I . Vfiir l irvu ur ' I rial KHAKHMR :' 1 aa ... v - -"..-. I -- I h .mruitlANT BILL. I A Perfect Baking Powder. . The constantly growing demand for Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder, the standard cream tartar powder for forty years, is due to two causes. - FIRST: The extreme .care exercised by the manu ftcturera to make it perfectly pure, uniform in quality, and of highest raising power. SECOND: The recent investigations' exposing the fact that certain other brands of baking powder contain ammonia and still others that were found to contain alum. These unscrupulous manufacturers are being found out, and the consumers are giving them a wide birth. Nothing is left to chance in the manufacture of Dr. Price ' Cream Baking Powder. Chemists are employed to test every ingredient as to purity and strength. Hence; its marvelous purity and uniformity. Each can is like every other. It never disss point a. BEST is ALWAYS , the CHEAPEST. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is re ; ; ported by all authorities as free from Ammonia, , : Alum, or any other adulterant In fact, the purity of this ideal powder has never been ques tioned. '" . - 1 ' erg. Car Thar. I JM m Mnn Has ae) Cold aa K.r. the eon changing?" aald Bergt, Dunn, echoing the query. "Well, a toth amount of heat and cold re ceived and distributed over this part of the earth 1 cannot My that titer i very much difference, Thateoaons ruav var somewhat, but whe n the end of the warn around, and we begin to figure on rroin ana m or neat and cold, it la not ftn that thv do not iNmiitrKali.i.o each other or come dose to it. How do I determine on the lwa of horn .i Well, by taking the mean of each month's temperature for a crent ni.nir year and flndinjr a normal: timn t.Zr each day and each month calculation re made to ahovr whether the heat re- una uwn ueuciont or In furonaa. h Royal Rakhi I'owder t'ondnmned la tha Now York I.oiWUtur. Last Monday Mr. Kelly introduced the following bill in the assembly. A carerul reading of it wilt how that It l a very important one i An Act to prevent the nee of poison ous and Injurious ingredients in baking injwuprs. whkhrm, Baking Powder manufac ture.! In thia auto, known a the "iwiAi," h!i in and other ttaking lVtwder are advertioeil for sale a abso lutely oure: and. Whkhxan, Olllolal examination show ttieiu to coutain ammonia and other In jurious InitredienU : therefore Tua Piin. ma or thk Statu or Nkw Vohk, repre- rmru in iieiiaie ami AMomniy, UO eit' mvv mm lutioftl . bection 1. Kverv pan nr tumbiim nl Thua we are enabled to give the chntim . podr containing Ammonia tn aeaaona. For Instance, the animal onirN ,or ' tn hall have mean temnorttiM f.. n.u i . eonauiououa label thereon with the ly5U dcg. During 18J thera waaa .k VUon,t1,M Ammonia,' printed defloiencvTf TL LI Photon., ot .mailer than tnra or .hm.t ti. A Z. i I Tmrv'a: P"uier, y person who aha lore, or about H deg. for each dav. and 1 I. or hav ir. f... ..u ...... .....i. nL' w uwu. vr uecKaueoi naamg pnwuer with out year there was an et m it. out uch abei therein nimll K nniit., er, and tt amounts to nearly 8 dec, for ' misdemeanor. each day. By comparing records for k wn . fhis act shall Uke effect twenty years paat I Bnd the same exceas Sew ork Trow, Aprii rati rxrcKSioN PARISIAN MfcAT MARKET. From Calirorala. I h. Hmtuu. Idaho, I WMklBctm ud Dptcm to rortiaod. Taolr nM Varr, noui raraiM rrw muaa inn trononmnuoa t i hnuirh it nuu i -i. to mir iTM.n mcl,iiio7 In any ot Uw sboTo-lj . J . . J"" nmA hUleo oho tlmin to pirtuu PnriUnd "P oau a oosea Bbopa and by a , mum iumTui iw i low kdwi queoii'iiui ascertain rlM luii ouco ad (4 MratiaoitoB eaarro. RramiulMW 12 U. I'M. (kiani Mr I. Uiol. But noo vhiierlMurt. and kII nt prin( bMi the bmtui rnw. Ftr luriiraUrv ail niw Ci'SMaum Kl Ett a Tacnr Co., Ku. M (Hark timet, Poniaud, lit. "Two kaobi an hour" l a orrttr fetm, aafd theiniiitiiuva ho porlutnl UK tmai MwMxtoud bfldal ovupl. Kor bronchial, asthmatic and pulmonary complaint "Hmrn't Hnmrhmt Tnx-kn '' maiuf.t remarkable curative properties. I6oeola a box.