f ,.. : CP.CUpIe E. E. Romlg J ROMIG & STAPLES --GROCERIES-- A full and complete line of Btaple and fancy gro ceries. Fancy canned and tanch goods; Tinware, granite ware and wooden ware. Fmits and vegetables in season. Bakery prodncts always fresh. Good service and quick delivery. Phone 431 ; TURKESTAN ALFALFA The Dry Land Alfalfa grows without irri ' ' gation. C BROME GRASS RedlClover, AlfaJa and all kinds of Garden Seed in buik , Seed Wheat, Paled Barley, Oats, Etc The only Seed House Union County. A. V. Oliver JEFFERSON AVE Ptione 1571 LOCAL ITEMS WHAT SOME PEOPLE IN AND OUT OF TOWN ARE DOING. "Tb Little Latent" will be ths next attraction at the Opera Hoaae December 6tb THANKSGIVIG DELICACIES it to To make your Thanksgiving aa you would wish be you must have the very best to secure the best re sults. We have everything you desire, such as maple syrup, raisins, a full line of Ileizena goods, the bes of extracts, mince meat, new crop of nuts, eour Kraut, pickles, cheese and everything you need. Call and inspect our goods. C. RALSTON NEBRASKA GROCERY STORE ' Cor. Fir and Jefferson Sis. U1HM BOSS Meat Market Stellwell & Vandermuelen, Proprietors. WHOLESALE - AND!- RETAIL BUTCHEPS. Highest market price paid for all kinds of butchere stock Hides, pelts and furs. . Also chickens & poultry. Oar meat market! are rerj progress ive. The Eastern Extra Select BalU mora Gutter ia among us as can readily be aeea by a visit to any of oar bops. Try a Quart tney are the finest to be found In any land. The quaratlne at F B Carrey's resi dence on P street was raised today. likewise at Mr. Geddes residence This leaves the oity free of diphtheria. W J Lloyd, representing R L Polk & Co., is in the oity gathering data for the Union. Umatilla and Baker county Diectory. This directory givea tbe names of tbe residents of tscb town in the county, giving tbeir occupation, profession and business The book also contains s complete list of all tax payer with tbe assessed valuation and DOstofQoe' addresa. Tbe directories are sold all over the United States and make an excellent aaveruaiug iuZl Tom Williams returned to his home in Eugene last night after spending a few weeks in this city. J H Binebart and wife of Summer ville were in Li Grande yeairHty on business and pleasure combined. Tbe members of the 401 01 tb will ive tbeir netl party Moiday evening December 6. Mrs F K Landis ol Baker City who was a guest of Mrs J K Wright return ed to her home last evening, Mrs Barton of Union was a La Grande visitor yesterday. Mrs A P Fisber of Suramerville was a La Grande visitor yesterday. Mr G H Grier of Pendleton who has been in our oity on a short business visit, returned to Pendleton last even inp. , Elaborate preparations are being made by he members of tie Mormon chnroh for tbe big reoltal next Sunday at tbe church by members of the Baker City and La Grande choirs Mrs Nl hols of Union visited friends fn La Graude the early part of the week. Miss Julia Hatch, one of tbe Bel missionaries of the .Presbyteii Ohunh, is in tbe city on a visit a Isagutst at the home of Mr Wn Grant Mr T Nibley left this morn ing for a visit to Hiker City on boai. ness. Mr H P Lewie, tbe Insurance man was at Kamela yesterday and paid to Mrs Mary Swauger, the mother of Seymour Swaager, deceased, the sum of $1517. on an insurance policy of 81000 he balanoe of $517 being doe aa a mor aary dividend. Mr Chas Cochran, the lawyer from Union, is in the oity today. Mr W F Baliebary, who has been in tbe oity for several davs in the i terest of tbe Taooma Ledger left last evening for a trin to Portland. This isjthe first day ol winter. Cat notch In yoar memory stick so that next year you can re call what kind ol a day tbe winter of 1004 begun with. Von can note that at La Grande, hal ' way from the equator to the north Pole and a mile and a half from sea level, the thermometer at noon indicat ed 45 degnes above zero, Fa renheit; thai it was a day of clouds and ann bursts with now and then pollets of snow danclnti a brief . life away on the side walks. Tbe Ladies of tbe Kaffee Klatch end and tbeir haabaada and gentleman friends will be entertained Friday wo lag Deo. 2 by Mr and Mrs J M Berry and Dr aad Mrs M K Ball at the home of the farmer Mr and Mrs John Peebler a d grand daughter Mies Nellie Leap left this morning for a ten days viait to Walla Walla and WaiUbnrg. Mrs Henry Peebler ia visiting friends in Spokane. Tbe Pendleton High 8chool foot ball team baa closed the season with a aeries of (victories and no defeats. Joan Hopper is visiting" relativea In