THE OREGON M 1ST. KT. HkI.KNK, lK('KMIIKIt 11, 1M1. LOCAL AND GENERAL. A lull line of rubber goodi t N. A. IVrrj'n, Uoulton. Edwin Uot hu ordorod it large iu nlv of Christmas goods. ( losing, flr.t class bt ,,n,ity at l'rry'. UoiiUon. Doii't fail W read the railroad propo- Itiou In another column in una issue. During the mtmtU of NovcimIn-i the ralofull at Xi"t wm over nliiotuoi. Indies, mora than ever known, during the Mine month bufore. It la said tliat during the storm on Monday the wind blew down a school liouie ImCeiitcr, Waalt,, and killed three children. The John Went oa:w up Wfdnewlay eveolug with Blaiichaid'a pile driver for the purpnMi of driving iumu piling for Muckle Bros.' wharf. We are informed of the marring of the puraor of the steamer, Mascot, on Monday morning at 0 a. in. Klhr rarly Jn the nuiniing to commune matrimonial bl'.ss. A marriago license waa instied lust Halurday by clurk tjuitik. to W. 1), t'mn4land Kato Hwagi-r, both well knowa here. William H. Bradon, of tho Tfilmlrim Journal, took a "squliil" at the county vat while on bia way to Portland hut Tuesday. For rain continual downpour of rain the past week hat broken all provlous record! In the history of thi country. Tobacco, cigars, notiooi, etc., at Perry's, Houlton. Th eteamer Iralda met wiih an ao rMent In the elough near Rocky Point laat Friday, fa backing out from White' landing lier pmpelior struck a nag, thereby spritinig her "ha' However, ahe aa able to make her regular trip down Batnrday eveniug after being taken back to Portland and repaired. .... Rend the advertiaement of W. J. Muckle & Co., Rainier, in another column. Judge Hwitttcr returned Saturday from a few day' trip In the vicinity of Itt-uhvn. Uoblo and Rainier, wbure hv lnul bw)M looking up Insurance mat- . tS'tH. If fct, Helena ia to do any cile- bmting on Christmiu U la high tin aotnotlitug was Mug done in prepa ration. Kv. B.iuman,of Rainier, dtlivered a very able sermon in Ht, lluluua Ban day night Ust. Worn Pedro, ex-emperor of Brasil, dud in Pari laat Friday night. Muckle Co. have bocu putting in it fine assortment of jewelry and have ordered a handsome plate glass allow aae in which to display it, A printed five year guarantee will be given with ach article sold, thia certainly ought to give confidence iu the quality of their jewelry, flhould you rome to town and hap n to got "one more reef In your aail" than you think yonr wife will approve of, jtnt aquare it up by buying bar a preaent of a piece of jewelry at W. J. Muckle Coa., flveyoare guarantee with each article. Mr. IXlnian ha! received eight Hunda of jieaeh atonea frm Zatiey, oue of tbe Western mountain oountiet t4 tforth Carolina. Dr. Jamea A. Ray, ul Mist, Oregon, ordered them collected ad aent by some of hia relative who live there. The selection haa beeu made from the beat seedling pcachca growing iu the mountain valley, and the object ie to find a hea thy peach nulled to thii climate. If you wish to present your friend, your mother, your sister, or aomubody else's sister, with a Christina prevent :all at tho drug store and examine the took of holiday good. Mauy year practice ha?e Riven C A. Snow A Co., Solicitor of Patent, at Waahington, P. C, unurpBod uoceaa iu obtaining patent for all claaae of inveutfona. They make s ipecialty of rejected caaca, and have nocured allowance of many patunta that had been provioualy rejected. Their advertisement i:i another col tiinn, will be of iutcreat to Inventors lataute, manufacturers, aud all who luive to do with patent. The mortar bed In the county road between St. Iletona nd CoUtm tia City, are ald to be almost Impana nblo. Tho practice of waiting until tho fall ruina begin, to work I lie roadu, ia absurd. Throwing lootto dirt on tho top of mud only tends to make the mud deeper, and tho work had better never be done than dona in this man