OH KlON ATTST IVB BTEIIT FRI0AY MOKNINe -BT- ESEGLE DAVIS. sMnrlpli.a RAlea. 0M one year la aaranne. Ooeeopy sis moiLUi.M.M, tafia oopjf.............. so Advertising rates aisd. knewa apoa appllcatloa I COLOMBIA OOtTNTY DIRECTORY. Conn if Olttoere Jnin .low eph B. Domi. Rainier Cler .......Judtton Wttjd, V.moriia Kin irttju. vnit)nill BhertlT ...... Tmwnr. tuK of School. A WOT..... Surveyor Coroner ....... iiwKtaii . u bi .i -. . .... M . Wharton Bt. Helen J. O. Watts, floannnose .Martin White, QuIuot W N. Mnaerv. rtolMna Dr. A. P. Mrl.aren. Kainlor . . cwnQa, nix T. MELBNh BKeON, m. 1. So, one ears that tlx tie between wheat and aiWer is likely to be bu.hel for buahel. That will certainly be the proportion between wheat and Bland'. propoaed "supplementary greenback." Hon are now aelling for 18 eenta per pound, with a alight tendency up ward, which leaves the grower a hand- eome profit, figuring the coat of rait- In. Btekin. eta., at 7 eenta. which is th. t." .,i. vAM - . . Tn delioqaent tax liat ia now being published by order of the county court Thia ia the lateat in the aeaaon the liat haa yet been published, due to the lenienoy of court. It haa been the desire of the court to give all an op-1 portanity to pay their taxea without additional coat, and for that reaeon the court, which baa ezcluaive power I in the matter, haa extended the time I until thia late date. - Cottoh, too, i going to be a great I yield, and aa the price are consider- My in advance of thoee of 1896 at thia time, the South it roinr to have a almV. IW f nt,Klin.n WV Ti. ia going to be a memorably cood year for all section of the country. Proa taarilv tiaa hit t.a Woat .nil tV finntti ... ;' " "I .7 rr I' nea are ronunte whq are candidates for anything on a republican ticket in I anv atata thesa da?a. I ... I Tw strained relation, between the unitea Eliatea ana Spain at we pre-1 cnt time ia officiant cause for nneaai- neea on the part of government of- ,.. w. ; ,, . , , , " r - to accept the good office tendered by thia government to aeltle the Cuban queelion haa aet everything: aatir abont thedep.trtm.nu, and in ri.w ot t"t ''ZT.t fact that great damage is resulting to American interest by the war in the island of Cuba, a more procreeeive I ateo mav be taken at an earlv date. which would.no doubt, provoke war . - ,, ,. . , with Spam and finally result in Cuba being free. what onangea nave been wrongnt I durinr the cast few months. One year ago there were scores of idle men 0 1 . j price), bat today there an very few idle men in the atate. Not only go, I bat wage have advanced daring that time at a safe estimate on an average I m aooui zu per cent., wnicn u a very I tnaUriaJ i. i. M .W . t!m- m.i tK. I ' ; , -" all good cituena rejoice that such a condition haa come about. Calamity howlers, it ia true, have lost their Mmn.;rn lhn,W i,t ih.t I 1 -. , . thai loss ia tho country's great gain. Thb "acarcity of aawloga in Europe" or some other place, haa canard an ad- to "PJ Mt-Qeer tney uy decUned sad - t i i tnrned him down with as little eempane vsncem price at Portland within the Uon n they wontd the moat ituignificant put ten daya of 25 eenta per tbone- man in th party. It is only since the last and. Theae abort cropa abroad work wonders in all line ef trade. How- a,it..i h.. .a...a I - r--"- , , . logger wdl receive the benefit there- irom, Wbicn will enable tbem to pay a better price for the product of the farm.-which are neceeaary in carrying n,. 