- Wont down with flrtn; b mlxitor wko auuaoiod oo kit waf xo ',. . Co IaaieUnoiSoTioiiJi. audttat. wowll. Tar Ocbvk for breakfaat. , "August slower 99 tbo price proviaion in Pari, the task, how ever, i not quit ao easy a at flret aiirbt f per. la tha price of meat, for io- acaooe, uiexa la no ttaadard apparent If you ask the price of a leg of mutton in the Saint Honor quarter, tbe butcher wm let you hare tha Joint at about tventy-foar cenu a pound. In the Utatapa Elyaeea quarter I bare been a&ked. at a faahionable batcher', far a aimuar joint, uiuty-eight centa. uoder pretext utat it was pro aaJeUmb fed on aait ntarshea, or Southdown, which i men humbug. I liave dined in the evening wita a French family in the Montmartra auarter, and on admiring tn toouuioaieaea of Ue gigot which tlio French roast to perfection I haTa been informed it there cost eighteen cents a pound! Now mark that these three precisely similar joints were each bought in a butcher's shop, and not bar gained for tn a market, where competi tion often lower the price. Yet even in these three case I found a difference of above 100 per cent : Tlieae fashionable dealer lay out their meat tn the moKt tempting manner on white marble slab. It iscut into the moat For two years I suffered terribly with stomach trouble, and was for all that time under treatment by a nticwg portions, and displayed in such physician. - He finally, after trying cJean uad delicate way aa to render the everything:, said stomach was about f8'1' il P1"4"' i"- The shop worn out. and that I would have to ruby colored, dainty bit cease eating solid food for a time at Z?,,?- TT witn least, T wi r oreok- th.r I whU whh em. very clean . L r?" ,, 17 appearance. I he oulsi.le is hur hlT irilL not work. Finally on the mom- STred railmga, and the favorite 2 menoauon oi a menu wno naa nsed auch a tha U-g of mutton, are hung op jvui picpaiauuos in row, enveloped, like bouquets, in cut A worn-out with beneficial re- paper, and decorated with green bay suits, I procured leave and pink paper roees. Artificial Stomach. bottle of A urns t Bower are strewed amongst loin and Flower, and com-1 shoulders of mutton; and cutlet, divest- menced using it It seemed to do me good at once. I gained in strength and flesh rapidly ; my ap petite became good, and I suffered no bad effects fiom what I ate. I feel now like a new man, and con sider that August Flower has en tirely cured me of Dyspepsia in its worst form. James E. Dedejuck, Saugerties, New York. W. B. Utsey, St George's, S. C, writes: ' I have nsed your August Flower for Dyspepsia and find it an excellent remedy. The Cod That Help, to Cur The Cold. The disagreeable taste of the COD LIVER OIL is dissipated in scows outgo or Pure Cod Liter Oil with HYPOPHOSPHITES OF XI2h3 AND BOOA. The patient suffering from CONSUMPTION, HUO4 HITI, TM CiH, COLA, Hlo l lH tUht'.aktu, mar taae Ut roDKMlr wuh aa much miMhcHoo. as ) would take milk, I'D j-alclans ara prmKTlb. In Itmorywaor. UitMnM. aaSsw sarftil awfc arsawr. Tukmmmtrtmrr riMOIAH DfpncbAflON ' PENSION T" PATEMTi" PH ' HOMfSYCAO " griftf ft CLA.1 5V1S Tbs"KZaBlIIIlt" SFBKAD f CLAIM rWDBS TMS DIBSTTIOW OF an Franolaoo Examlnar. If yna hay s claim of any SMnrlpikm wliatawrvr aaaluat Ul Vnltwfl tat Oavviuinaiil and wlato II afwadllr adjuilloaui. adlraft JOHN WSIIKKIICHN Msaacsr, til r WWWt, It. W. WaPhlnat.n. I. !. PIAUOSORGANS. raiEB i MM, ft Morrison Straat, Portland, Of, . ; sK S4. 