The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, February 28, 1896, Image 4

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    Highest of tQ In Leavening FowavLatest U.S. Govt Report
4 B&?rfep
Kliabarofka, Siberia.
Khabarofka if wretched looking lit
tle plao4, abont a quarter the site of
Vladivostok, although it is the oapital
of eastern Siberia and the reaidenoe of
the governor, general, it uM ,bont 49
degreet latitude north, or 6 degrees
north of Vladivostok. In the poblio gar
den is a bluff commanding a blrdsey
view of the river, beach and steamers.
Here is a monument, in bronse, to Gov
ernor General Adjutant General Nikolai
Nilcolaiuvitch Muravief, who took part
In two exploring expeditions 1 854.
1808 and gained the title "Amnraki"
for bis services in the acquisition of
this Ainor region to Russia. The chief
street in Khafiarofka is called, after
bim, Maravief-AmnrskL On the stat
ue's pedestal are engraved the name
of himself, bis wife, abont 26 military
ofSoers and seven scieutiflo men, who
"shared In the toils and dangers of his
expeditions. " Near the statue is a band
stand, where a military baud plays on
Sunday evenings, and a little temple of
the Blessed Virgin, the Bogoroditza,
with painted pictures inside the walla,
further on is a pretty little wood, left
for shade. Behind is the governor'!
bouse, a fine brick building, with sen
tries pacing before it Past the wood a
steep path leads to the bathing place,
where one has the choice of wading in
from the stony beach or diving from a
regnlor bathing house at the end of a
dilapidated wooden pier. Fortnightly
How Mr. Carlisle Keepe CmU
Mrs. Carlisle's prescription for endur
ing the heat is first of all not to worry
or fret Do all yonr work early in the
day and try to find some light employ
ment, either physical or mental, to keep
yonr thoughts from the thermometer
and how "awfully hot it is. "
The wife of the secretary enjoys her
Home to the utmost She has the house
rid of many of the heavier hangings
and thicker rags as soon as the weather
becomes oppressive. The large, airy
rooms are clad as far as possible in oool
summer attire, and the intense heat of
the midday is shut out Washington
Amy Oh Cm Make It Mid Ban Some
thing That Will Be a Delight.
It may be easily constructed out of an
ordinary barrel and a sour! length of
hemp rope sufficiently stout to bear the
weight of a grown person.
One should be earefnl to select a
clean, nicely made barrel for the pur
pose. .
If there is no empty one to be found
in the storeroom or cellar of your home,
it may be purchased at any grocery store
for 85 cents or less. Remove the top and
bottom of the barrel, and three inches
from the edge, both top and bottom,
boreholes by means of a gimlet between
the staves all around.
Thus you have a row of holes at each
end of the barrel, through which may
be laoed the rope, inside and out, and
fastened firmly at a chosen stave on
Former Deaf Mutes Give Hesitations and
Other lNtrfbrtnaaees.
A unique and interesting entertain
ment was provided the other night fur
the frieuds and patrons of the Wright-
Huniason School For the Oral Instruc
tion of the Deaf in New York by the
pupils of Hint Institution. All who par
ticipated were persons who are totally
deaf and would be mutes had they uot
been taught mechanically to speak. The
first part of the programme consisted of
the recitation of "Miles Staudish,"by
Helen Keller, a 15-year-old girl, who
has been both deaf and blind since she
was 18 months old. She is now learn
ing to read the lips of person speakiug
by laying the fingers upon them. She
committed the poem to memory from
the embossed characters nsed by the
blind alphabet When in doubt, she re'
freshed her memory by means of the
raised letters.
Although her articulation is ueowwn
rily imperfect, her words were audible
and intelligible to most of those in the
room. The readina was illustrated by a
series of seven tableaus in Puritan cob
rumo. The pupils who took part iu the
tableaus were Bertha M. Freeman, J.
Pierson RadolirTe, Will J. Quinlau and
Willard K. Taft They were followed
by Katharine Woodward, an 8-year-old
child, in a Greek dance.
The performance was concluded by a
two act farce, written by one of the im-
pi Is, Robert H. Moultou. There were
eight speaking parts, all of which were
enacted by persons who had been taught
to speak. As they were all totully deuf,
it was necessary for them to take their
ones by watching each other s lips. The
performance would have been a very
creditable one for auy amateurs.