no'. . On Wednesday evening a meeting of tho citizens of St. Helens was held in the courthouse for the purpose of Arranging for a Chcuitmna true. Mr. Hwagor culled the meeting to order, fter which it waa decided to have a dliriatmaa tree in the church house on the evening of December 24. Com mittee were appointed- to 'make all ticccaaiu-y arrangements. f If thfc Com niiiUMi unnoliuotl nil Uko an kiiiihI ' iutufst In tlio preparation! , the tree will be a aucceas beyond a doubt, Such a thing a a failure in a Clirlnt' nma trie waa never known in St Melon. Mia Eva Archbold, of Hillnboro, is vUiting her aialer Mr, J, R. Rueglu in St. Helen. CXATHKANIK NICWH. Fred llrunh was unforlunute enough to out hi fixit hint week and i now keeping August Knits compnny who meet with a similar accident a few day before. Sheriff Meeker paid tho town a brief visit lint Wednesday. Judge Ward, late ol Indiana, came In on the Shaver lust week and spent a couplu of d.iys In town forming the acquaintance of our citizens. lie pro poae locating in Portland to practice law and will no doubt succeed well an ho is a very clever gentleman and has had an extensive legal experience Oeorge Murray relumed on Friday from a two weeks visit up the valley of the Willamette. An Invoice Is being taken of the gooda in the Edaerum tro, prepara tory to turning the stock over to the new proprietors, Nickolx & Kellny. Postmaster Cupt, M. Nickulu, is now on duty. WednenUy evening was made the occasion for another social dance in honor of Mii Conyers' birthday. The citixena" meeing called for Sat urday evening waa fairly well attvndid after the bra baud gathered in front of the hall and played a couple of pieces to remind tbe forgeifull one of what was going on. A. M. Tichenor was called Ui tho chair and Dr. Hall ap pointed secretary. The ehuir an nounced tliat tuo meeting wa canon for the purpoie of endeavoring to obtain the aubacriptions In cash, labor, or material, tuflkient to build a new mcIiooI hoti-o ia thi district without the assoment of adilitiouul tax or bonding tbe district fot indebtedness incurred. Them was a free euterchungc of opinions but no difWatice aa to the propriety of avoiiling induoletiniiess if Mitilio. A cominuice wa apoinled to circulate n oubxbription paper and about KK in labor material and cash was subacribed at the meeting. A. Myers received intellegence on rlaturduy of the death of his grand&on, Freddie. son of Mr. and Mrs. Phil Stout at Scaview Waah. The boys death oc- curcd on Wednesday but the newa. owing to some defective arrangement did t reach here untill Saturday Mr. Myvra left for Seavlew the ilrst of the week. Supprises will never cease; and one of them came to us the past mk in the report of the marriage of Ed Mc Cture and Miss Nellie Edgetton. Rut h an event canuot be said to have been en tircly unexected, but to have a couple slip off quietly to the residence of a jus- lice of the pcaca who lives oat of town and get man led and then keep it quiet for a day or two is an unusual way of doing such thing, and the surprise come iu wher we Kam that it ia all over aud we did not know it was com ing off so soon. Since Justice Lee declare they are married, and since the couple blush and duo 't deny it, the best wishes of their many frionda and they are many go out for their hap piufss and success. The new couple are spending their honeymoon and will be at home to their frienda on tbe Janiea Burr farm where applea aud cider will be dealt out geueroualey to all who call. Ed Page and wife expect to reside in town where Ed will be employed to take charge of the store of Nickels St Co. " :. .' Another wedding took place on Sabbath at the school house on Steward creek not ao q tiet a the oue noticed above. Rev. Coal united D. J. Barnes and Blanche L. Jones youngest daugh ter of Mr. and Mia. Charles Jones of