17ALL PAPER 1 ( ft doiibl m)l. Im;1 I Si va ThM Mwi, romaiut, (.Jr. ed of gros fat, lie ready to be dressed, bua every other object likely to tud sad orercome tb unsigbUiness of the trade is cunningly paraded to invite cue torn. I bae even seen a small calf, opened and thoroughly cleansed, bung up to a most becoming manner, while a red of apparently fine lace, entirely made, or rather cut. out of a certain por tion oi its inside, tuts been gracefully tarown orer tbe carcass. The meat eaten in Pari is divided Into two parts that brought as Ureetock, slaughtered and cat up in tbe Paris abat toirs, or slaughter bouses, and that cut Dp in tbe provinces, the coarse piece of which are eaten on tbe spot, and the best forwarded by expre train to tbe ilailes, or Central markets, aad from there sent to the butchers' shops. The charcutier, or pork butcher, fol low a trad almost usknown to us. At bis shop every object of pig meat, potted meat and other appetizing article for breakfast and lunch may be purchased, as well a turkeys, capons, and even par tridges stuffed with truffles, at certain easoos of the year. You can here buya single Mice of bam or a sausage, cooked or uncooked, iou mar purchase a first rate pata de Strasburg for , or obtain a alma of it for twenty cent. Truffles. olive, sardines, tongue and cotelettes of every description, pigs' feet, bread crumbed and truffled, lie ready for bnme diata cooking; cold roast pork, sausage mad of wild boar, ana a hundred other luxuries tempt you, and always stand en ticingly placed to wbet your appetite. The average market price of pork last year was sixteen cents a pound. As for tha meat, this is, of course, tbe wholesale price current by auction at the central markets, Fish, though . it may appear extraor dinary, can be found even frenber bore than in London. Since the establish ment of railways all the French fishing town have apparently agreed to send up out nine-ten tha of their take to tbe French metropolis. Add to this an al most incredible supply daily received from England and Belgium, a well as tbe produce of the Freuch rivers, and the ample quantities of this delicacy may, to a certain extent, be accounted for. .Paris Letter in New York Star. Vautured m Surmiaa. "Susie," said Willie to his sister, "what are Blackfeet Indians!" . "What are what?" - -Blackfeet Indiana" "I don't know, I'm sure," said Susie, "what the expression can mean, unle those wicked trader bav been selling the poor Indians some of the hosiery that f warranted not to fade." Merchant Travelar. - - ... At DatlsL Our old and valued friend, Resolution, called on u last evening, -. "How'r you fixed?" we asked. "Broke." said ba Wasbimrtnn Past. , or deficiency taking place. cold snaps durimr the nasi win. ter were of short duration, but they were ufflciently sever to overcome the excess of heat gained for ten or fifteen day, and it often occur that the tem perature will run down to 8 or 10 above sero and remain there long enough for solid ioe to form. Should that OfHuir early in the season and ice remain on tho ground, people would say it was a cold winter, but no matter how oulii it ma be, if there is no ice or snow, then the old cry is heard about our grandfather day. Now the season bow little or no change, except that the cold spells are shorter, more sever and come later in th season, thus admitting a greater number of day of moderate cold. Th same applie to the summer month. So uiat make it Imperative for people who balance heat and cold by feeling or mem ory to change their method. The high est mean annual temperature for th past nineteen year is 63.fi and th lowest 4S., making a rang of only 4.3. Thia fully verifies tbe statement that the same amount of heat and cold is received, and that if any change ha taken place it uuh u at irregular interval. "I w receive our usual contribu tions of snowf "For th year 1888 there was a trifle nort or four feet, and for 1889 to date two feet seven inches. Thia show a ma terial shortage of snow In comparison with previous years and a decided in- ease in rainfall. " "It is laid that Professor TvndaU and others ascribe the abundance of rain and warm weather this season to a change in in the course of the Gulf Stream, which brings its current nearer to our coast Do you consider such to be the caser No. In the first place, there is noth ing on record to show that there ba been any change, except of a temnorarv nature, in the course of the stream, and then the only information is based ou a report from one