Mr. Moulton, who played the leading
part, spoke with great distinctness. He
has been prepared for college at the
school and will enter Columbia next
falL He expects to have no difficulty in
recitation aud will be able to under
stand part of the lectures by watching
the lecturers' lips. The others in the
cast were Bertha M. Freeman, Florence
Shattuck, Katharine Woodward, Carrie
Macniel, Willard K. Taft, Francis Bell
and Mary Nicholas.
The entertainment was the first of the
sort ever attempted at the school, and
Mr. Wright was much pleased with its
success. The preparation for it, he said, '
bad been of great value as a means of
practical instruction to the pupils.
New York Sun.
Her Heart Vpn Her Sleeve.
The up to date girl, says the New
York Snn, wears her heart upon her
sleeve. It's a gold or silver heart, to be
sure, and it dangles abont her neck
from long, slender chain, but it ia of
locket pattern, and within it are a like
ness and the lock of hair presumably
of her sweetheart The hearts are about
an inch and a half long and appear in
all grades of expensiveness. Sometimes
they are of richly chafed gold set with
precious stones, bat again they are sim
ply of frosted silver. They are known
as "Trilby hearts. "
FIT". -All Flu Hopped fn( br Dr. Kilae'e
Greet Nerve Restorer. So Flu after the dm
day's nee. Marvelous cares. Treatise end 92.00
trial bottle free to Fit eases. Bend 10 Dr. Kline.
Piso's Cure is the medicine to break up
children's Coughs and Colds. Has. M. G.
JiLEHT. Sprague, Wash., Mreh.8, ltm.
KILLER ram cbiax
Family Medicine of the Age
Taken Internally, It Cure
Diarrhoea, Cramp, and Pain in the
Stomach, Sore Throat, Sudden Colds,
Coughs, &c, &c
Used Externally, It Cures
Cuts, Bruises, Barns, Scalds, Sprains,
Toothache, Pain in the Face, Neu
ralgia, Rheumatism, Frosted Feet
He article ever attained to seek snlimsilii
As srtiole of (rest aurtt sad rbtaev-Oee.
o besrtesthuew to the Hoaor of the
rain-Killer. We hare seen IU made Meets ia
aoetMsg the sstsraet pain, and fcsow It to be a
(ood artlole oLpotdL
a speedy enre for pals no funflr shonld he
Kothine has jrt snrpessetf the Psta-KIIler.
which is ths moat Taloable feastls Bsedicine near
in iue.-re. Ores. w "" new
fit has reel merit ; as a Beans of remortac nam.
e medicine has aeqalred a rspatetion easel te
jSrrjf Os.le' Vt-kUlmJlJrl (,) jJiuJ
It is really valuable msdlotne at hi sees Be
anr Trn,IUr7 ""
Beware ol Imitations, bar only the geasiae
DIRECTIONS for uting
a particle of the Balm veil
up into the nostrilt. After
a moment draw strong
breath through the note.,
, Vte three timet a day, after.
meat preterrea, ana before
FXY'S CREAM BALM Opens and cleanses
the Nasal Passages, Allan Pain and InfUuamav
tlon. Heals the Bores, Protects the Membrane
tram colds, Restores the Senses of Taste and
BnelL The Balm Is quickly absorbed and giver
telle! at once.
A particle is applied Into each nnatril and t.
agreeable. Price, 60 cents at Draggists' or by
M Warren Street, Mew York.
A mild fin
. Amosementaf tbebowsjss
either side. You will be surprised to
find how nicely the ropes will adjust
themselves in the half circle or grooves
afforded by the gimlet holes.
Knock off the barrel hoops, and yonr
hammock will fall at your feet, the
Btaves opening out smoothly, held se
curely by the ropes.
Ropes attached at the four corners
will swing the hammock from stout
brass hooks fastened on the tree trunks
on the lawn, or between a piazza post
ana tne horse, upon the latter.
