.N .in H -11 t Hi v. v t i i - We want your Hay and Grain : V. AND WILL' PAY THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE We will take all you have, no matter whether it is only a few tons.or if.it la- several hundred tons. We taz, all the hay in the valley and then some. 01 4-' A, " V: O IvI V B R WHOLESALE and RETAIL HAY and GRAIN DEALER SOME NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST dnnnannnnannnnnnnuonr Gleaned by Judic Ions Use of Pen cil, Scissoirs and Pastepot We Can Interest You " In'Our:Line 1 Oar Electric Fixtures and Electrolier stock is f complete and we make a specialty of desk and office lighting We cau also fit y.u out with minitore ; lamps for sign lighting and decorating and ' shades " of all kinds. , Please cull at -night when they cud be lighted and you can see how they will look in your bouse.' Our new office, now located in the Somer ' buil linig. is nicely equipped with everything in our liiiij ' Office bpure Irum 7 am to$pm.. i ,. La Grande Light and Power Co. I Burglars cracked the ' Btonlngton, Conn, city vaults and got away with 10.000. ! ' There an now 675,000 volumea ' la the Harvard University libraries of which 23,000 were pieced daring . the lest year. , :, . i ,' -i' The German standing army la , to be raised U 621,000 men, and the kaiser asks for 150,000,000 to enlarge the oavy George Miles at-Tarry town N I while pitying football bad his right ear completely tern off, close to the bead by the back f another player ' L 1 WHITE ROSS The Haines Mercantile Company baa founded a priTate bank the peop e ot that place tiring .of depending upon Baker City for banking facilities. The 39 labor anions la the bulidleg trades ot New York City will form a new central organisation next Sunday It is believed a great strike is brew- It is not possible tor Hennok Ibsen the author and dramatist to long sur vvetoe attacks ot heart failure to which he is subject ' He lie' very ill at Stockholm Sweden. ' " 1 u D a FLOUR Is milled with the idea of pleaaing'every dealer's high olass trade-customr who appreciate quality . ' Tho name of the Pioneer FJouring Mill Co. guarantees re- liability and' highest grade in every sack of flour bearing the White Rose brand. " p Pioneer Flouring Mill Co. cnnncanQnonnnnuDnnocn I U..K NORTH WEST . NEWS You Can Get La: Grande Creamery Butter .; , At the Following Well known Dealers t RomigA Staples Mo Fay lane Geddes Bros Baker Bros. C. Ralston ' J W.White 0. L. Thorn j. Remember every pound is guaranteed '. : j U.: . . . : -- - . . ,i 1 ' When you ask for La Grande Creamery Butter you help a , home industry and ; thereby help your own -business. ' :.:; 1 1.'.., Pastnrated sweet Cream and Fresh . Buttermilk 1 , always on hand. '' ' i La Grand Creamery Co 3322 e . Mrs Jiilaie M, fugu agu )mi was recently divoroed in the Oakland CL courts. lor the third time. ! l The penitentiary at Salem has 861 inmates which is more than .the in stitution baa bad before in many years ; . County Treasurer Elkins of Crook oonnty is dead at Prineville' of brain fever. He had lived in Crook county 10 years. '. ; . V ' I ; . v TbeO A N is being extended from Boise five miles. 4tp the Barber Lumber compony's plant on the river above town. . ,. . 1 In a fiercely and skilfully contested game of football, the Seattle bigb school team, beat the Lewiaton high ichi ol team at Lewiaton, Nov. 26, by 6 wo; . - T,i u D D D n D a a C c c D another and in no condition to rule i themselves.' " V ' "Too muoh can not be said of the wonderful fertility ot the toil of the Islands, bat' we need railroads and factories, The man with money can go to the Ptiilipplnes and make money. " "Tbe country Is far froTff being devel oped.' Then are "opportunities there that do not exist In any other place on tbe face of the globe" Mr O'Brien Is a native ot Potneroy a a A. Manila about tour years ago. lie la now on hia way to bis old home for a visit He will return to Manila In a few weeks. . LOST Kebbeca pin with three links in red white and blue. Finder wl.l leave at Cresent Knitting Factory. . 