5., T .K. , .DO J stiau ivcnve anouier suiTsnce. xne ne In loga which baa lately taken place waa unexpected by many logger, that ia, it waa not expected thia fall, bat it ha come nevertheleea. Wht all thia fuss and fume Decease Ana man waa ntTnnut an offim arnrth i -vw , . . . only- 3000 a year when he wanted a place on a aalary of $4500. Mr. Geer poeea aa a farmer ; be ia a farmer, and we presume e good one; and because i tttmn I r vu.w iv-'"a - V" month for four year. How many farmer are there in the atate who would be glad, delighted to accept a pontioa paying one half that aum for a wrm oi lour yerr n nar is were , in Mr. Geera declining the position, j which be had a perfect right to do, that ahould call forth ao much bluster? Senator IfcBride and representative Ellia nnd Tonga showed their friendli- ne- to Mr. Geer by offering him M l piow, MU iiuw u raru, as a ciliien, had a right to accept or reject it. From all the fuss t bat ia be- nr ln.mulsflwnMhalt luii. U1 ,. . . , . .. ,. . . , that the fate of the nation depended upon tbe difference in aalary between the place (ought and the one offered toon man whether he ahould re- ealva 2M or t375 nor month for hi. 0B " . .... . . . . . I semeee, oovo m wnicn is voo uigii. i Why thia much ado about nothing. I With en luoreased demand to, "7 prouuQi 01 in. larra, to gether with an advance in price, an er of thrift oaaool fail to follow. The harvest of Oregon' rrinrtipI farm produota haa been completed and all to good condition, except hoi cer tain looalitiee. The unutual price for wheat, hope, wool and lite atock will bring milliooa of dollara Into the atate which will go Into general cirou lation among the people and particu larly among the laboring clause this fall and winter. Columbia Bounty, by . . . nuuD ill nam nninv laraa producer S -i nl th .1 J j . wi uui In Dricee to the extent that it haa ef. iniHu niw rrmanieti. vauev ana Eaatern Oregon. Bat of whatever haa been produced here a rood price offe?d '? mq" wd ol th m0M' com,D lnU the ,ute thw coonl wiU get a park It ia a gratifying fact, however, that log and lumber, of which we produce largely, haa alto ad vanoed in prioe with indication of greater advance In the near future, which will atari oar mill and logging camp with renewed lite. While we do not produce a great amount of ,n' WWM noP" " " grain, wool or hope, we do market amouu oj uairy proauoe, waion I baa advanced very materially in the I a ff 1 . mi . . ... iajw wccu. i uia ia moat notice' I ble in butter, which told two month ego at 35 eenta a roll, now bringing 60 cents. Hay ia alao in greater d ti mand at a better prioe. The great trouble with Columbia county ia that t doea not produce enough of auch article aa the eoil ia adapted to, all of which would now find a ready market at good pricee. Time, however, will change thia condition, and where now the mighty fir tree eland only a few I feet apart, in a few yean great waving field of golden grain will be visible on wry hand. Bat again, it take time to accomplish great thing. wnAi inn rU-tKS Mr. Neither Gold Nor Silver. (AstorlaNesJ At the baUot box ia Uia next eampalgn they approve the acta ot the legislators who toek tketr oatb and their scats, or those ol we minority whe held-ap the legislature L.iL.. .It I I a.f a i a. IwHOMAvr tui iviuuition nnn Hop mcsuve rjited states senator: whether th. nn- lists, democrats aud Bimoa repnblican were Jostioed ia aeceptiog money from a ,",,du?iJ,1 b7 enemies of ex-Senator Mitchell a compensation for refusal to take th r oaths and do their dntv u ll Utors; whether the precedent established by Governor Lord, whereby the people bean deprived of the elecUoa of a I xhese are th main point that wlU mak. Inp the Issue tn the next campaign. There will be ao reference to.tbe money question The complete absorption of the democratic f?' r"!I,U tT,Biar Scott faction is too fresh in the minds ef the ptopi.. Ho confidence can be placed la the old "reform" forces. They sold themselves ont to Simon and Corbett Thev Droved bv tnetr utterances and their acts that they M governed by the "constant principles "d moUT of bo f'" fllM aannM 1 J Wafe tlaaataul f J I J I I or collectively . When Simon and Scott can control all the popnlist, democratic and union bimetallic legislators, tt is time to wo tor "'T of th state. na tt ,k. v,.i.i.a.M (Oregon City Xnteqrrtoa.) i nereis a lact.oa in lte republican party, backed np by the Oregoniaa, that ia bent on role or ruin, aa waa demonstrated when they made aa alliance with the populists ' wtat" Id up the Oregon leglala- tore, and this fan saw ta Mr. Goer a chance . j- K ., ... sensious in the republican party and he waa thoughtless enough to fall into their When this gang bad an opportunity atate election that Mr. Oeer waa turned down ttre time aucceesion by Governor Lord - waen be applied for the snperin , .1. perintendency of the reform school and the clerkship of the aute land board neither one of the offices paying a hlcber salary ttn,1. Kow these same fellows raise great kowl to prere. t hi Uking an office paying gaooo per year. A Popocratlo Scheaae. (Hilton Eagle.) Mr. Gear is being landed by the demo cratic and popnlist press of the atate for his political sagacity in thus declining an office worth 13000 per annum, but secretly "" "" ' "" user was anven to take tne action be did hnui , ,h. AaKn M,hw .h h. these same fellows. They were grieved that a man who had done ao much for the "publican party as Mr. Geer should be J . portent but badly used personage, and straightway committed the most foolish act of his life. In th meantime the pop Um a.ng in their .leeve. at nfmhUcm . Qttr thlBk, h. h mmU poUtical "ten -rtrlke." bat in reality it Is nothing of th kind, bat simply a case of Pcai hari-kari. Not a Dynasty. (Pendleton Republican.) ;ZT.aZ'Zo"t Although tbe Oregon delegation bare Mr. Geer a $3000 a year fob, they have the satisfaction of knowing that they were the to recognize him. He and bis friends bad to make it appear to Gov- eron Lord that it would be good politics to gi.ehimallWay.arkertbasroperinte.d - entof the state Insane asylum laat year, but tbe governor could not see it that way. The Oregoniaa was as mom as sn oyster eer Being mrni aown then, which goes to emptilrtze tbe lact that It makes s he.p difference whoes ox Is gored. How. ever, the people are quite wide awake and th orooodU team now being abed by the Oregoniaa over the turning down ot Mr Qeer will talltaH utterly tn having th desired eiTect, Corbett, as a senatorial pos slbtllty; is a dead cook In th pit, and Mr. Gear, It is our judgment, will deeply regret th day he allies himself with the consul store wbo "held up" the legislature in the boie of being able to aeat a degenerated ex-member of congreaa in violation of the constitution and in defiance of th x pressed will of the people. Moat men are judged by the company tbey keep, and the Republican, tn the friendliest spirit, takes pleasure In notifying Mr. User that thoaa snds of the best republicans la the (tat have their eye on him. This stats is no dynasty, neither is It, nor will it be, oou trolled by Corbett, Lord and Jov Simon. Looking; for Saoknrav (Astoria News.) W. 8. U'Ren, the Simon-pure pop, who received S100 aa hi bribe while blocking th Oregon legislature last winter, is doing "missionary" work among the middle-of-the-roaders In the Willamette valley. That hundred dollara la holding ont to aa nnu sqal length. He wtll mak his renqrt to bis master in a few weeks, and then Scott will know bow many pops he ha been able to bag. Coming Bra or Thrift. (St. Louis Republic, dem.) It is true that the farmer seldom la a wiser and that be spends freely when he has the money. Bat he is not going to be such a free spender this year as ha has been In the past. Adversity bs taught him the valuable lessons of frugality. He ia going ta buy sparingly this year. While this