There is a deal of luxury in this sim
pie, homely device. The swell of the
stave toward the center will be found
to exactly fit the back when in a reclin
ing position, and, moreover, this ham
mock will not double up and incase one
in uncertainty of getting in and out, as
the net ones are so prone to da
For the lawn the hammock need only
receive a coat of English enamel paint
in some Drignt, cheery color and be fit
ted with a Japanese rush pillow, or cir
cular net, which can be purchased for
10 cents, but for the piazza we have
seen one elaborately decorated.
It was painted a vivid yellow, and
the ropes had been stretched over in
crimson wool, finished in tranches of
pompons that hung from the brass hooks
that suspended the hammock.
A very thin pad, or mattress, made
of hair and covered with a Bagdad rug,
which hung over the sides of the ham
mock as an oriental valance, added to
its luxury; besides this there was a nest
of down cushions gay in bandanna covers
piled at one end. Exchange.
1 JF r.H 1
Graceful Walking.
It appears that Newport society girls
have formulated a rule for eraceful
walking, which pedestrians will please
copy if they wish to get on in this
world. An intelligent writer thus de
scribes this step: "One of the cardinal
points," she says, "is that the advanc
ing foot should be placed a long way
ahead of the other, so as to make a very
Jong step, almost a stride, and to keep
this stride graceful the foot that is left
behind lifts itself to the toe and takes a
right angle swing. The toe must always
be set down first, or the body will sink
too heavily at each, like the step of a
fat woman. The pointed toed shoe is
preferred if long enough, as it cuts the
air and lends elasticity to the foot"
Them I This is uncommon sense, but
the Newport pedestrian always walks
Just that way. Therefore let every girl
who can forsake her wheel long enough
to walk at all try it She will feel she
is in the swim right off. for Hiss Amv
Bend and Miss Julia Grant, besides half
a dozen other fair ones now doing this
wan step act, are declared to be "bean
tif ul walkers. ' ' Boston Herald.
KonAr That William Waldorf Astor Is to
Marry Lady Churchill.
They say now that it is Lady Ran
dolph Churchill on whom Willie Wallie
Astor ia about to confer his name, his
Spanish ancestors and a share of his
enormous estate.
It seems a good and reasonable match
enough, but rumor has always had it
that Lady Randolph long since gave her
heart to another to the young guards
man whom she nursed so tenderly
through the consequences of a severe nc
Willie Wallie would indeed be fortu
nate to capture such a prize, for Lady
.Randolph is still young near 41 clev
er as they make 'em and with an excel
lently well assured position in English
Bnt, then, this is only rumor, which
may be very wide of the mark and may
natter Willie Wallie s vanity to an iu
ordinate degree. Cholly Knickerbocker
in New York Recorder.
Ia Ills Bleep la Mtdoeeaa Ho Heard War
, .Talk.
A fussy little mnu, who had plenty
of money aud spent it lnviahly, was one
of the saloon passengers who arrived the
other day on the American liner Paris.
He was looked upon as a nuinance by
some uf the panmiiigei's on the voyage,
but when quarantine was reached aud
the passenger read of the president's
message and subsequent events they
chauged their views shout the little
He was one of the few who dared go
on deck during the first days of the voy
age, owing to the storm. After the con
cert on board he gathered about him a
doaen congenial spirits, bought cham
pagne for them and spun a yarn. It was
of a dream.
He had dreamed that there was a
panic on the New York Stock Exchange
and stocks were falling off frightfully.
Aud he vowed there was war talk be
tween the United States and Englumi.
Then the other men around the table
shook their heads gravely and advised
the little man to stop drinking aud go
to bed. He wonld feel better in the
morning. .
But it was different yesterday morn
ing when the paiwrs were thrown aboard
at quarantine. Then the little mini be
came the cynosure of all eyes. He en
joyed it; also the chauipugue that was
forced npon him. . His frieuds oluimed
that he was the only genuine dreamer
extant Owing to certain effects of
champagne, the little man was just able
to maiutaiu a diguioed silence and
could not be interviewed ou dreams.
New York Herald.