captain, who, while crossing tbe Gulf Stream near latitude 83 deg., found the temperature of the water in one place, that was about twenty mile west of the stream, to be th sam temperature as that noted while in th stream center. Even should there be a change and the warm current run 100 mile nearer our coast, it would not ma terially change our climate only at such time aa tbe wind would blow on shore for an indefinite period, as all the storms pass from our shores to the northeast, and th prevailing wind blowing from the southwest would of itself dispose of the theory of any change in the Gulf Stream as affecting our climate, "The aame weather condition that ex ist in thia section prevail everywhere east of tbe Mississippi, ane can readily bacribd to the unusual number ot storms crossing from the southwest over the lake into Canada, cutting off cold wave and allowing high barometric pressure to bold full way over th southern states, both forces tending to increase the beat all along the line from the Miasweinpi to the Atlantic and from tbe Gulf of Mexico to the lake. The mild climate of the British Isles is just ly attributed to the Gulf Stream: there the prevailing winds are from the ocean, from west to east, carrying with them tha warm, moist atmosphere created by tbe stream. Now our prevailing winds are off shore and the Gulf Stream can never produce such an effect on this side of the ocean until the earth rotates in the opposite direction and our storm come from the eaxt instead of the west." Brcoklyn Eagle. 1 w, m. TatliMHHi Alasvlaa. In Algeria every girl born of native parent la tattooed on her forehead be tween tit eyimiw and just at th root of tlie nose with a cross formed of sev eral straight line' of mall star running dw together. The tattoo mark ar a dark blue color. Algerian women ar Kino ronnlilrrnhly tattooed on th hsckl of the ii' hands, thoir forearms and cheat aa well an on their shoulder, their wrist Mug egpectnlly nUurned with drawinc representing bracelet and Oo wen strung togetuer. a a rule, women are th op erator, and it is principally on children between tlm age of 7 and 9 that they have to exercise their art Tby uh sometime noedlo, but mora frequently a Barbary fig tree thorn. They employ kohl a a coloring substance. It 1m a ktud of flu powder made from sulphur of atitimony, which 1 also In great re quest by th Algerian women for the purpose of face painting. Chicago IIr- About Monay Making, No on who has any experinno can doubt that money Is on of th great practical tore or organised society, The poor boy who resolves to "mak money" I not necessarily mercenary In hi spirit or low In bis alma To gain a (uotnoid ny tlie ownership of nronertv Is simpiy one step on tn road to luooess. That gained, he ha sained a ureal lever. Every nrgetic, aspiring American boy may rightly and naturally look forward to the accumulation of property. But to TUB WKNTKKK TTI.Ktf CBOSKN srcvirtc. With avarv alvMitm nl mmIimHii. Inh f. - Wnt a new dotnaml la hmi1 fur Miw.it' iHnntaea miier. mhwit pp!l rvslnn ra tra. iuviim7 irmm Mmnniiui man ouier twiiita lwsu Um on account of lb ailaama whin rlM from ViMaslnaaa at Psklnc, In an article under tills heading a r eent number of His North China Herald, published at Shanghai, tayst "Va learn from reking that there is a feeling there wish for money, to seek It, or to us it In or great uneasiness a to tha stability of elfish, base spirit, to mak it In itself wing m uuna. me young emperor the nratamlmostlinporiantobjectof life, and empress ar believed to be unhickv. I contemmlbl and degraded msnluuvl a there has been nothing but disaster Think about making money then; think inos their accession. There is noloy- about it earnestly and with fixed deter- alty in China, iu our sense of th word, initiation to do its but think quiU as and there are great fear that trouble seriously of other and higher thing to win arise i rum uio general distress tnev- o none, country Gentleman. itauie in ima coming winter, and that if