new spirit of economy and frugality on the part ot the farmer may disappoint the more saagoine merchants for awblle, in th end the effect will be a betterment of all the business Interests of th country. It will lead to an ra ot thrift and accumulatioa or which w have stood in sore need ever loo th industrial ebange wrought by th civil war readerad a readjustment of con ditions and rtlattoa necessary. Dyspepsia eared. Shiloh' ViUliser Im mediately relieves soar stomach, coming- ap-of-food distress, and Is the great kidney aad liver remedy. Bold by Dr. K. Ross. TOIUA. Man I torn an ef aV-al .ag. It aaveo tke Crwwpy Cfcllelrea. Bbavhw, Ta. W have a splendid sale on Chamberlain's Congh Remedy, and our customers comiag from far and near, speak or it in the highest terms. Many have said that their children would have died of croup if Chamberlain's Cough Remedy had not been given. Knua ft Ocaaax. The 25 and 60 cent sixes for sale by Dr. K. Bom. TOXUA. A Car for attlloaa clle. BxaocacB, Screven Co., Ga. I hare been subject to attacks of billons colic for several years. Chamberlain's Collo. Cholera and Diarrhoea Bemedy la tbe only euro relief. It sets like a charm. One dose of it gives relief when all other remedies fail. G. D. Sauar. For sale by Dr. E. Boss. Be net deceived. A Congh, Hoarseness or Croup, are not to be trifled with. A dose in time ot Shiloh' Care will save yon mncn trouble. Bold by Dr. Edwta Bos. TORZA. Ladies, tske the beat. If yon are troub led with constipation, sallow akin, and a tired feeling, take Bad's Clover Tea. It ia pleasant to take. Sold by Dr. Edwin Boss. Get Your Letter Heads, Note Heads, Envelopes, Etc. LOWEST PRICES The Hist M3fes) Wheels, tjtSZT Too! U2k$, system's i Tafiiaa. Tb lightest Bnanlng Wlweis on XArth. THE ELDflEDGE THE BELVIDERE. W atwsys Itsee U4 aewliaj rafcles! Tay thselsal tie Mat ad WaeessI NatloauU Sarwlrrg Macfalnw Co., ga Breaaway, Paetaryt " New Yerk. fMvldera, lOs. j Qet Value Received i EVERY TIME AT . f 3 N. Ae Perry's, I j HOULTON, OREGON. W CASTORIA For Xoffc&ta. and.ChJldran, lath. Hall. Ptgsswr, PETITION rOW LIQUOR LICENSE To the Honorable County Court of Columbia County, Oregon: WI, TUB UNDERSIGNED LKOAL VOTKR reaidina tnOak Point preoluct, Columbia County, Oreicn. would respeotfully petition our Honorable Bcly, at Its neit regular term, which will tie held oo Weriueadar, Sunmhtr Irtl, liwT, at the opurt-HonM. In the City ol Ml. neiena. voiuinoia uouniv. urwroii. mat a ii oauaa be eranted to Nell O'llara to aell aitlrltu. oua, iuoui ana malt lliinora IB 1 quantities than one sallon, in Oak Point nreelnet. and that ueh llcenae be granted for a period efila month s, lor all of whluh your neuuoners will ayer Drar: at 1. Maulers. Jna Jnnnetoa. LauIi Fluhrar. jna rowers, ari Hoc(nmnr. von cwins. i Biaoa, i:nas mrnanan, u u Mayirer. rorter Mmltn in Biactioni, v r HiomotiiM, jhd nryant, Nontren. A P MeOraw. W P. Dlaushler. P Keruor. C Churrhlll. Chas Irioksun. K U Klne. j aiooserioerg, i. a aaaoa, eimon aaaiier, a an uaraon. J w Turner, win ifooerca. ueo Hay J Johnston. A roteraoti. 1. Karri. P D Cramfull J W Unirman. Chaa Black, J Andenon, Wm Fluhrer. Thoe Brady. V i MoHush. T Johnaaon. Chaa Bloom. A retamon, John Veleraon. John andenon, J Jeckaon, Peter Munaon, H John1 n i-t u..t ...... li u n i JJMahoney, C John ton. Jauiee Johnaon. Jno Lund, f llakeaon, M (Jenny. Martin Heneae; T. N.......I.L U t A II.... IA . i. in.