3t I Half: a Carload of 61 l1 9' wm ve (tut received half a car load of the newest Y f and litest vail paper. Half a carload , means 20,000 S-" wniMThis1 is more" paper than any irie: flrih 1 ever ""thought f bringing Into this county in a single season. d .; j IJlia paps H mil ior,sara ana uuiowiuii xwu, , kr brought two nrst class paper Hangers aireci irom unioago, whoare without doabt the most, skillful workmen in Eastern ! who, with tha'flvV first olaasj(Wi hangers already in oar em- i .Cplby, gtratf us tbe heat working ton, j, thelnland Empire. , i Coming, Coming 'Too can't fool all the people all (he time Jbut you oao'certainly pleate all the people taoBt ft ;4 the time If you keep at It 'and .that )s what I am doing lnj "A Little' Outcast' says Manager E J Carpenter.. .That Mr Carpenter's theory U true waaidemoD trated by, the suooess 6f bis product ion which baa peen the biggeat money maker out for, the. past two seasons and that he meana to - keep up the standard of. excellence la evident from the elaborate produciloa whloh he has sent) out this year and .which wll) be seed at the Stward Opera next Tues day Dec 6, The scenery and cast excel anything in its olass on tbe road ::;n;Stackland,&;;McLachlen; j pAiNTS., ems and - glass; : Script' Script Tb ArtPi fhi i nuc thp ddipp ' I . ' : . , : ! w I natmlnad. rtkdv Ibr il lumbar ot Oemmeroa Bldg, PortlaDd, or, Wood IHavlngleasedbeG W Alls steam wood saw, I am.prepared to promptly eakseare ofll orders aatrusted to Vmaia Ct W M Andle, ' Corner Greenwood and Hill streets Fh0M 738 b 12-01 i m mm mm s MAKES A CLEAN SWEEP There's nothing Ilka doing a thing thoroaghly- Of all the Salves you aver heard of, Baeklen's Arnica Salve is the beet. It sweeps away and cures Barns, Bores. Braises,' , Cuts, Boils, Ulcer?, Skin Eruptions and Piles. It's only 55c nrajitead to cive oadafaction by La Grande Drat Co., andHewlin Lrog Co Drugguw. i , A . THOUGHTFUL MAN. M- M. Austin of: Winchester Ind. knew what to.dollnlthe hour lot .need. His wife bad such aa Cunosusl' a of ' stomach and liver trouble, physicians . ' could aot help her. He thongb of and : triad Dr. King' Lf piU ' igot fdialAt oncead wu Anally .cared. ,Oaly Se, at U Grand Drag Oa, and wlit OtttMiPm Ctoraa : . That ib why oeoole corb Lere for tnea'a aud bs fboya' ihoes The J. E. Tilt lina la ' oarii8pec- ialty; Here ia where prk and quality are combined. C W. PRE5 Shde Specialist DEPOT STREET BEST i COUGH MEDICINE FOB CHILDREN. ban hn a ooairti medicine for mall children voo want one in which yoa can place implicit confidence. Ifon wantons that not only relieves, but mraa You want one that is i nnqnes Unnaht harmlaaa. tOa want one 4hat is' pleasant to take. Chamberlain's Ornish Ramedr meeUallOl these eoa itions. . Tbcra la aothlna so good for 1 -coughs and eolds Incident to child, od . Jforsaia by All Dragslsta. A Democrats View The Cincinnati Tribune of Nov ' 28th publiahed the following; . 'it would be a crime to piaoe the reins of government in the ' hands of the Fillipions," said C W O Brlen; ot Manila, at the Grand Hotel last night "The natives are not capable f self government" he co ainuod. "Although I am a Democra', I do not hesitate ! to say that the United btates must look aftet tboss people for sume time to come. They are suspicious of one ATTRIBUTE TO HIS ALMA MATER Pay Up , The public h hereby notified that I have disposed ot my feed store to J. W. White and 1 desire to lhank patronage in the past and that parties pow owing me will please call and set tle with me personally or they can call at tbe La Grande. National Bank who will receipt for alt bills.-'.11-11 to 12-1 0.0. JOHNSON. - Proi essiortaH W. J. BISONETT EXPERT ACCOUNTANT Office with J.T.Williamson, La Grande Parties wishing the aerciees ot a com petent bookkeeper are assnred satis factory results. , ; ' Prices reasonable - C. B. Cauttiorn DENTIST Office Over Hill Drug tore i ' La Grande, Oregon flow often the education ot the young people of the household means rigid economy and sacrifice on the part of the, father and mother I They are , the real heroes ot the commencement sea son Mr Moody was fond of telling a story of a student who was an honor to his alma mater. ' - "There was once a boy in ooUege and he was about to graduate. Ha wrote back to the farm for his mother to come 8be replied that she could not