there were any men of eminence who saw any advantage to be gained from raising a rebellion it would go hard with the present dynasty, Th misfortune that have happeued since th present emperor's accession have rcvivml ih Hi. oontont tlutt was felt at tha irrovnUrifw I nllr, land, partlnulariy aimi I ha 1 uu" , " "V " irregularity I bank l riven thai tn ( ki rwabaisT Th iu uis succession, which rouna It eat- I yii-uiiuri or aniline anusranl annn IMraa. pression at the time, aa will ba rsmam. I S?J do"! llr know, that ihs tuiiom f , 7 .. V, . . remem- I amnl U.nnly nun niiun sgatiuK nslarl urtvu, in iua suiciue oi one Of in 00- I r eiwnsss oi tn Moniar, llimr ami anra W,wuiM.n.il.u.u... I lwl, uiwklch cllmllrhiiiM,tutinauit the naval authorities that no treaty port I h.ll- tVMmusnOy h pitnm tn wumata ntn in the empire ouirht to be left without a ! ?!!l"ur!:.'l,!. nr1?" nd jwwsnUv - - , . wiuj iw minnaia mania, anil man-of-war this winter. There la no u(ui to keep on haud s mtaraUTs ami on- peciai antipathy to foreigner, but their rl "r? 'P"r os rsum uwo safety may easily be involved in som u, 1 , . : .l... ' ... - I !-I'll par oo, I'll sls run ml word .- uiat may arise irora cause en- I Bas-WaH, I r.th.r yu would kWp ,our word. wrij uueuuneciea witn tneir presence. , A rhooajrapk, Daana. Last evening the Carson wheelmsn gave a phonograph hall in this city, at armory nun. tietween each danc Edi son's perfected phonofrraph iilaved d tightful melodies. The guest of th club were sole to listen to Schubert serenade from Gilmore' band; selections from th popular operas by the First regiment band in San Frauciaco; a piano solo by Mrs. Louis disss. San Francisco; a letter from Thomas Edison, in London; a latter from Bill Nye to the editor of Th Morn ing Appeal; a recitation by George Bromley, of San Francisco; the voices of Gen. Boulanger, P. T. liarnum, Presi dent Harrison, Levi p. Morton, Henry urauy, uiadstone, farneu and Mr Langtry. A receiver was arranged over tlie orchestra, and the musio of the dance, including the shout of the caller and the shuttling of feet, was all faith fully recorded. Carson (Nev.) Special to ijiooe-uemocrat. ALL MtrORHCM la Art, Kellsloa or Batasw Slaas Uka Warld Raa Bav at soma tlm been called bicoU. fa natioa, rneKaits. And neonl have stoned a prophet to who msniorv th next generation has raised monument for the greaUiws of bis dmla. hsonomih, Wash., Aug. 10, m. Dr. J. A'uoent Jordan, HmUtm, MTdin. Okas IH-Tos: H ill hava tn writs vim ihal I am surprised to find myself so sreatly Improved .iiiiv, ami am pieaaaa u A IXtal of Potlumsaa, Old Judiro Fernald. of Santa Barbara. ba the reputation of being the politest man In California. lie never Jose aa opportunity to doff his hat or to offer some slight attention to wayfaring men and women. One day, a he was about to take tbe train for San Francisco, he reached the rear step of the last car just as they were approached by a young I m"' reaptwtiuiir. priest.' "After the cloth said lb chivalrio judge, stepping back with a courtly bow. "Gray hair have the preference," re turned the priest, with a splendid ware of tbe band. "The church always ha precedence," I could not vive votir msdiolnea lot araal prsiae. My health was kii,s. I felt Uiat medicine could do me no sood. 1 was honetms of ever recover! ns. f thoiivht tun lain iu try your nincinvs, out with death staring ma In the faos I determined to do o. I am messed that I am it r.,r at thia date I have received tenfold lb pries of tbe Rieuicimn. u i snouiu ay one sunurw told, it would not h ovsrvaluln ths dif- lerviie in my health. I feet like another man. 1 ours respectfully, . . J ass II. II THOU nr. J. Enim Jiniiti. tltitltl. Wnk wlla.BiOa It haa bn-ii Mtnia Hum lues 1 havswrttwa to jri. ii. but I haw lawn vuin alot so well Dial 1 1 UKALTIt IN OLD AOK, Kdward Oolliimon, Qusmm, N, Y,( sayst " I ooimnemifd using Umanhhiitii's I'ii,i, over ftfty-llve years ago, I Hint bought them In London, and hv eontlnued tiNliif thm mua I nam to this country