Bathing Ethics Troubling Folk Ia Parts of
While the authorities at Washington
are struggling with the Venezuelan
question the Illinois state authorities at
Lansing are having troubles of their
own. Here is a question which a blush
ing young schoolma'am, residing in an
interior county, has submitted in good
faith to Superintendent Pattengill :
Which should take a bath the often-
er the farmer or the stndent? If you
think that the student ought to, please
give your reason why. "
The schoolma am explained that her
pupils had been unable to solve the ques
tion. The question remains unanswered
pending the return of Professor Patten
gill to the city, and in the meantime
both the farmer and the students doubt
less grace the ranks of the great army
of the nnwasbed.
Foaad la a Series of Pits la the Bit Horn
A party of gentlemen from the east,
who have been hunting aud fishing for
the past mouth in the Big Horn moun
tains and basin, iu Wyoming, met while
there with a pertinent illustration of
the natural laurvels of the great central
weat This was nothing less than the
discovery of a series of pits, or vuts, of
natural soft soap, the excellent quality
the product showing that old Duma
Nature is well competent when iu the
mood to hold up fully the etid of her
string as a housewife.
These natural soft soap pits, seven in
number and having an average capacity
about 1,000 gallons, are scattered
over an area of two or three acres of al
kali land, situated joxt below the
months of half a dozen hot springs and
two large springs of practically pure lu
bricating oil. The water from the hot
springs and the oil draiunge combining
with each other and acting on the al
kali deposit constitute a natural soap
manufactory, the product of which is
gathered in the adjacent series of earth
cavities, or pits.
Just below the pits themselves is a
wide tract of spongiest marsh soil, in
whose depths the soft soap surplus is ab
sorbed. The product is perfectly mar
ketable, and in the coming commercial
development of the Big Horn basin
there will donbtless be a natural soft
soap syndicate. Rocky Mountain News.
Rlae) of the Medloal IWesslon.
During the niediicvnl times the mon
stories, serving as centers of iustitio
tiou, gnveaomeeinbodiment to the med
ical profession, like that which our col
leges give. In Italy there later nroso in
stitutions for educating physicians, as
the medical school of Kulnruo iu 1140.
In France before the end of the thir
teenth century the surgeons had bocomo
incorporated iuto a distinct college, fol
lowing in this way the incorporated
medical faculty, aud while thus inte
grating thumsolves they excluded from
their class the burbers, who, forbidden
to perform operations, were allowed
only to dress wounds, etc In our own
country there have been successive con
solidations. The barber surgeons of London were
incorporated by Eihvurd IV, and in the
fifteenth cmitnry the College of Phy
sicians was founded niid "received pow
er to grant licenses to practice medicine
a power which had previously bei'U
con (li iol to the bishops." Progress in
dcflnitonouH of integration was shown
when in Charles I"a time persons were
forbidden to exorcise surgery iu Loudon,
aud within seven miles, until they had
been examined by the company of bar
bers and surgeons, and also when, by
the eighteenth of Hoot-go II, excluding
the bttrliors, the Royal College of 8nr-
goons was formed. At the sume time
thero have grown np medical schools iu
vnrious places which prcpuro students
ror examination by these incorporated
medical bodies, further integrations
boiug implied. Hospitals, too, scattered
throughout tho kingdom, have become
places of clinical Instruction, some unit
ed to colleges mid some not Another
species of integration bus been achieved
by medical journals, weekly and quar
terly, which serve to bring into com
munication educational institutions, in
corporated bodies and the whole profea
sion. Herbert Hpeneor ' '
By ths kHInoyi, Impurities pnii off bttmiseaiy.
lhtluaetlvlty ot the orient named not only
cau-s thoe ttapurttlot to rsmslD and poUou the
ytisiu, but alo leads to the desensmtion end
dostrnotluii ot ths orsaua themselves i'reveui
llrlglit't dlsvas', dlabelei, diiwy, (ravel anil
oilier allmrnu which sltoci I he kidneys and
blaildmr with !liailter'at!tmnih Blue s. whlnh
IIIivwIhi nvereomiw malarial, ily'iitlc, ullloui,
nuivoua and rheumallo ouuipialuls,
"You're mesn stimuli to ileal," the dried,
As st her side I sat.