Beaver. Our brans bund felt impelled to go over and add their musical tribute to the occasion which they did accom panied by Miaea Nora Bullow and Hiillio Conyer. The supposition is that they had a good time for their voices could be heard inaongorthrough their horn for a mile or more as they wended their way bock home in the evening. They report they were not in time for the ceremony at the school house but were in time for the exer cises at the house about uoou. Tho Shaver gave u an early call Monday aud slipped off agaiu for other parts. iKUK ISliANI. Last Sunday night and all day Monday was Very atormy' here, being the heaviest Bturni we had thi win ter. . Rev. M. Burlingiune preaohod here lust Sunday according to appointment, Mr. C. II. English is so improved so as to be up aud around. , Mr. E II. Oirty ha a picket fence built around hit parents' grave. Mr Lymnn Mori ill done tho work. It is very appropriate and several others should take example. There la a rumor that all money tn the bunds of school clerks the firxt day of March next must be returned to the county treasurer to ho appbr tiitixul out tutxi year. Wu are in j formed Unit there it no mch clause in the school law. Will the county su perintendent please give u legal in formalio.if John Horgren, who lives out on the Clutskanie river, close to Fichtel, is manufacturing a wagon at present An enterprise of this kind should do well here. We know of several young men in Nov Scotia who started busi ness of this kind in less promising place than here and have succeeded in establishing a paying bunines. There has been several new wagons here of late, and several more are wanted; there are but fow buggies hero as yet, and thu farmers must Lave buggies. A good carriage factory here will be a good paying institution. NOHMAIi NOTKS. Three hundred and twenty student have already enrolled this term, and uew one arriving almost every day. Tho Senior class, numbering forty- three, last week finished their "final" examination uu ten studies. The cluas did fairly well, eleven failing to pass tbe required grade, but some will no doubt make it up on the remaining eighteen studies. Columbia county's repterentatives passed as follows: Miss May West, 92 per cent., being thir teenth in tho class, and Mr. W. II. Powell 97 por cent, being the second in the class. The play given by the students at the end of the last term was given with credit to the performers. School will adjourn for the Holidays n Weduesday, the 23d iut.,andcom- mence oil tuomiuy, Jan. aa, giving about ten days vacation. The new electric clock work splen did, giving the signals for change of recitation by ringing a small belt in each room. The Appolo olub of Albany gave an eniertaiumcut Friday evening for tbe benefit of the library. The receipta were over $70. John Lloyd Thomas, secretary ol the National Prohibition Party, orgnn- ixed a club of 103 member ou the 28ili inst. TltVON. Tryon tramway broke about a week ago aud Mr F. M. Hudson and Amos Johnsou bad a very narro w ecae. There was a burglar in the residence of S. H. Tryon a few nights ago and they had a very narrow escape of be ing robbed. Mrs. W. J. Sanborn made a flying trip to Portland lait week to see her daughter. Mr Frank, Hudson is going to keep bachelor hall thia winter on his place Mr. Albert Sanborn bad a very severe toothache laat week and had to go to Portland acd have it pulled. Freddie Winchester ha returned home from Rainier this week where he has been attending school thia winter There was a very enjoyable Thanks giving party at the residence of Mr. E Smith in Beaver valley. Those present were: S, II. Tryon, Henry, Nelson Efnj Fentry, Lottie Nelson, Francea Olcson, Mrs. Nelson, Emma Hendrick- son, Lewis Hendriekson, Willie Miller Susie Hudson, Mr. L. K. Hudson, Mr aud Mra. Parcher, Johnie Winchester Mr. and