- nufviriu.. a a. .1.1.11. u n Hipniwiii w Ternahan, A Madden, J Uowling, O Ksniror. T C Harold, A M MoQraw. oluM CITATION TO HEIRS. In th County Court of the Stat of Oregon, for iiUiumDia wounir. In the mailer ol Ihe fcatateot Otias Chsrrtngton, deceased. To Vernonla V. Daweoa, heir at Isw ot Oslaa i nerrlorton, dacvaaed, aud to all heirs un known, 1( any there be: S TUKNAMKOr TH K 8TATK Of ORKOON You. and each of you. are hereto Mm. manded to be and annear belora the Honorable County Court ol the Stat ol Omron. In and lor ina fouoiy or iwumDia. at tne uourt-Htmae, 10 St. Helens, Oregon, oa DaturdaT, the 33rd day of October, A. U. 1HS7, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said aay, it name we recular 8eMmber tana of said Court, to show cauae. tf any exhtt. why an order or aai si tne wnoie oi tne eo partner tup real eauto of Able and Cherrlntton, should not be nam as prayea lor in tne neuuno el tne utor ot the laat will of Oiiaa Charrlualan. Amt. eeaaed, and administrator of the partnemhlp aaM Court; said partnemhlp real estate being de- rint The NUo NKW: the MRU nfHWU- Uia iracuoaai ! tneaeuoi tha BVt ol NKl7nl Wll.m Hit. II la Tn.i. that Ko. Sort ho Bature No. 1 Waatof the Wlllain cue atenaiaa in atuitnomaa touniy, Mate of Omron, and containing 'mH acres ol land. Second A tract of land situated In said Mult nomah County, Oregon, and containing 7 acres: aai a tract or land rutin anowa .n.i aa. acrthedaa'The Joy 70-Aet Traut," and la sit- uaieu iu me nouin ena oi in nam. LaniMraoo and Mary Jane Lamberaon bonatlon Laad Claim, In Reetion ho. In Tnwnahln Mo. 1 norta, ol Haoire No. 2 West of the Willamette aerraiau. and la more nartlenlarlv daanrlbad in a eeruln deed Irom J. If. Joy and wile to Jack n Able and O. Cherrlnatoa, dated OMooer Uth, INS. and which deed la raoordad In tha Rnctnla of Multnomah county, Oregon, tn Book log. at pace tee, to wnicn menace u nereby mad hw unnnuiaoniiwia. In tmtlmonv wbarwnf. f. Jndana Waaa r-laplr of the County Court aforesaid, do hereunto aet my hand and efflx the seal oi aaid County Court, mij Dun ia i.iiy oi ni. neiene, uregon, this Uth day of September, A. D. Itftrl. f I Couaty Clark. (COCMTT COOBtI - al7oa CITATION. In tbe County Court of the 8ute ot Oregon, tor Colombia Cauntv. In Ihe Matter of Ihe Estate ot Philander Harris. an inrorapawni pereon. TtrHEREAS. W. J. MCCKI.K. Til TtTt.V T appointed, quallHad and acting guardian of the person and eaute ol Philander Harris, aa Incompetent person, has Bled his petition In Ihe shore entitled Court aakina- inr a license or authority to sell the follow ing-deserlbed real estate belonging to the estate of said Phllaodar Harris for the purpose ol procuring means for tne maintenance ol tne said ward, namely I East one-half of tha aoothwaaft anarlar nf few. Uon 22, Township 7 North. Range 1 West ef the t uiemetbe ascnuian. N ow, therefore, th hearing of said petSUna Is set for Monday, November 1st. 187, at th hour of 1 o'clock A. M., and the place Is at the County Court-Hous. In Bt. Belens, Oregon, at which time and place all Demons Interested In said property and In said estate, or either ef mem, are aeieoy Dotinea ana reqrjirea to ap pear and show cause, if any they bate, why aaid Glltlon should not be granted and the said land sold, and said notice of this hearing to be uoiianeo mr snree conaecuur weess IB IDS 'regoa Mist. IKina at Chambers this ISth dae af aentamhae. WS7. f.U. i6an. sasol Couaty Judge. NOTICE Or FINAL SETTLEMENT XTOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEK THAT -LI I. tb undersigned administratrix of tn estate of Frank M. Meeker, deceased, have aied in the office ot tbe county clerk of th County of Columbia, rj tats of Oregon, my nnai account ut my aommtstrauon upon tbe said estate of the aaid deceased. and that Ihe Hon. J. B. Poan, judge of the county uoun oi saia launty ana Bute, has appointed Tnesday, October Uth, 1W7. st 1 o'clock P. M ., and tbe courtroom of said county courthouse. In tbe City of at. Helens, In said County aad State, as the time and place for the bearing and settle msnt of said final account, at which time and place aay person Interested In said es tate