Ami all I slide was I ml kiss
Aud I was hyptiotlaml altliat,
Ths winds over trosen ponds anil lakes,
over tnnw-Hrhla of plaint and open coun
try, it heavily ohargetl with frost and tins
particles of froten matter. H It the most
penetrating way for chill (n set In. Hud
an warrntn, sudden chill, and levers
ooldt. Uirls and buys skating, driving fur
pleasure or outmost, ana men at work
ttleld know the dltlorenoe In tenmeratme.
Yet the youngsters skats away and with
mouth open laughing take In a dose ol
urethroat. Drivers and workman throw and all know the next day
trom somites and still'iiNs what sudden
ahill means. Now the liett thing to do
wnen Homed it to run wen at ono w ith tit.
Jscolii Oil. If vuu do, you will not have
ton-throat; or If you art still' and tore, It
win out iy warming ths surlaoe to throw
WtlHe-I knew vnu
Castlutmi-rVhy. Wllller Willie
been asleep til the afternoon.
were coming
Wt offer One Hundred Dollars Reward lot
any oase of ( alarm that otuuot be oared by
nail s v-aiarrn t'liia.
r. J. CHKNKY A CO. Prone.. Toledo. O
We the tiudernlgiied, bare known C. J t-'heney
or tne iasi id rears, euu neiieve mm temmy
honorable In all business transaetloui aud fin
ancially able to sarry out any vbllsallous natlt
by their Oris
Weev A Term,
rVhoinale Drurilrta, Toledo, O.
Waldino, Kiksam a alsavia,
Wholesale Ururalsis. Toledo, Ohio,
Hatl'i Catarrh Cure It taken lutenially.aetlna
dlreoily upon the blood aud macous sunaeet ol
uie avaiam. frioe. 7&e tier entile. Ut, d h. n
muiiim .tv.iinoineis irve.
nail's i
I family fills are the beet.
Throat Paralysis. "hV'v
MAKRIAliK JOI RNAI,, eoii'tliilns tilnturas
and tftti "ads," It) cents. It will heln roil find
P. O. box Kw, Portland,
' Owe PHI for a rieee.
ttL""T!t- otbtukw roe. e
THE AFRMOTOR CO. dote half tbe werlat
wiuuioiii Dusiness, Decease ass reaueea the oust of
Wind power to l . wbst Itwas-s It has many branca
Trimmlnfs For Summer Bodlees,
Lace, ribbon an bead decorations are
all noted on the bodices, while empire
capes, epaulets, Vandyke arrangements
and various other designs are shown for
their adornment, writes babel A. Mal
lon in The Ladies' Home Journal. As
bead trimmings are quite expensive, it
ia well to know that there may be got
ten, in tbe large shops, strings of beads
and spangles to be applied to ribbon or
piece material, so that the economical
woman may form a fashionable garni
ture without spending much money.
Satin ribbon is more generally seen
than either velvet or aronarain. and the
reasons for its popularity are not only
that it ties easier, bnt that it contrasts
more effectively with the fabric proper.
Stripes and plaids in silk are fancied
for plain bodices, while if a plain color
is used it is given an elaborate air by it
trimming. Cotton blouses frequently
have a double ruffle down tbe front for
their only trimming, as it is conceded
Perforated Balls,
Yachtsmen will be interested in the
discovery of an Italian sea captain,
George Batta Vasalio of Genoa, that ad
ditional speed can be secured by making
a number of small holes in the sails.
The contention is that tbe force of
wind cannot fully take effect in a sail
since the air in front of it cannot prop
erly circulate in the inflated part; that
it is stagnant and is in effect a cushion
which acts like a spring mattress, de
creasing the actual pressure of the wind
against tbe canvas.
Trials made by the captain in various
weathers have seemingly proved tbe
utility of this innovation. New York
Back to Bis En(lne From State Offloe.
i. j. uennessy, woo years ago was
nominated and elected state railroad
commissioner, has returned to bis old
occupation that of a locomotive engi
neer. At the time of his nomination he
was an engineer, with a run between
St Louis and Poplar Bluff, fie gave up
his job to make the canvass and was
elected. Bis six years' term expired last
year, and in January of this year he
started a little business, bnt it was not
a success. He applied to the Iron Moun
tain for a -job, got it and took out his
first train to Little Bock the other
night. Chicago Tribune.