Mr. Winchester, Mr. and Mrs. Kyser, Mr. Wagner, Annie Burns, Aa-ness Burns. Mrs. Burn, Alviu Burns, Bessie Smith, Dellia Smith, George Smith, Miunie Parcher. Mr. Learson i expecting his sister ouUroin California soon. n.UMKR. Mr. Dean Blanchard had the mis- fortur to lose a valuable team ol horses last week hy a tree fulling on them, killing both of them instantly, and came near killing the driver. Rainier ha done more building this fall than any other town along the river front. W. J. Muckle A Co. have been re modling their store lately, making it considerably larger and more conven ient than before. Muckle k Co. seem to be alive and fully up with the limes, preparing to supply the want aud necessities of their many customers. Business integrity is the sure road to success, and these gentlemen seem to be possessed of aonsideruble of both. W. J. Duits la preparing to erect a store building in Rainier proper, near Muckle & Co., and will there conduct a general merchandise business. The town seem to have broken out in butcher shops, there being three in operation at present. Judge Swilxor was in town last Fri day Iu the Interest of his insurance agency. G. F. Moeck has heen sufferinu with rheumatism, and has been tinder the skillful treatment of Dr. Moore, of East Portland. The firm of Smith A Symons, gon erul merchandise, is now running un der full heud with a fair assortment Of goods usually found in a general atore. Dean Blanchard, with his pile driver, hu been at work at Reuben lately makinir some improvements to thu wharf at that place, MtltaiIljANI ITKMH. The first snow fell on tho 1st of this month. Andrew Doyle left thiscity for Cluts kanie Sunday lust. Messrs. Robert Frcoman of Hilln boro, and Millers of California, are guests of Mrs. Ella Qrahum thi week. Mln Orphiu DaVey returned home from Portland lust week. Charlie McDonald attended the dunce at Weslport and reported buy ing had a good time. Henry L. Colvin went to Portland last week aud returned Saturday. A social dunce was given at S. M. Urulium's Thanksgiving evening. Dancing was kept up until a late hour when all returned ho-i e, after haviuv had a good time. The officers elected in the debating society were aa follows: O. D. Suther land, president; L. D. Graham, vice president; Silvo Graham, aecretary; Charlie McDonald, ergeant-at-arms; Bill Graham, treasurer; Louise Gra ham, editress, and Tildeu Graham, janitor. There was an entertainment laat Saturday evening at which the follow ing programme was rendered : Song by audience Resiling ''Lips that touch liquor uliall never toucb mine Hilvo Graham ong "Tbe tSoldisr's Letter" . Q V. Sutherland Hesitation "Aunt Jemima's Court- ahlp" Mabel Uruhatu Rradlnn by A. 8. Graham. Hong-'-Tlio 8sn Francisco Burxlar"... L'juii Jurtrey Bseitalion-"McUine,s Child" (itorpia Graham Dlslogus "ft'ai the Man Kllltd?" ... MIvo and Mabel Graham Reading by t- D. Graham. Tableau by James Wal'ace, Sllro Graham Song "Grandmother's Lesson" . . . Maliel and Louise Graham Dialogue "Tbe Enrolling Otlicer" .... Georgia, Louise, Mabel and tiilvo Graham. Reading of the Marshland Journal Editreo.i Pompaboke. PITTBUUKO. The mail-carrier reports having a hard lime of it Monday on account of tbe snow and trees across the road. If it continues to rain much longer the old saying will come true : "Take a boat to find the Well." I. W. Dctrick and crew left thin place for the Lower Nehalem with a raft of lumber last Sunday. The pirly was all O. K. at Mr. Wil kinson's lust Friday night. Dancing was kept up until a late hour. Albert look a tumble and they all went home expressing themselves aa having had a huge time. Some of the young people have been attending the protracted meetings at Vernonia the past week. An article from Pittsburg to the Nehitlcm Journal reads as follows: "Dame Rumor says there will be a wedding in