The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, April 06, 1912, Image 1

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M II n TT 1 r d k T TA I
H UliJililiBI Ml
NO. 82
School Fairs
That the boy nnd girli of Cob
umbia county nro taking up with
the ntfricMilturul and induntjial
content work, inaugurated by
the State Hunker' association
and managed by State Superin
tendent Alderman, in n manner
which assure thin county of
taking a leading place among the
counties of Oregon, wan the
declaration of Field Organizer
Calvin C. Thomaaon who wai in
the county working with Supt.
Collins Wednesday and Thursday.
It i Superintendent Collin's plan
to have the school of the county
make an exhibit of gardening,
newing and cooking, woodwork,
poultry, and pigs at Clatskanie
the latter part of August just
Itefore the state fair which
comes the first week in Septem
ber. Then at the county fair at
Yankton they will exhibit again
September 25th. This time the
state winners from Columbia Co
lumbia county may bo seen by
the people here. The field meet
will be held in Kainier before
school is out, thus giving one
leading event to each center in
the county.
While in St. Helens, Field
Organizer Thomason upoke t- the
pupils in the school and called on
a few of the citizens. Me.m-rs
Wm. Moss nnd Joe Allen of th
St. Helens bank exprc-;.! noes
democratic i
1' or District Attorney !
Gilbert L Hedges, of Clackamas
Cou ty,
I or County Judge i
James D. McKay.
For Sheriff
A. E. Thompson.
For Commissioner
Imis Fluhrer,
W. McDonald.
Local Mention
Jas. Muckle of Portland is
Ft. Helens today.
j Judge J. C. Moreland, Clerk of
t of the Supreme Court of Oregon,
is visiting in St. Helens today.
; J. F. Loyd, of Deer Island,
; was a vusiness visitor in St. Hel
i ens yesterday.
No new cases of small pox yet
Sliipnin" Notes ani1 the two ncar'y we"- 11 fa
' thought that the situation is well
This week has been a busv one undt'r c"t-ol and that no other
in the shipping line as the follow- iaM'8 w' ar-
ing items will denote. MS! Bessie Hattan started
TheStr. Klamath sailed Tues. '
t:,v in, ,. ;n;,. f .. I.... wn wnere ne Bna
, " a- n 3
' o iii rK i friends.
tu oiui i -euro nni san iJiego,
visiting relatives
The Str. Voaemite sailed Wed-
C. H. Doncaster went to Port
land yesterday to attend Mrs.
ft-1 Doncaster and little Miss Char-
nesday niht with 'JOO.000
oflumber and a small list of j lotte, who are quite ill with scar
passengers for San Francisco and ' let fever.
&an Diego.
The Steamers Casco and Sho
shone both sailed Friday evening
Willie Spence, son of Mrs.
Elizabeth Spence of Houlton,
died at the family home, in that
with lumber cargoes, the former city last Monday and was buried
f.r San Francisco delivery and 0n Wednesday. Ilev. Itoper
the latterdestined for San Diego, preached the funeral sermon to a
The Schooner Alvena will com- lW number of friends of the
plete Ur cargo ef roo.tXiO ft. family. Interment was In tho
of Kuilroid ties the first of the
week and sail ( r Sun Pedro. She
is loading at the tie lo.m.
The St. H-!eris('r.'( si'ingCo;n-
ire to co-operate with the county pony, together with a Sit'.l
1. 0. 0. F. cemetery jear Warren.
T.-...,I O.. .. :....-' 41 t-.. . I
it'wj wu.'i . . 1.M.M vr. if. itaiiiac
of Scapp'jose was vi.siting with
the County Court in St. Helens
yeme.Uiy. Uric r the hnejt
Not a Candidate for
School Superintendent
a The Best Building Llaterial U
- - - a
4g Cement Blocks and Bricks
Blocks, 8x8xi6 inches
Bricks, per thousand .
19 cents
19 dollars
Factory on WILLAMETTE ST.: St. Helens
tenced to 30 days for contempt. S3 rFUA Dili'tt TTnlAmnl i)
Deputy Sheriff Lake picked up
a sick man on the streets a few
days aeo and placed him in one
of the cots in the basement of
of the court house. The man gave
the name of Henry Wise and had
been working for J. F. Loyd at
Deer Island. Dr. Ross was call
ed and round the man to be in a
serious condition, but is now fast
recovering and will be able to
return to his work within a few
W. EJ. Stevens, owner of a fine
300 acre tract of land between St
Helens and Warren, was in St.