-Ta.khuDd.upplieilu.ooJ. aud repair. Ir," - ,7 " ",cum
" a at your door, n ou and does furnish a I to be in best taste to develop them
L heotrUole for less aMoeytaaa I rile-
""""""J outers. It nates Pnmplnc and
JOeared, SteeL Oalranlssa sfter.
- completion W!
lndmllls, TllUnc
i Bass Saw
dfr - -uvaianmi TT orumi Jtaw
Ta. -r and rued SMel Towers. Steal 1
"Frames, steel reM Cutters and reed
OJ. Grinders. On application It will name one
til et these articles that It wlU furnish anvil
Benarr ist as ls we usual prlee.- n alas assess
Tanks and Pumps sf all klnrta. anna nr mmImiia
I 121s, Kodiwta ted TUlaMrt streets, Caka
Miss Mary Bartelme of the Chicago
bar has just closed a course of 16 lec
tures upon medical jurisprudence in the
Woniu'i Medical college of the North
western university.
Relative Strength of Metal and Timber.
Dr. Bobert H. Thurston, in a recent
article, discusses various materials in
which comparisons of interest are made.
At the ontset he gives the following
generally accepted figures: Cast iron
weighs 444 pounds to the cubic foot and
an inch square bar will sustain a
weight of 16,500 pounds ; bronze, weight
625 pounds, -tenacity 86,000; wrought
iron, weight 480, tenacity 60,000 ; hard
"struck" steel, weight 490, tenacity
78,000; aluminium, weight 168, tenac
ity 26,000. A bar of pine just as heavy
as a bar of steel an inch square will
holdup 12)5,000 ponnds, the best ash
176,000 and some hemlock 200,000
pounds. Wood is bulky. It occupies 10
or 13 timet the space of steeL
Brooklyn Abont to Place Them on Lines
Leading to Cemeteries.
Funeral cars on several of the Brook
lyn trolley lines of street railway are to
be placed in operation next spring if tbe
experimental car on the Ridgewood line
proves to be a success. The system has
worked successfully in several western
cities, notably Abilene, Kan. ; Lincoln,
Neb., and Chicago,
The cars making np the train will be
appropriately painted black. The first
oar is especially constructed for the pur
pose. A bier in the center will support
the casket Opposite it will be Beats for
the minister and tbe pallbearers.
Une uext car, with sable blinds to
draw down, will be reserved for the im
mediate mourners and will be attached
to the funeral car as a trailer. Tbe trol
ley pole of the first car will be droned
with crape. The main body of the
mourners and sympathizing friends will
follow in ordinary cars at as clone a
headway as possible.
Coaala of President Lincoln fttamolne-
Sontheastera Kansas.
Colonel C. A. Lincoln, a consin uf
Abraham Lincoln, is the Populist Moses
just now who is electrifying audiences
in southeastern Kansas. Until recently
ne was a poor farmer in Cowley conuty.
Last week he espoused tbe Populist
faith and announced 100 meetings in
schoolhonsea in Bourbon connty.
He assumes the commonplace charac
teristics of "Old Abe" aud drives a
little bay mare which he says he has
driven three times across the continent,
making total of 85,000 miles. Chi
cago Times-Herald.
Intelligent Sheep,
"I was on my bicycle," writes a man
to an English magazine, "and was paus
ing a very large field whore a number
of sheep were grazing. As I pastscd a
sheep ran toward me in an excited state,
looking up at me like a pet dog aud
bleating in a most piteous way. I was
so interested in what I saw that I
stopped, and instantly the sheep gallop
ed to the farther end of the field in the
tame excited way, and then raced back
to me again, bleating and looking up at
me just in the same beseeching way as
it did at first Had it spoken it could
not have been plainer in its request that
I should go with it to the other end of
the field. I could see nothyng bnt a few
trees; still I felt compelled to go with
the sheep, go unmistakably did it let me
know that it wanted me to go with it
So I went, the sheep galloping on be
fore me, till it reached the spot at the
end of the field where I felt sure it
wanted me to go. Till I reached the
place the animal ran round and round
the same particular spot in the same ex
cited way, as if it wanted to say : 'Make
name, uoine as taut as yon can. ' When
arrived, I found there wag a deon
stream of water, and one of the sheep
had fallen into it and was struggling to
get out. "
A Disappointed Storekeeper.