may appear and file their objection thereto. Dated at Ht. Helens, Oregon, Sep. tember 9th, 1807. KHEMNK MKRKER. Administratrix ot tha estate of Frank k. sleeker, deceased. alOoS NOTICE OF riNAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT we, the undersigned administrators of tbe estate of Cutbbert Stump, sr., deceased, baye filed In the office of the count clerk oi Colombia county, State of Oregon, our nnai account ot our aaministratlon upon said estate; together with oar petition for final distribution of tbe residue of said es tate among tbe persons entitled thereto; that tbe Hon. J. B. Doan, Judge ot the County Court of said County and State, has appointed Monday the first day of Novem ber, 1HW7, at one o'clock p. m., and the court-room of said Conrt at tha Count Court-house, In the City of St. Helens, in saia county ana state, as tn time and Diaee for tha settlement of aaid final aiv count and the bearing of said petition for distribution : at which time aad place any person interested in said estate may appear and file their objections thereto. Dated st St. Helens, Oregon, September 0tb,l(7. A. STUMP and 1UTbdISRT STUMP, jr., Administrators of the Estate of Cutbbert Stump, Sr., deceased. , slOot NOTICE Or riNAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE IB HEREBY GIVEN THAT I. THE undersigned administrator of the eatata n Charles Isaksen. deceased, have Died In the office of the Clerk of the County Court of the State of Oregon, In and for Columbia County, my final account and Detlttnn Inr final rllatrihn. Uon ol the residue, In tb matter of said estate; that the Hon. J. B. Doan, Jodire of said Court. baa appointed Tuesday, the 2nd day of Novem ber, litW, at 10 o'clock A. M. of that day, as tbe time, and the Court-room of said Court at the County Court-House, In the City of Ht. Helens, in said County and state, as tbs place for tha settlement of said aciwutit. and tha hftarlna-nf said petition for distribution, at which time and iace any person interested any appear ana als CHRISTIAN HOVVW. Administrator of tb Estate of Charles Isaksen, 1X7 AWTBD FAITHFUL MBN OB WOMKW V V lo IraTsl for responsible established house kaOrecoa. Salary tm and eipansee. FoslUoa permanent. Bererenoe. aaeioee self-addreesed stamiMMl enrsloee. The MaUoaal, Star inauf anee hldf .. Chicaso. TUT AKTED FAITHFUL MBH OB WOKBH TV to treTsl for rasponsibl resDOnstbleestabiiahed heasa la Oreaoa. Katarr 7te and exrense. rosltlea erssaoent. Meference. Bnelose self-addressed stamped envelop. The National, Bias Insur ance Bid., Chicago. WAKTED FAITHFUL MEN OB WOsfsW to trarel for reanonslbla aatahllahad hnaaa InOreson. galarjr f7toand expeaaes. Poeltioa aerananeat. Reference. Bncloaa mwpad enTslspe. Tb Kalloaal, Mat lasur aaoeBld(.,Chica(e. . Your Money's Worth Every Time Dolman's Store. . . . Lumber All kl"d ot rough and dressed Lumber on abort notice. Builders' Materia 01 tha beat quality delivered to . any point on tbe river at tbe Lowest Possible Price One-half Caett and One-half . la FARM PRODUCE. Addreea all order to H. B. BORTHWICK, GOBLE, OREGON. O.B.&N. TO THE i oivia THB OHOIOI of TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES GREAT ORKOON NORTHERN RY. SHORT LINE, VIA SPOKANE DENVER SALT LAKE OMAHA AMD .MINNEAPOLIS ST. PAUL CHICAGO KANSAS CITY LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES OCEAN STEAMERS LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY 5 DAYS FOR San Francisco For full information call en or address W. U. HCRLBUUT, Osn. Pass. Agent, FoBTLalD, OB. PROFESSIONAL. BAT W. B. DtlXABO grHllttVfer & 9ttlt, ATTORNEYS -AT-LA.W OBca next door lo Conrthouse, BT. HKIJCNr), OHKUON. General Drastics la courts of Oraena or Waah Inrtou. Abstracts aud directly Inn county reoords. GEORGE