Helens yesterday, receiving the
report of the surveyor who has
been sub-dividing his farm into
10 acre tracts to be placed on the
market The land has been cut
up so that each tract will be
reached by a road and is in one
of the best locations in the State
of Oregon. The railroad runs
through it and the Willamette
Slough is only a short mile away.
The tracts will he placed in the
hands of the St Helens Improve
ment Co. and they will soon make
the announcement of prices and
J. L. CHITTE3I, Proprietor n
Builder's Supply Company
Dealers In
Feed, Cement, Brick, Sand and Shingles
Doors and Windows
Phone 42 Warehouse on Sheldon Dock
I wish ta announce that I am not
'.,'. ... iri . , , - tri"ivl iin.'u in ,,.. o,inrv Kn a candidate for the nomination for
fair at Yankton by addii-jr c-ish firm, have purciiae la car;?., of Kravti io.t..s in tho-county has m - -a.-.'
donation to tho fun 1.1 jriven by two million pallona of creoiting just ltn completed m bcappoose
the county. Other 1 tismo.-s im l oil. This wiit Ik bnuht ;roin by Uamsey.
professional im-n of St. Helens j Germany in the new UritishTank Frcj Kr.gebretsen, for 15 years
will do the pmiv. From here; Steamer Cordi-lia which is expec- keeper of the Bendixen
S.ipt. Collins and the oiyanizer (ted to arrive in St Helens about shipbuilding Co. at Eureka, Cali
went to Clatskanie where. August 1st This vessel is now forniai hasarr-'ed in St. Helens
they assisted the local committee at New 4'ustl..' Kngland. and i'and take . up t.. j work of book
in furth'-ring their plans for a! not quite completed. This will Keeping AJr the St. Helena Ship
pr:.e list for the school fair tl ere. ! probably be her first cargo and j building Co. His long experience
Mr. Thompson also visited lh.?,St Helens ieiplo will have an ' ith the bendixen Co. makes him
Kainier hchwU and addressed .opportunity to see one of the - taost valuable man for the local
the pupils, uainier n very acuvenri yi uur ivarin.-is umi ipiunt
in the fojitest movement All j to in Columoia Kiver.
retorts fnm the rural schools j The Uritish ship Kirkcudbright
of the county indicate much en-hiro now in Port hod is expected
the office of county School Superin
tendent, at tho primary nominating
election, April 19th.
I wish to thank all who have so
willingly signed petitions for my re-
nomination, and all who have kindly
interested themselves in my behalf
for this important office.
J. H. Collins
County School Superintendent
J- W. Van Natta
India Runner, Rouen
and Pelrin Duck
Barred Plymouth Rocka,
Single-Comb Black Minorcaa
Toulouse Geese
thus i asm amon the boys
girls in the new movement.
amliatSt. Helens the latter part o:
'the month. She will lad a pari
of h-r cargo of big timb-.TJ
I for Kngland.
To the voters of Columbia Coun-
Wedn-sJay was th.J Ul day
for filinjr for nomination to U
votetl for at th Primaries and
the county ticket will contain ty:
the following- names: 1 I expect to I a candidate for
p ... ' the eflice of Com ty Seh.Kti
Jl ' SuperinUnd.-i.t at th-? Noveinlr
For District Attorney M ecti,mand respectfully solicit
A. V. Norblad, of Clatsop County j (,ur support
E. B. Tongue, of Washington! I have taught six ears in the
IVr Uepresentative
A. L. Clark.
W. A. Hall.
M. K. Miller, -
For County Juds'
W. H. Cooper,
W.A. Harris.
For Sheiiir
N. II. Kinney
For Clerk
H. E. LaP.are,
For Treasurer
A. T. Laws,
For Assessor
C W. Blakesley,
For Surveyor
Geo. B. Conyers,
C T. rrescott,
For Coroner
F. H. Shcrwotxl,
T.S. White,
For Commissioner
D. VV. Freeman,
E. A. (Jenbcll,
Chris Johnson,
county, (he years of this time
havmi; b.;en at liaini r.