do so. She said her clothes were worn oat, and she had no money to buy new ones for that oooasion She had turned her skirt twice, and it was ragged on both sides. Tbe boy a aid1 come anyway. The poor old woman went in her beat, which was not very stylish. , . "The commencement was in a fash ionable churoh. , The son was prouder of his mother than of his honors. ; He walkek with her down the aisle to the center of the church, and escorted her to one of the best seats There 'were tears n her eyes, and she burat out wSeping for joy when her son pro nounced the valedictory. The presi dent pinned a badge on bis coat. The young man left tbe stage and went di rectly to his mother. He took off his badge 1 and1' pinned it on her dress. There were tears in his eyea. Then he bent over and ' kissed her wrinkled face. The boy animated by that kind of pride will make a man who will be a i honor to his country and to his God. ; Such a boy ia the glory of oar King. ' May his number luorease until the shadows of his loveliness oover the whole world. Selected. NOTICE FO' PUBLICATION Department of tlie I Dtertor Laud OUloe, U Grande. Ore. ' Ootubar i, lwi Notice ta hereby . given that the following named aettler nan died notice of bia intention to make Buril proof In auppott of hlaoUIra, and tuataaid proof will ba made before the KeKiaier ana Receiver oi me u. . utna uniee at La Grande. Ore. on November 29 IMM. via.. H E 1 i&a, Jamea Cooley, of Kamela, Oregon, i, i, na o, os.) Bvrnec ju, 10. i K. U6 E. n M. Ua namea the following wltneaaea to prove hi. continuous reaidenoe npon and cultivation -. i 1 .... J ..I . 11,' 1 I M .n 'l '. wl .4 I' I . I ley, William brooks, and Burt Uarvlae, all of Kamela, Oregon. K.W. Davis, Ragltter. . .. .1 u Bead this saner and The Weakly Dr. A CHARLTON VETERINARY 8URGEON. 601ce,at AT Hill's Drugstore La Grande, Oregon Phone 1361 ' Ke8idence phone 701 Malheur County Investments For Investments In MALHEUR COUNTY Write to T. McDANlEL Outario........ Oregon Lodge Directory. EAGLES La UraOde Alria lu KOiK maeU very Kriday night In K of t hall '. I u no VUiting bretheru Invited U-alien . , - C U Uuokw.U. W F a t atarvllla, W Bee KOREBTEB!) OF AMEBICA Court Mai Marlon, Mo B meeta each Tuesdav la Klk halt. broUiara are Invited to attend. Al Helaner (Jalaf aanRer. OJVandarpool KeoBeO. .1 I X k A- Fine Organs FOR I O 0 F La Grand. Lodge, No 16 rreet . .u their hall every Saturday niKht. Vial Uxg n.em ben cordially Invited to attend. SKKInehartNU U E Ooolidge, Bea, A, b 4 A. M. La Grande Lodge '3, 41. meets every 1st nd 3rd Hatur ut of each month. , AC Williams 8eo, ; ' l ' OD Huffman W. M. EaBTErN STAR OKU Hope Chapter JIo It roeera tha aecond and fourtn Wednesday ot each month at tM p m in Masonic Tempi. ra ciara r r.yie, w u Mary A Vt'arnick, ScO Columbia University Collegiate, Preparatory Commercial and Gram mar Grade ipplt rot oiTitoaui' Couroes. -Boarding school tor rounz men 4 boys. Box 348.Univer$ity Park Station, Poitland t ;. -J A Orsjoh $46, $48, $52, $55 The well known and popular Pacific Queen. Very handsome styles. Payments $8.00 down and $4 a month. Write us for particulrrs. Mail Orders promptly and carefully filled. - filers Piano House 351 Washington Street, corner Park Portland, Oregon Large storos alao Spokane and Seattle, Wash., and Boise, Idaho. ,- r SI . ' 1 Ufa Oir. lrUillLLfii.li 9 LmvlUkULSaUl - . . r . . - i r r r , o . t .. i a i . FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR for Coughs Colds, and Lung Trouble, several manufacturers are, advertising imitations with similar sounding names with the view of profiting by the favorably known reputation of FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR. ' , DO HOT BE IUP0SED UPOFI We originated Honey and Tar as a Throat and Lung Remedy and unless you get ) EOLE?S HONEY AHD TAR you do not get the. original and genuine. ymember the name and insist upon having Foley's' Honey and Tar. Do not risk ur life or health by. taking imitations, which cost you the same as the genuine. Foley's Honey and Tar is put 'up in three sizes 25c, 50c and 1.00. Prepared only by FOLEY & C0.j 02-0A0 OMoStoO J i V ' your sold m f.eco::::ekded by 1 A T HILL, DRUGGIST '-WIJlaJ"r4.,