Umatilla county. Win Grant baa moved Lis office ia with Jeweler Jaa B Smith. K J Morton ia over from Union. Mrs Julia Hatch Field Missionary of tbe Presbyterian Church is a gaeet of Mr and Mra Wm Grant, Noodles Noodles served day and night at Hop Lees Noodle Bestrutant in the Grandy building. .' Bargains Picture Frames We have a lot of these frames left which we touk from an agent on a loan. All of these' frames ace the very best gilded frames and regular size ' for en larged pictures, 16X20 with French glass. We will close them out at $1.50 each while they last 1 Coming, Coming Ton cant fool all tbe people all the time bat you can certainly please all tbe people most of tbe time if yoo keep at it and that is what I ' am doing in "A Little Outcast" ssys Manager E J Carpenter. That Mr Carpenter's theory Js true was demon- ttcd fcy t? of Ms product ion whloh baa been the biggeat money maker out for the past two seasons and that he means to keep op tbe standard of excellence is evident from the elaborate production whloh he has sent out this year and iwblch will be seen at tba Stwari Opera next Tues day Lec 6, Tbe scenery and oast excel anything in its class on tbe road. The La Grancfe Pawnbrokers Corner Fir and Adams ' Remember we still bur audi sell all kinds el Second Hand Goods, Phone 1531 NOTE LOST 160 note payable to.Q T Williams, on streets of La Grande, waa in large yel low envelop. All parties are caution, ed against baying same. Finder will teturn to this offloe. LOST In business part of La Grand small button hole watch. Finder please return to Loy'a Confectioary store. Be ward. ' 2t WATCH MAGNATIZED . In these days of the increasing nee of e!ectrioity the danger ofjiaving yoar watch magne tized ia greater than in tbe past. I am In shape to demagnetize, voor watch right away and put it in as good shape as when it left the factory. There ia no necessity of running tbe risk of having yoar watch lost or broken sending it away when - you can get it mad aa good as . new at home by a praotioie workman at a low coat. J, (I, Peare, the Jeweler m m I i 1 m. a Read The Daily Observer i ON NEW YEAR'S EVE .Will Give Away a $40 OVERCOAT i . a chance with every W ANY STM iHl Cl gjj s . m Winter Footwear For Men Women and Ghildren To meet the changing reasons and supply the demand for winter shoes we have . placed in stock complete Hues selected from leading manufacturers. T M STUBBLEFIELD HONEST MADE SHOES GIVE HONEST WEAR There is a sense of satisfaction in wearing genuine articles in clothing, jewelry, foot wear etc, So much of what is worn is imita tion and shoddy. The shoes we carry foi men women and children are honest made., and give honest wear , The prices we charge are not too cheap to yield us a profit but right and. reasonable for honest values We so licit your closest in spection. Proprietor of the " OYSTER TIME is always looked forward to with ex pectancy. What more lusoious than a plate of Blue Points on tbe shell, or a stew, or a fry , or broiled, VSrEtf, OYSTERS. OYSTERS any way you want, is the way we serve them. Oysters we keep are the beet in the land and all have a good pedigree. If you want to give an oyster party, onr restaurant is the place t bfing them to. ' We hope to see you many times during oyster esson. MODEL RESTAURANT J. A. ARBUOKLE, Prop. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT $450 We sell weekly Meal , Tickets, Ussb.. Quality Shoe Store lS)SS)S)S) ) Sl m FURNITURE EMPORIUM! We are now showing the most complete line of furniture ever displayed in this county A visit to our establishment will rep y you for here are to be found the latest in art and comfort. A few HOLIDAY SUGGESTIONS: Rockers from $2 to I67.6C, Morris, chairs $12 to $26, Iron beds $3 to $23, Dining tables, Center tibler, all prices, Chafiiners 10 to 85 dollars, Bed room suits, beauties from 18 to 65 dollars, Folding beds, Lounges, Hall trees, Bugs Art Squares, Portier curtains, pictures, etc The above is only a suggestion and comprise the latest creations. Come and look E. ANDROSS HOUSE FURNISHINGS Phone 9-1 Residence Phone 367 1202 Adams Ave JUST A WORD AS A REMINDER Our holiday Glassware and Chinaware has begun to arrive and we are in a position now to show X a very complete line. A. paid on account or purchase V. ANDREWS Gents' Furnisher and Tailor. " STOVES Come in and see them Our Heating Stoves are .right in PRICE, KIND, SIZE, STYLE, ETC Look them over. The Golden Rule Company 1308-1310-1812 Adams Avenue Largest Store Smallest Prices i --- ss,asssnnssatsetisstass i miit mini i I