our part of the country soon. Guess who it ist" The general guess is that it is the dame herselt. The mill company lost aeveral logs Monday lust, by the boom breaking Mr. Bawlea ia on the sick list this week. Charles Milinger has taken charge of William Wilkiuson' farm, recently vacated bv Georee Parker. George say he could not stand the pressure, as he could not sell the produce readily. Rumor savs Charley has a bargain. Lloyd snys he is going to attend the county alliance at Neer City January 5. What ia the attraction? Uko. The First Step. Perhaps you are run down.can 'test, can't sleep, can't think, can't do anythink to your satisfaction, snd you wonder what ails yon. You should heed the wurnh.g. you are taking the first step Into Nervous Prostration. You need a Nerve Tome and In Electric Bitters you will find the exact remedy for restoring your nervous system to Its normal, heal ty condition.. Surprising result follow the use of this great Nerve Tonioand Alterative. Your appetite re turns, good illation Is restored, and the Liver and Kidneys resume healthy action. Try a bottle. Trice 50c at Edwin Rots Drugstore. MIEttlrF'S SALE. STATE OF ORECSON, M County of Columbia. ) By virtue of an execution Issued out of the County Court of the State of Oregon, to me directed. In favor ol bverdiue tarrell and ositinsi J. W. tlevis, jr., and John W. Ilnvix. for the sum of t US All. iudirment, with interest from the 4th day of November, at H per cent, per year, and the further sum of Si!) 00 costs and accruing costs; 1 did, on the 1.1th dav of November, lNU, dulv levy upon all the estate, riht, title smf interest of the above named deleiulauts, J. W. Hevls, jr., and John W. Uevis, in and to the followfng-dcserilied real property, to wlt: That portion uf Hunter's Donation Land Olalm lying west of Deer Island Mlough, in sections 25 and 30, township 8, ramie 1 and 3, containing 207 acres, more or less', together with all the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining. Now in pursu ance of naid execution. 1 will, on the lfHh lav ef Dccenilicr, 1WII, at the h nrof 10 o'clock A. M., at the Courthouse door in said county and state, sell the alaive-dcs-cribed interests of stdd defendant" in and to said real property at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, or so much thereof ns will sathfy said execution, in terests and costs. VV. A. MEEKER, SliwitTof Columbia County, Oregon. Dated November 13, ltWI. naodlS CONSUJIIPTIO 4'I KI.U. An old physiciiin, retired from practice, having had placed in his hands hy un East India missionary, the formula of a simple vegetnbl remedy for the speedy and per manent cure of eonsuinpti n , bronchittis, catarrh, asthma aud nil turoat and lung af fections, also a positive and raeical cure for nervous debility and all nervous com plaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his dutv to make it known to ids suf fering fellows'. Actuated by this motive and a de-tre to relieve human suffering 1 will send free of charge, to all who desire it, tiiis recipe, in Merman, French or English, with full directions for preparing aud using. .Sent liv iail by addressing with i-tamp, imlnmi,' this paper. W. A. Novas, jrJO Power' Il'oek, Rochester, N. Y. ELECTRICITY IS LIFE A New Mode of Curing Diseases by Electricity an Practiced by Dr. Dnrrin. (Oregonian Doc, 7, 1891.) The close resemblance of electricity to what is known as nerve force, bus led some scien lists to believe that these two potent forces are identical. Vur ous experiments show, however, that this theory cannot be substantiated. This invisible electric current, when guided by a skillful operator, acta di rectly upon the many tissue of the body through which it is made to pass, it priucipul effects being produced through the medium of the nerves. Organs acting too slowly can b quickened to proper