In WW, I sin now over 7 yrnld,lialiid ht-artv, nd attrlhute my wonderful health to Km IwrsiKtellt lia of llHUNiissi'U'a I'u la ll,- eaaiouslly I have a had nold or severe at- '" riiyiiuiatlsm, ludlKetlin or lilll.m.. lieas, but lour or 11 v doses of IIiUKhiiki ii'b i ii.ua aiwava our me. wiimvr mv hi . Iren hsv been Slek with scarlet fever, measles, mumps, auid atoniaah, illmmlend (IlKesllim or e.iwtivuneaa. a iisamiinitu' I'lblJ restor their health at A tSt'k IVltllU hllSVSIlWurd whim It mn.ii. tl. Bioal mlM'hU'l. ll has luauyjiiiiiisn Imtialiii.. Th mnmiritetunirt of filar l'lus nhrwln tolwoco linve mad Hi. l.oula tlm Kreateat loliswo market In the world by nirnUhiii th oolialliner a heller tilhsiwo Ihan la nn. duoed hy other iimiiiilWtureni and alwuy niaainK ins puiKi oi nuir inn ameeii-iiunoa louima, 11 pays to sillily tn intsreala or ;h consumer, as hs is " ths Judua ami tha Jury." WILKV H. ALI.KN Oil., til rinl HI., Portl.wl. c- , hava aMiimMl Ilia cm Irnl ami nianasn'l ot Ilia Hiamwajr I'lanoa, a II Ilia dimnrwnl alvlaa frttllt Cuntiarl llraml ibiwH Mill ba kopl la atia b anil IStorlie tariiM ivu to soy una wanllns lb anal kins at all llMltumaHla. Baking Povder a i-ure trcara of Tartar Iowdr Superior to every other known. Used la Million! of Homes 40 Year the Standard. Wlj'o-i Cak and Psitry, Light risk JBiscuit, Grlddl. Csk; I'alaubl ' nd Wholesoma, No oibsr bakiug powder doss tuck work. toth the method and reaulla wben yrtip of Fig la Uken; it la pleasant uu reiresuing to tn Utste, aim SOU antly jet promptly on tbe Kidneys, iver and Bowels, elsaa tha v ra effectually, dispela eolda, head nnea ana lever and cure habitw mstipation permanently. For aaJ i OOoaud tl bottle by ail druggists CALIFORNIA HQ SYRUP CO H rmiKiKO. en. .. ...,. , m mm . oaIil EOT and SAFEST OIL, Manufactured. t v ii r v o Clva This Oil a Trial. YOU WILL Utg WO OTHER, Humane, Strong, Visible, Ornamental Vwaairr t has aarv w ira. m u.iiAi t UM.M tiTM jJrsaZXHi 'L-t .a.J-T'aT-i' isa - - ari a.harlh mix arsEferadtos innw;'-iUH..VSV 3Z HARTMAN ... utiiw wiiea; win m.l alrateli. aaa ar aut uui .y .i,..- w.i... WljEt PANEL rCNCt. rwobla Ihs almiiifth siaca I s IVrteel rarui l..ii. , Kt ii.nn MMmab to om.a.,.i ieanriuai;ireuiaraii4Tuni'HiiaU; alaoCaUWue ol "Uartm.ii I tra and Klowsr Uii.ela. rietlble Win Mala. "lc Hantaan SUI rlvkat laiss raueo, lill .lt Ihla aalair. did not tfclua It nrenaarr. I hav alnnsed taklns iuv uaiiuvni mm , ami i Dauavs i am aittireiy wall. Your in iMlli-i nra hava dona what vim told OS thev wouttt lo"lfaav hava maitaa oaw wmuan i i. i mw l-l una myaeii asain, sttoraof- leflus lor vlnlil rear with catarrh ol tha haad aim troneni. and mat verr nalulsl hiii- iwii raleta o( Ihs ahimaeh. I ' k threw uioutha' meilielun. UoU) my huaband and niyarlf leal aa though w cannot tw Uiaeklaj nousb lo fua tin a aa joo nave uooa lor ma. I Sofia mat avary onewhui la aiilTeritiaj aa 1 was will hear ot Ot. Jordan and hi moat raluahia mailleltiaa. Yours Mas. u aassTsoM. est to use. :hi,wt. IMi, t i imTOHli car I. certain. For Cold In ths llmid It hs no it la an Ointment, of which asmsll psrtieh i nt'i d to the mwtrila. rleso0e, eV.ld l.y drucs-iai- ; .. id hy Addrcasi K. T. IIri.Ti. V r.n, I'a. 1. But Tour Own Gocds if to Dealer Dees Hoi Carry Tbem. IDUItCE THRESHERS. THI BEIT IN AMIRICA. Dr. Jordan's ofllo Is at ths real it no of I ax-Mayor Yraler, Third snd James straeU, Seattle, Wash. CousultaUoni and presort ptlons absolute- for free book siplalnlng th Hlsto-1 genetic ysim, i vsotiob. in ntsuwenetto. sseoicinss i retorted the judjee, taking another hack- are sold In hot on asency in aeh town, ward step, hut in hand. t he label around th bottle bears "The church follow in th footstep or the fathers, replied the priest, bow- ing low and indicating tha way to the sK'ps. The label around tha bottl bears ths fob I lowing Inscription: "Ir. J. Kugen Jot- dan. Histoienetlo Med loin." Kvrotkr I aevioe i a iraua. tsdy or nilmsn wanted to r present aaaoet- PiBBT ClfiTS UD R01D W1G0SS, at and Ohapst In tha Warld. Carts, SIS 0p. ftpa, SM If. Kin v U A vnawiioai niw r.nsmaa im saunfuuneri, nr Rons and Dwnartmenl Ihippllaa. Suam lannX 7" n. !, fianroea ifii hnreh, Hehooi smt Karoi sal, aesinary, rate pa oi all llnia, Hraaa Ikmila, III. BalUnt and Hnas, Wnmehaa, Lnbrlcatltis Oils, Cl a!T j a ,, . .Jstlouof .wrtiatlualiitars. Pna..t pi-HK.ll. F'JrJ uAT5.rf r,,. a T' XT ml 1"" BUl 't The duel of politeness was not ha f for ia.rllrul.ra addreaa Iouanlo Aaaoolallnu, Z c ti'T tXZl f.?.'