A man went into a hardware store in
Portland, Me., and asked for a second
hand coffin. He said be kept a country
score ana tnougnc ne would keep second
hand coffins for sale. He thought the
Portland stores kept everything, from
nornets' nestt to secondhand cofflus.
end was grievously disappointed to find
From the Comtor-tlurnlil, Ssjrluaw, Mlih.
It wat publicly talked all over Clare
county, Mich., for tome time before
the Courier-Herald tent reporter to
Dover to fully investigate the Coulter
matter. He finally went, and we pub
lish today hit full report The Coul
ters are prominent people, though Mrs.
C. in respouse to the qnestiou whether
she objected to being interviewed, said,
"Certainly not" Her ttory followt:
"About fourteen yeart ago we de
oided to take up our abode in Dover
and everything- went a Ion a tmoothlv
for several yean, business progressed
aud being of saving temperament we
accumulated quite, an amount Our
family increased at the yeart rolled by
and we now have five ohildren living,
the oldett 15, youngest 8, but tioknost
made ita way into our household, and
doctors' bills flooded upon ut, until we
have nothing left but our home, aud
these tweet children. Everything
went to satisfy the olatmt ot physi
cians. .
"About three yeart ago I had a
miserable feeling at the back of my
ears, my right hand became paralysed
and the paralysis extended to my arm
and throat, and would affect mv head
and eyes, aoinetlmet for dayt I would
lose my tight, my face wat deformed,
lifeless at it were, my nose wat drawn
to one aide and I presented a pitiable
appearance and never expeoting to re
gain my natural facial expressions. I
employed the best physicians that
could be procured, expending thou
sands of dollars for their tervioea but
oould not obtain relief. At last they
stated my oase wat beyond tbe reaob
of medical skill, and it would be but a
short time until the end would oome.
This certainly wat not very enoourag
ing to me, but I never gave up hope.
In connection with receiving the at
tendance of physicians I have tried
every medicine known to the apothe
cary, but never received any relief un
til Ur. Williams Pink Pills for Pale
People came to my assistance. Before
I had taken half of tbe first box the
deformity in my face had left me, and
before four boxes had been consumed
the paralysis bad disappeared entirely
and much to my surprise I felt like a
new woman. I have not taken any
meaicme since last spring, just about a
year ago, and my trouble hat not ap
peared since. I owe my health, my
life, to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.
"A short time since my little boy
John was afflicted with St Vitus'
dance. He could not walk across the
room without assistance, in
wond fall all over himself, but after
taking a few boxes ot Dr. Williamt'
Pink Pills, St Vitut' dance entirely
left him, and no traoe of the affliction
it left These pills are worth their
weight in gold. Von may say in this
connection that I am willing at any
time to make affidavit to the truth of
these statements, and furthermore I
will answer any communication con
erning my case, at I consider it noth
ing more than right and jnat that I
snouia assist suffering humanity."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain all
the elements necessary to give new life
and richness to the blood and restore
shattered nerves. They are for tale
by all druggists, or may be bad by
mail from Dr. Williams' Medicine
Company, Schenectady, N. Y., for 60
cents per box, or tlx boxes for $2.60,
Tit Gun a lor breakfast
Aest rS.AVmral a JfeKela.
rrof. w. I. resits, whe
inakea a epeuialtv ol
hpilepsy, has without
doubt treated and vur
yd mure rases than nn
living Physician i hli
Sticcs as It astonishing
We have heard of casei
ol so years' standlnt
m re a u)
him. tl
publishes i
work or
this dlt.
ease, whlt-a
h tendt
large Dot.
tie of hit absolute core, free to may sufferers
who may aend their K O. and Kspreaa address.