activity, while ether organs in a morbid state of act ivity can, by it use, be restored to their natural state. It requires long study nnd experience to become sufficiently familiar with the physical condition of patients and the principles and construction of but teries to produce the most desireable results. Dr. Damn's wonderful suc cess is alone sufficient to verify tbe statement that is a thorough fdcctri cian and medical practitioner, a tbe following cures show : Wm. Altnow,, Drewsey, Grant county, Or. Catarrhal deafness and ringing iu the ears for twenty years, perfectly cured. Mrs. O. Magenson, Merchant's hotel, Portland Rheumatism, neural gia aud lemule troubles, cured per manently three years ago. W. F. Ogle, Seutco, Wash. Liver and kidney complaint and dyepepsia, ulso deafness and whole system run down, cured. William Little, Seatle.Wash. Pain in his chest of over eight years' stand ing, entirely cured by el-.-clro-magnelic treatment. J. V. Shangle, Sunnyvicw. Or. Heart disease, palpitation, kidney and liver complaints, cured. Dr. Darrin continues to treat all classes, the rich aud the ixior alike, free of charge, at 70J Washington street, Portland, Or., from 10 to 11 A. M. daily. Those willing to pay, from 11 A. M. to 5 P. M. ; evenings, 7 to 8; Sunday, 10 to 12 A. M., at one half hi former prices. He gives free and con fidential examinations to all at the of fice or by letter, lie treats all curable chrouic, acute and private diseases, with electricity, and medicine, when required. WSE5 "APKRODITINE" Is Sold ox A. POSITIVE OUARANTCS to cure any form of nexvou diKsu) orauy disowwof tho (tenorativeot puis oieiwar sex, wbother artaiui:' BEFEiflF mef 8-imulaatt. AFTER Tobacco orOptum, or tb rough joutaiul in,l!'(T Mod, over lmiulsrnce, , sucu a Lose of Brain Power, wakefulness, fcearituedown in tha bac(,8eTniual Weak new, Hysteria, Nervous Pr tratlon, Nocturnal Krnlwloin, Le -eorrno-t, litx ttness, Wk Motaorr, Lom of Power an.l Imrs tncy, whl h If ncrtecle-lofleil lead to premature old a;e and insaultv. rrlre il.U) a box, S boxes fcrf.ViO. ycntbTmRtloarereit-tof r'tce A M PITIF.M 411'AKANTEK is given for every lit) on!er received, to refund the money if a l'ermanent cire Is Dot ofiertwi. We havo thnucamlMO! testimonials from old a3 yonng, of both sexes, who havo been permanently eitrel bytbetueof Aphrodltina. Circular tree. Address TH APHRO MEDICINE CO. Western Branch. Jkx27 ponn ). For sale by EDVi'lS ROSS, Dbuqgiot, fU. Helens, Or, PORTLAND MARKETS. Thursday, Dee. lO. rRomrcE, fbcit, rrc. WIIEAT-Vallev. $1 5; Walla Walla, SI IU) to SI r.S ner cental. FLU Hit Standard, $3; Walla Walla, 81 SO; graham, ft; superfine, $ per barrel, U.VJS Hew, 4'(st44c per Dusnei. II AY SUM 13 ner ton. MILUSTUFFS llran, $l!)a20; shorts 120jtUl: chop ued, 1X8(0,19 per ton, barley aO iter tort. BUTTER Oregon fancy creamery, 373 .n.. l! . : 1 4K,AI71.'. vc; laucy uaoy. x iir wkwi, -.vy., common, lotA&c; Eastern, ncJ31jC per pound. CHEESE-Oregon, 13(3USc; Eastern, 14c per pounn. KCOS tier dozen. POULTRY Old chickens. 3 50(84 50 vonuff chickens, t! 60i.) 50: ducks. t. geese, nominal , $11 12 per dosen ; turkeys, 14c ner iKlund. V HUE TABLES Cabbage, nominal. t5c 0l ner cental: onkms.ailei!?! per ceutnl potatoes, HK'tOUc per sack; toma:es, 40 to one per dox, FRUITS--Apples, 50 to 80c per box STArLK OBOOKBIKS. COFFEE Costa Rica. Sic; Rio. 20c Salvador, 21c; Mocha, 30c; Java. 2oc; Ar- buckle's, 100-pound cases. 2l&o jier pnnud tsuuAit uoiaen i;,4?4cj extra w, 4ic granulated, BEANS Small whites, SUc: pink. 3c bnyos. 