testify
in tbe Ware, Puter, and McKinley
land fraud oases, which will then ' be
on trial before United States Judge
Bellinger. '-.'. f
Tbe subpoenas were sent to the
United States marshall for the Dis
trict of Colombia and be will serve
them at Washington.
' t
Co. L Dance "
Next Monday night at Armory ball
Co L will givs ons of their popular
dances. To those who have been regu
lar attendants nothing further need
be said. To those who have not, their
attendance is particularly solicited. A
good time is assured all. '
oBoaoooDOBi ooBaKaaoaDDDaaaanoBD
1Hwy turn IWL Win J lour 134 1 and
thirty aU 8SJJJ la lowaabip flva (6
k. a moose. Agtttt