LL vii"JJiJl?,wih'nS -ure to address
Tot W. K. rttlJt, t. 9.1 4 Coiar $u, lew Tar
April, May are most tmphatloally the
moiithi for taking a good blood purlfltr,
btoauM tht system it now most in need
of inch a mttlloine, and btcauH It niort
quickly responds to niedlolnal qualities,
In winter Impurltlu do not past out ol tht
body freely, but accumulate In the blood,
Tbe beat medicine to purify, enrich and
vitalise the blood, and thut give strength
and build up the tysttin, la Hood's barta.
parllla. Thoutandt lake It at thtlr Spring
Medlolnt, and more are taking It today
than tver before. If you art tlitd, "out ol
sorts," nervous, have bad test In tht
morning, aching or ditty htad, tout
stomach and fool aM run down, a count
or Hood 't rJaraaparllla will put your wholt
body In good order and make you strong
and vigorous. It It the ideal Spring
Medicine and true ntrvt tonic, bteaute
ItthtOntTnie Blood PurlBer. Alldrulstt. It,
Prepared oulj by 0, 1. Hood a Co., Lowell, Mass.
Hood's Pills
are purelr vrtttshle. rare
fully prepared. Weenie.
run 3 ti outj
Talliir aisds, nnlshtd and tewed
With silk Ihroughmil, perfert attlng
h flrst-rlaaa white tailors from
yonr measure. On application will
seud samples nl cloth anddlreetlona
lor sell measurement. Stark Cher.
Int tiiltinirs, !. I'nllurtnt end
Blryole suits a specialty.
mhv WINS mure 8wTMiNa
siiiiws vsvii v ernur
fee sale or all saaaarts. es ta
Morphine Habit Ca
to so data.
a 19
Cared I
Ne n till emrea.
INt, Lseaaee.OSie.
; cocoa cautIonTI
E( If "La Belle Chocolatiere " Isn't on ?f
P the can, It Isn't Walter Baker & Co.'s f (
I J Breakfast Cocoa. I J J
l WALTER BAKER St CO., Limited, ! w
fh----- - Hi'-1
I nlaWIMaHlan 1 aCaaaaataaCl aHI tTt f Aw-aJa.
" you want a sure relief for paint in the back, tide, ehett, or
saeaaV UeVVS tSM
Bbar in Mind Not one of the host of couaterfeiU and Ind.
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"VA7"Tr A "TVTf" T1?f .TW3r remwble and certain
VV J lII ,f-N IXJ relief given woman by MOOKK'8
it the name of Woman'. raJ KKMElY hat M
lr,'iingthe,ki,,'hh POT? dw Vkn
which burden and thorten worn an 't V--'--Xe ii"aTT..!-rf.!5
women test fv for It. it will . kJIi.u -j t Thoneandtof
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GJS'iiS.i.e?.. the wiluuette moi WOiU
203 - 3 s 3T PORTLAND.
Pocket Knives
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ket Knife TTTT 1C
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We will tend FBEB either.
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Both Ousrantesd to I
vuawtr siesj.
40 Coupon i
os, row
Coupon mnil 40 cent.
Tii? 2? m' TO" In.lfls snoli I mtwe bar
aud tare ooupone luslds esoh t ouoos bag of
Send Coupon, with Nam, ,Blt AMm, to
Buy a brier of this Celebrated Smoklne Tobacco and r'M, .,-
I MliT TAMpa ACCirrro.
markiio itmicai
HIT, a, 1 1 THIHI I
Many of yoa bare
ten tnfferlng for
yeart from tr.,.n.iu i... " " """..
and have been .bit lo" ,"" beiT yZTSX
whose hSr;d".,hr,ii,, "l U' 4lS2Si to
WJ.T,rnf."JS,e nt.o curing
ihese troal. es are due, but Is perfectly harmless
will mall on arm nation oirmilarenniT.:. r.T
tmall box, or 16 per large boi, (Tsml. 'Lid;
aceiltt wanted: nan m.k. ti. J ."V'..?0"
ve,v Udy wants aonaldo.' Rmlt brsle'iiS
letter, p. b money order or elrVreii S
order payable to KKNO DSisi 7!S ..,?."'
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I ITjlpfitii
J 1 tatlraa
IT ""espimii M vm
'nip, Tum QotA Vm I
noia vj aniiwiirUL f
they didn't. Hardware-
-ewo)w t 1 1 teeeeea eeeeeeeeeea.a..
. P. N. U. No. m,-, T. V, V, No, Tif