4c; butter, Sc; Uimu, 4c per pound. NOTiii-; roK ri Bi.icATiu.i. LandOlticeat Orecon Oltv. Or.. Dec. S. 191. Notice Is hereby given thai the following named settler has tiled notice nf his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and tliat said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Columbia e iunty, at St. Helens. Or., ou January a, issj, vt: M.IRTIV 8. PIPPOt.I). itontcstrad entry No. 7150. lor (he ne Vf of see. 11. tu6 n, r S west. He names the following witnesses to prove ma continuous resideuce uimn, aud ciilttvation of, said land, viz: It., Elmer K. Ortndle, J. P. Yonn and Willfnni C. King; all of Aptiirr, Columbia county, Oregon. , 1. T, ArfeKKU.v, dllJlS Register. Dissolutiou of Partnership. , Notice is hereby given that U. P. Wat kins litis retired from the firm of W. J. Mucklo ol Co., doing business lit Huinkr, Oregon. All debts due said firm will he nayuble to. Sin I till debts due from said iirin, will be iuid by W. J. MUCKLE CO. Rainier, Or., Nov. 17. 1KH. dlljS Portland, Oregon. A. P. Armstrong, Pria. Branch Scliool : Oacital Bus. Oollkuk, thtlcm, Oregon. Santa oounwa of audy, anine rste of tuitloa. . ItnslnesR. Shovthand, a sr I" aeMlon thrtmaiKtut ihe yr wt .'iuts a ltd at aiv lluv. t'ui.Uusui: tiv: silho 'tKlJH King" Clothiers of Blue Corner, MorrUait and eeand Streets. Frflan1 YOUR CHOICE OP ANY orOvercoat IN THE HOUSE TAILOR-MADE -NO- TRASH. SI 5.00 Boys' Suits and Overcoats, Ages 14 to 19 Years F. R. CHOWN, IMPORTER OF - !. 1-1 t1? .a. ,v i ( v a, ay- lift .j, rfC - MANUFACTURERS OF - Sheet-Iron, Tin and Copper Ware, WHOLESALE 212 First and cor. Sainton Street. lOfi FIRST STREET, OPP. LADD & TILTON'S BANK. Yun are respectfully Invited ORS&On HOFAE&TEAD CO. And examine our list of Properties , the finest snd best of s hii-b is , Hawthorne's First Addition to Portland, LOTS 50X100 FT. Parties who desire to Halt and examine thin property will And our sgeut snd team ready at any ume tree We ata offer 100 10-itere tracts belonirtne to th Hawthorn estate at HiLLmoao, WashluKtou county, H mileaweiitof I'ortlancl, oue hour i ride by rail, three timeji daily, CLIFTON p.HXLX, COLONY. Whits Salmoh. Wash, Auntt 20, ISSI. Thi. Into eertlfr that tbe "Oremn Homeatead t'tmnany" haa aeeured forua rood and well located homeateada, rwiuiriug little. II tny clearing, with ttrst-class aoil, well adapted tn grain and ee tahlm, aa well ai k the produvtioii of every variety of irrain and fruita that can he grown In Cali fornia.. Orejou and Washinrtfua. aad w hara locatetl tnereon. Said homeateada are attuated oa it Waahuiaiun aide el Um JJolamlsa river, coavenient to the landing nf a daily line of leamera, andoupuKite so HuHittTT.taUua, on the lineof the Union Pacllie railway, 66 milea cut of the city at Purtlaud. We cordially recommcud our frienda aadothera to join our colony. ' (Signed, There am now ilxly aettlera ia the eniony and elaima enough tor 10 to If more families, aud obtain full particulant, . We are also locating a colony about three milea from Port Angeles. Five, 10 snd 3 acre tracts 60 per acre. Alao a colony at Uillsbom, Or. oa IS and JO-acre tracts at 1100 and f 124 per acre. 40 acre farm a miles from St. Helens, all good land, creek running through the renter, aplandid springs, new S room house, amall garden, fruit trees; f& per acre. We have thelarpeat and mutt valuable tracta of laud In the atatea of Oregon and Waafclair iom. We receive none for subdivision or aale that we cannot have endurwd by the leading real dentx of the rttstri it in which such lands are situated. We receive none except auch aa have aa absolute perfect title. We have 200 S-acre tracta near PORT ANGELES, WASH., an clesant tract for a colony f0 per acre; 8,ag0 acre lu a body Bear the above. 125 per acre. Very liberal terms. Four Homesteads, We have for aale a beautiful fruit farm of a ISO acres, SO acres under fence. 90 acres under eulti Talion. Price 11.500. Terms I1.S00 cash, balance on time. With household lurniturs horses, vattle. hoa, poultry, wagons aud everything anitable lor a flniKlaMt (arm, 1,800. Terms, 3,iMI rash, balance on time. Call and get fall partlcalars. 