. Hi"lF ?lA t.tfinm WMt"o, U rouKh. neither vieldinir an inch, when " al Can. la PortUMMt ixmb. wnis lor pries, tor further UdumaUoa LI. wui.IT. Feat if Gorritsi ttrtit, PCmiXt throuch. th train pulled out, leaving both bow, ing and smiling on the platform. San rrancisco Examiner. arumani nupTHias, WWSBI MUMIn lannoek liuiilnbirs, Marin Wcwi siuriDaasas aksiaaa. tartaat aaaotUMMil or add rasa , , a Daagarous AtUwstiam. Naples' tradesmen and merchants and hotel keeper rejoice, for Vesuvius is freshly aflame and sightseer crowd to ths beautiful city. A a lion, Maple possesses in thia volcano something in comparable, for when tha fiery thing hakes its flaming mane and roars it draws tens of thousands of strangers to the city, and tbe sluggish pulse of busi ness is stimulated, it was probably so in A. D. 78 for a short time. But the mountain grew terrible, and Hercula- neum and Pompeii were buried. A vol cano is an attraction that will not s rouse envy on th part of other cities of th world. A good exposition is safer, and it is not likely to put forth its might and reduce it surroundings to a prairie of lava, sane and cinder. Pittsburz Bul letin. .... ' A rawerfel WltDsas. It I told of Sir Richard Webstar that, a be was driving in a hansom to tbe law courts, another eab ran foul of bia On alighting Sir Richard gar the cabman hi card In ease he was want ed as a witness The ease came on In due course, and 8ir Richard, coming into the court, was asked to take a seat near tbe bench. The verdict was given in his cabman' favor. When Mir Richard went out I there stood cabby waiting for blm. ; "Jump In, sir,' b said ; "I'll drive yer anywheres, I knowad it 'nd ba all right when I saw yer up there a aquar ia' of tba beak 1" -London Tit Bit. Siwatanl Oil aa s Labrlesat, Mustard oil ha of late been given soma attention a a lubricant, and it is re ported to have been successfully used for some time in Germany for lubricating purpose. It is said not to be wscepti Lie to cold, and, besides, doe not easily become rancid or form fatty acids which would attack metal It lubricating value, moreover, according to Professor O, Herman, of Aix-la-Chapelle, is of a relatively hi(;h order. Ho particular have been yet given a to tne cost or (lie new lubricant, It specific gravity, etc. Electrician, A Gams Han. . I had a queer thing happen while ex ercising my setter, showing how th old instinct still lingers in ourcommon barn yard fowls. I was passing an old corn field, very bare of any grass or weed, when my dog made game. Thinking there might lie a (tray bevy of- quail, I walked in. He worked up carefully and finally stood stiff, but seemed a little puzzled. I saw something in front of his nose that looked like a dead owl at first, but I toon saw it was a hen. She lay a flat as a flounder, head on the ground. . A I stopped up close she went off with a mighty Forest and Stream. IH il DAT. LAwacNCi, KAi.,Auf , 9, '88. George Patterson fell from a second-story window, strik ing a fence, I found him using 8T. JACOBS OIL. He used it freely all over his bruises. I saw him next morning at work. All the spots rapidly disappeared, leaving neither pain, scar nor swelling, ' C. K. NEUMANN, M. D. "ALL RIGHT I ST. JACOBS OIL 010 IT." C3 00000000000 fun eiiti 1 pat nit 1 m TUtT iiiadi nl mvf mm Gf O flurry and cackling,- TINY LIVER PIXXSO Leading medical authorities i state that new and Improperly cured tobacco when heated in the pipe produces a rank vege table poison. Tobseoo Ilk liquor can only b tmprmd by