T.u'se Alio !:nov n e and nnve
;olserve.l lay work ave pre ared
t-i p:is lii'en my c:ip.ibi!itios t'r
the ellie I si : M .;! and I refei
you to them.
I : Very Kespi ctfully
j J. 15. WilUrsor, Prin. St.
Helms High i'chool.
Miss Ar.nie Hazen, teacher in
one of tho primary rooms at the
St Helens School, received word
Fourteen acre 1 12 mile Wett of
Hoiillnu; punN cleared: crmhi-J tok
ron.l to town : well of toft wtfr witti pump; fruit. Urge new b Ue with
c-nncrFtat h:temnt. ffnrul ilvn Bill.
during the week, of the serious J tom timir. Time oo Urge prt .4
illness of her brother at Aurora, i un im pti,- Cho bougbt for tho
Oregon, and she left Wednesday ; t of tl.e m.proveii.ejt.
to visit him. During her absence Wm' XI- BlM
Miss alters of the High School wantku ""rTTl.Er
IS looking after her Classes. One HeL.I ttw-wtor No. 17. eort
fUO. t?ol new. To trJ fi.r
this county wherein Mrs. Thomp- i or lite toH". c. nenryt 8l.
son of Houlton was the plaintiff Helen.
and Ed Thoirpson of the
In a recent divorce suit filed in
city vas defendant, the defend
ant was ordered by the court to '
pay temporary alimony and suit
money within a cerUin time. ,
This ho failed to do and upon
comp aint being made to the
Judi- a bench wairant was issu-
In the evening a Musical pro
gram by the cnoir; followed by a
short sermo i by Hr. Counter
mine will be given.
Lf-rge 7 ro"tn hou lor rent. Large
rj with X'khI u 1 tit gnrden and D
li m.lanie i.f fruit, rl.w in.
ColumbU County Alstract and Trust
Company, Agenti.
Dogs Lost Reward Offerod
1 White Hull Terrier Bitch
1 Blue and White Setter Bitch
1 Orange and White Setter Bitch
Return to or notify Fred L. Oner,
Falkenberg Station, United Railway,
It F. I). No. 1, Holbrook v Ore'.
Alt! o'he quite reni'ral prr ctic
ef vaccination has interlerc.l
fomewhat with original plans,
tho Methodist Sunday Schod ex
pects to give an Easter progran
Sunday night at 7:30. Everyone
h invite I.
! Scappoose Sunday School
j luistc,r Program
j The Sunday School of the Con
grational Church assisted bv th'
choir are preparing f. prr gram t
bo given in the morning on En
t r Sunday. April 7th.
31 Tested Dairy Cows, first class: all young,
4 Heifers: x Bull, 2 years old: 1 Heavy Draft
Horse, 6 years old: 2 Light Horses, 6 and 7
years old: Hogs: 2 Buggies; 1 Carriage: 1 Can
opy Top Buggy: 2 sets Light Double and 1
set Single Harness: 1 set Heavy Harness:
Milk Cans and other things. ,
l J
T. A. Cloxixger, Auctioneer
everyone ihiu'd learn i- the lue oi
t rill. 1 n l tcuc 1 i- to Iht ir cbiMren.
thai 110 mttltr wliat your earning
roc Im, njve part of ihe turn an I
iiepoiii l la a l.ftt inatitnlion tllnt
will .ay you it uoo I rate of interest
like 1 lie Colutui U Couutj Bank.
Columb'a County Bank
4 pr Cent Paid on Savings Account and Time. Certificate
United State Depository for Poatal Fund
'Mm. M. R S. PmMnl U K. RO I HER FORD, V1m PmlJeM
A. L. STONE. CaaklM. i. S. ALLEN. AteiMant CmAim
Have you tried those
delicious Hams yet?
Yes th ?y are Swift's
Premium. You pay a
little more but they
are worth it. No
1 44
second crace nams
'.vepthere. Oureggs
are strictly fresh
right from the rauch
no case eggs We ship eggs. The price w e pay the
farmer v.e charge you. All Goods Guaranteed.
No Use Looking Else where
lor Candies, and Cigars