A. HALL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Collections, fereelosurea, mechanics' lelns, etc wepuiy prosecuuna auorner. vow with T. J. Cleeton. St. Hklxhi, t Obsoow. G. W. COLE, ATTOBMKT AMD COUN8BU) B AT-LAW, ST. HELENS, OREGON. Title Abstract Books. Mntarv PnMln. Cnrnmla. sloner of Heeds for Washington, and anexper- mMfln wiinwr ID aonnsaiQB wl,o Draw, DENNIS & TIMMONS, Attomeyi ni talon at Law. Gxotbal Law Peactiob. Collections, rorsolosnres, liechanles' liens, sto. Will practice In all the courts of Oregon and Washlnaton. Taymb BriLoiao, - - Bv. Bnm, Oa, R. KDWtM BOW, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. St, Helena, Oregon D H. H. B, CUFF, PHY8ICIAN AND SURGEON. 8t. Helens, Orsgon, JH. J. X. HALL, , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Clatskaule, Columbia county, Or. Ty K. MB8EBVB, Surveyor and Civil Engineer DKLENA, OSEOON. County Surveyor. Land Burreylnit, Town Platting and Koaineeiing work promptly executed. . . . r WANTED FAITHFUL VI If OR WOMEN to Irarel lor responsible esubllshed house taOtema. halarf , sod espenaes. Fositioa MnaahMt. Belarenee. Enclose sell-sddresssd """4 "T!I' Th MaUoaal, Star Insuc Aee aid., CUlso, Dart & EEucIiIo'd -IS THE PLACE TO GET- Choice Groceries ST. HELENS, OREGON, Complete Line of Clothing" .V SHELF HARDWARE AND NOTIONS. ' Flour, Feed, Hay and Grain. ST. HELENSMEAT MARKET All Kinds of Fresh Meats, Hams, Bacon and Lard Meats by Wboleaale ai special Kaiea. MAIN BTIIWKT. I I Clatskanie Drug Store New and Patent Medicines Stationery, School Boots. Prescriptions Carelllij CcmpoMca r ....ST. HELENS HOTEL. Our table, will at all timea be found auuoaciea tne market; adorda. TERMS REASONABLE FOR REGULAR BOARDERS The hotel having been newly refurnished we are nrepared to give satis faction ta all our patron, aud solicit your i.sironnue. J. Ceorge, Proprietor. St. Helens, Or. VVVVVyVVVWtVVVVIfVVVVVVM Buy Your Shoes From Us I Ladies' Shoes Ladies' Tan $1,75, Oxford, Square or Round Toe, $1.25 Ladies' Tan $2.50, Oxford, Square or Round Toe, $1.85 Ladies' Tan $1.00, Oxford, Square or Round Toe, 85c Misses Shoes Misses Tan $2.00 Shoes, sizes n to a, $1.50 , Misses Tan $1.50 Shoes, sizes 11 to a, $ 1.25 Men's Shoes Gents $ 5.00 Tan Shoes, Square or Opera Toe, size 5, SJA and 6 for fa.50 LEO SELLING, Send Us Your A CM Third, Bor Yamhill and Morrison, Mailorder. lwl PilRTIINII fiRFRnil HUCKLE BROS. MAKurAOTusass or Diipension Lnmber, Flooring, Rastlo, Bbrstlilnjt, slnK, and a ootnlete stock of eveiy variety of Kongh and Dressed Lumber ALWaYI OH rabd. AT THB OLD BTAND, BT. HELENS ORKQOV PORTLAND AND CLATSKANIE CO 09 STEAMER O. VT. SHAVER, Dell Shaver, Master. Commennlne Anrll lit. lNM will iu Pnrii.nl f.i nf W1.lnim airaat. Tunsdsf Thursday and Bunday evenltiK at ft o'clock. HetiirnfiiK-Leaves tilatsksBU. (tlds vf nittting), Monday, Wednesday and Friday evoninirs at ft o'clock. Will pss Oak Pwnt ;: Ha7:ISi Maygerf:28j lUinlur 8:20s Kalama0:l0; Kit. Helens WM. '" iu 1 uciiaim i:cva.m. 1 a oonipany reserves tb rlKlit to oliangs time witnoui n" HAVER THE JOSEPH KELLOGG & "" ' lUl S I IIIM I II HMD "f "l lIMill I Wi'iai'' I "-r' mmw ' 1 STR JOSEPH Tra3TlfjOOCr FOR PORTLANE ' Leave Kelso Mondays. Wmlnssrl.v. Portland Tuesday, Thurtday and Saturday at 6 o'clock a. m. james li. Sheldon ST. IIMI.KIS, OIIKoon. DR. J. E. HAIL, Proprietor. Select Stock. and Drogst's Notions. sfh afti afti AAilAAA A A, iV.aVatt BL.ee. I supplied with the best edible ui Reduction Sale Will knil W V llhWWMI ORIENTAL UOTEL A. If. BLAICEHliEY, Proprietor. Board by Day, Week or Month AT REASONABLE RATES. The table Is supplied with the best the markrl alTiirils. Kverjrlhliig olean. A share of y" '.!' rouaee Is Killcltud. HT. HKLKNrJ. Ol -CON THANKPOHTATION COlHfAISs COMPANY'8 RIVER 8TEAMER anrl VrM.v. .i i n'ulnok a. m. LeTe"