off. This is the reason why "Sea! of North Carolina" is the most popular brand of smoking to bacco in the United States. It is made from tobacco, at least three years old. Its rich mel low smoke has never been equaled. Bssl af Hart Carstln Is now Meked 1b Patent Cloth Pouahaa, as well aa In foil. Taw Praeoctoas, mj Wmr. Tea, yes, we know, Elfrida. Rich ard Turpin and Jesse James were great bandits in their way, but tney "didn't bold a light to Atlas.' As you say At las held up tbe world while but there, there, run along, Elfy, run along and play. "American Grocer. Mrs. Brandcr, who 1 inspec tree of the Oirls' schools in Madras, India, and has at heart the interests of 23,000 chil dren, says in her tenth annual report to the National association "that an im provement in female education is neces sary before any or tne great reforms, such as the abolition of infant marriage and child widowhood, can be effected. ... A BoaeeasAU ttualnass at aa. Country Bride (taking in th sights) What a big printin' business this Mr. Job must do, John. iunirv onagegroom x. n got i i., ..Qt i v-i, i. printin' ofBce. all over th city.-Epocb, urinir th MUlun iaMt du-w Mis May Robeson, the bright young actress who made a success in th rol of a maid iu "Nerves," add to her regular profession th business of de signing theater souvenir. Hb ha been tbe author of all those given at various liav all ens vinaasoi ina laraf r mirwi gm equally aflwtlvsi paralv vesatabls. f Kaset alzeahowa In this bordor. OOOOOOOOOOO FRAZEB AXLE Best la ths Wotidlfl H IT A C F Get ths 6enoioe!flirnXr j . sl;-;i'3 ti;l;i I- m Mm FUEL SKNP YOUR NAME AND so'lreaa ana roiialvs by roturu mall oiir htnitttnmy Ulna, tratad Fall anil Winter Cats. losiia, Hry riofHla.t'lothliiir. Boot snd Short, Ororarlra, ron win asvs mostly oy naaiinv wiw ii. it auwli snd lowanv pries on the Coaat. M MIIIR at PRANK, Old OoJd Hxl Wlrar Bonsh aaoil yaw at OoM n ana aonaa oi a ooiaso: I will aaaSIs If s aaaaia an ntnra mall th. saah. aoourdlna to aMayi K UM ajaaaal HBT KrVrn 1 a.aa a a ullwv li mail feu tha old and retj OnlMuaa, II Third atraiS, Nan VnMMaso; Portland, Or. w ao aaHaIatmt will nwn sol. CURIO TO STAY CURED. W want th nara snd ad dreaa ol every sufferer In Hi leriiTt WlllTrn fiy eillSV . 9. A Til 11 1 U snd Canada. Addri. HiiLfl 10 nAnlt.ll lln OHbRIII I U tt.U I Hiatal t. . IanMEarakll.a.. IthJ. I.l or eommiiMon, to tasodla rbaKew atatCbsal I . ,,. h,i( r.n i caorii. ssaiut mawinfrri" rv " I V F aT IT V Sis W. H. TT. lie SOS Basra araaar aTf .., LaiMaa, Wis. ss Ml. I ! "" tt m, V. US. 4VZ 8port8man,r Attention ! If yon want In ationi aiyiirattlr. don't tall la lbl yimr inn wlUi th oslshrslsd I I'm LYMAN MadstAfllsnyrins. 8IQIlT8e Pamr Mltthl al f...... u... rrotitsishl.lli lrory Itutitluar front Slihl, W) oenls. Hani by mail on moeli.l ol i.rl, " ' H.T. HUDSON, 13 First Stmt, Portland, Or. RAINING! W hatr a hist Ai.itt t iiuhi...u..j s thlaOoMl ! nturlng from bualiwM on f'hIM'a rusMtr hm, I to 10..,,. . , ji( jm ... laIIOHia,IUtO a hs Mlaaos' overahoM .. ' Mlaaiia' arntlna and M.i. I, TV. IdjM'avrho. allatylaa. ,'.".:iiv; loV.'wr lion j . : " . "iwri. i .ai ,, 11. la rluidl. tt' ,V"M '" liiVft Man s ehort boon, extra 3 ,o to ii ro Mon'e hip tXHiia, . . 7. V . , ! E S E E 0 H.aJrtt.?aW SMITH' casiM itabi l-l Kront slrs.t. Mao Kranrlaoo, Cat. y1 - Portland, Oragm. i OilC A. P. A matron, prln. ranch Srhouli CartTAi, Cottroa, Salrni. iirrfoa. nana Hiraai r uiiny aama nta or luitios, lln.ln... iL.ll... aaunaucinn. oust tSSSS) rtniHItnr, Pnmimshlt. and Kntlith IHtortmnti S"lnaiuoalhriuaiiiutlhayar. Htudrma Klmll led at any ttine, t'aialiaiua from elUiar eubnol. fn m men i noisi ii,,nnir r ia morrow. Now mi aala at tlm prinnlnnl book atori. hem 'o lyafldrnaat charsa nropalrl, on rw-rlpt of piaial ita for II. IJMI1.1 (llarrinnl, Ut ritaal.ra. adflr.aa llattor liaya" PiiMioMnHitn Tl.C'lirnnlrle blilB,M.K. firuvmada71 In hmrdvtnn anvMlaffcna raraeta Ia 'en eipaalalMiak lnanasiianlrimlltsiidiiU flat, feaaaal Saa, Sv.adaaaaa,raawr,a,r)