115 acres Qoe cleared land near rtosebnrg, Oregon, nearly all level, dotted with beautiful oa trees. Si per acre. Speadid fruit and grain farm. One lOre tract, near Port Angelea, 3t per acre, esah. -Special !- A partv is forming here tn visit the I" nit eel Mates Cslnmkla. Mantis Aosarlra, diiVin the month of December, to beabieat threeor four months. The lnduiinenta offered are far superior to those of California in without the hardships then endured, like mines of Columbus exceed in rirhueas auverer discovered tn California or newaata. The climate is just the same aa in California, the farming landa ranging In price from 60 cents to 1 per acre. Produce, any kind of trait, grapea and gralu grown ia California and Oregon, in addition to coffee, eoeoa and all the tropical fruits. , ANOTHER lAHTY. Is forming tn visit San Dies; and the City of Enaenada, Lower California la Decembe. , to spend tho winter, exploring the mines aud examining the r in litre with a view el Incatiug a colony of Prst-claea fanners and fruit raisers. For full informal! u. aendl-cent stamp ts MR. GEORGE E. Oregon Homestead Co. Final Settlement. Notice is 1-ereby ;iven that I, Wm. H. Pol'ium, tbe administrator of the estate of M.iry Itcnnett, deceased, have filed with the clerk nf the county court of Columbia county, st'iteof Oretron, my final account of mv administration upon the said estate, tOBclher with my petition tor final settle mi nt and distribution of the residue of said estate remainius in my h inds; ami that tiie judge ot snid court has fixed Monday, the 14th day of December, 1891, at 10 o'clock A. M. of siitd dav and the courtroom of said court as the time and (dace for tiie hearing and settlement nf snid account and peti tion for distribution, at which time and pi ice any and all persons interested may appear and contest tl same. 11 WM. II. DOLMAN. Administrator of tbu estate of Mary Ben nett, deceased. listed November IS, ISM. nlWll the Northwest. TAILOR-MADE OLD STOCK. HardwarE Table and Pocket Cutlery o Dairy and Household i Goods. Cooking and Heating Stoves. AND RETAIL. PORTLAND- PORTLAND, OREGON. to call st the office of tha EAST SIDE, PRICES $700 TO $850 EACH. TERMS LIBERAL. oi expenae. ; 41 acm, improved farm? miles aouth of Port land, BearClaekama. Clarkaman atncmnv H. P. R. R., rvA house, land all fenced, good wtter, ome Umber; price (15i per acre, easy terms. 8. A. Cam. 46ft T st. lVtrtlainl. W. J. Kolb. Oak at.. Portland. W. J. Bates, cor. Front and Hall its., Portland. Chas. H. Chidson, Z7t Fourth at., Portland. G. F. Cook, eor. Fourth and J its., E. Portland. C B. Blackwbu.. eor. 41b and J ata. K. Portland. M. W. KtscAiBiS Porter at., Portland. F. 1'incs, eor. Third aud Ash ata., Portland. Call Acrra6Each, $130 EaCll. PLACE, Car, of our office, 1041 FIRST ST. AdmlHlstrator'H Sale. Notice Is hereby given Mint pursnant to nn order of the county court of the State of Oregon for Columbia "count v, mail on tha aotltdnyof July, A. I). the uniler- siKiied ailminitrnti,r nf the estate of N. I.. Bora;, deceased, will sell at public auction, to llis highest bidder for cash ill hand, or for one-l alf cash and the balance on a credit of one year, the same t be secured hy mortgage upon the land sold, at the court house itoor in the town of tit. Helens, Co lumbia countr. Oregon, on Tuesday, tha 2Kth day of January, A. D. 1H02. at the hour nf 2 o'clock 1". M. of said dny, the following described real jtroierty lieloncing to the estate of N. L. Berg, deceased, to-wlt : Ths southwest Vs of avviion 4 in tuwnship M north, raniw 5 west, and also the) southeast of seition 4. In township 8 north, ranoa 5 west, situnie in Coltiinbin county. Oregon, and conlaining three hundred and twenty acres, f ore or loss, according lo I nitcd States nrvey. A. M. HKUO. Administrator nl said estate. tit. If Iras, Orvsou, iMx. ', Uijt