St. Helens Mist Found..! IHH i..u.j ..., Knu.. h, i The M,.t INibluhmg M I'. Mil i m, r.ln,.i ,,,(..... m., i ,, , ""' """" "" '"" . m l ill Mitrrli .f,. l.'J Sl'llfH KlfTION KaTK.1 ,nr ' .11. fill IX initiil ll - . ' ) . I ' ' I " fc ''' IHK'll kllliMM Oil II inlluii l.rK'll IH'tllrs 'J'l initu i line County Official Paper on this line, bracing Tuesday . i i m.nn;tik'. I'oceniDer second, in the ear of our Lord. :t. the ,Ii;t te ds in the proper mood to! take to task the hush. ess man of our huh1 fit v for neRlcctmtf their business. It is not ery often thai the proper feehne; is aroused in this even tempered, mild num ncred family newspaper to at tempt to discipline any of the jjiol ritizeni of the community, b it so irlurintfly conspicuous has th" ne.eot of th bminess of a number of our leading business men become that we feel it our iliity as sponsors for the be haviour of those people alotitf cer tain lines, to rail the attention of these men to this almost criminal neglect There is perhaps not a man in business of any kind in this city who has not the vry hest interests of the city at heart We are all Ktrivinjf to make St. . -lens a better and I'Uk'cr city. We all want to be heard from in o ir various lines. We all want to prosper and make money. We are all looking out for our on business, or should be and aim to ! so at least. We are ad trying t hear our proportion of the bur den in nnkintf St Helens a greater ami tietter my. m ink' the city a better place to live and a prosperous and pro gressive community we all ex pect to reap some of the benefits an a result thereof. In all this work the Mist feels that it is and has been dointf at least its full Mure. There has never been a yet when the advertising co'umns of this paper were properly represented by the mer chants and business men of the city. To permit a newspaper which is dointf the very best it canto upbuild andadvcitise the community, to be distributed anions the greater majority of the homes in Columbia county a id which tfoes to eastern states and cities by the hundreds each week, without having a business announcement in it. is simply reflect on the part of that busi ness man. Any business man who says that advertising does not pay is not a successful business man. The riht kind of advertising aKvays pays, but the kind of ad vertising that some people do of course does not pay. W e do .not wish to be understood as asking lor the supH.rt of any business manor firm if they feel that they are not Ktttintf value received for their money, but we do want to impress upon our ncR'.itfent business men that we do the riht kind of advertising and an ad carried in our columns will pay. Think of it. you business men, CI ristmas riht here and yet not a word has been said about it. No word of information to your customers as to what you have f,,r rhriatmas. The law stores in Portland nre advertising their w.i.a ' Tbev are irettintf 1.,,., ; on, I n eoodlv portion of "unmva.i on" r - tl,.. that should remain at home if properly advertised. The people of the community are not to be blamed for trading in Portland, for they do not know whether or not they can Ket what they want at home. It ia purely neglect on your pn you are hmintr money every day by your failure to take advant age of the best advertising 'I""1"lm wl'"' " l-nil merchant '"'employ, I he home paper . USf 111 U'fiw ..t llOSe ilw. Miut ul I I ... n, ,.,,, , k i rrt- ,ivH ,, fpim ' ,l,,i..Ht t . uepartment stores of ,at ,.jty invitiiiK tin- people ()f tins rurn- IIIUIIIIV II) IMlk OV.T t ,....!.. with a list of beautiful ciristl linas jfoods? Those ads would it i .-.... i i i . in iiunuri'US or people to those stores and our home mer chants would he the loser.-t. 'I he Mist is not in that business how 'V r We aim to he a booster for St. Helens and Columbia County. We v;int to advertis-v the eoods and wares of our local ! people. We want to do all in our power to induce home peo- pie to trade w ith home mer- chants Wi have been doing! this and we want to continue it, a to 00k over our advertising ; columns ami lind just asmall urtr and us a mult the Tuns portion f the business houses Urer is compelled to work for represented does not have the j nothing or resign. The treasur inspiring ell'ect of boosting for 1 er of Columbia County receives home merchants that we would like to have. Since writini, the a h o v e several Christmas ads have come in as you w ill note by glancing over the advertising columns this week. And those merchants who taking advantage of this means of letting the people know that they are in business and have stocks of goods will be repaid many times for the little cost of space in the Mist. Others should do likew ise. It would be hard to find a bet ter location for a creamery and ice plant than right here in St. Helens. Surrounded as it is by one of the best dairy regions in the world, w ith more than 1000 cows tributary, and where more than one half the dairy farms can be reached by launch, and the others by auto or wagon on good roads, it seems almost in credible that some enterprising person or firm has let the oppor tunity go by to take up the proposition here. The only draw back that presents itself is the competition of the Portland mar kets. This is not a draw back at all if properly considered by the creanieryman and dairyman together. There is no good reason why the dairy products are not worth just as much in St. Helens as they are in Portland. The prices are high enough any way, and for those farmers liv ing off the river and slough, es pecially, the transportation charges would amount to con siderable. With a united effort on the part of the dairymen of this community to co-operate with a creamery here on the river, there could be no such thing as failure. The producer would be paid as much as is paid now in the Portland markets and there would be none of the un pleasant features of short weight and attempted oeuueuons u. this and that reason. If a cream ery man should come in here and install a plant it would tie up 10 thu farmers and dairymen to give him support in preference to tne Portland creamery men and com mission merchants who get all the best of the farmers that they can and then some. Down in Junction City. Oregon, the farm ers have organized a co operative creamery, and the figures from there are interesting as showing what might be done in any ot her community where united effort on the part of the dairymen and farmers is effected. Ti,, reeort of the Junction n rreamerv. just published. proves that the industry has been a success in every way. phis creamery was organized months ago ana uunnx that time 81.000 pounds o butter hft3 been made, about 5.000 pounds of which has been used by the farmers themselves The y for $25.01)4. but- termilk for $273 and cream for L;.r n tota of SJi.WM. JilM, inn'" " " , Of this amount the tnre ;....i "10 less 1 cent per eel veil t' l"und for running expenses. '1 he ;'.(r,w. price paid for butter' wnriKthe last 11 months was , him to do anything more than 1 eras per pound, and the farm-1 $50 worth of work. The County era received 11200 more than if court is helpless, according to they had sold their products to their construction of the law, to private creameries. I help the Treasurer out in the What has been done in Junction way of salary, and the Attorney ut can be dor.e in St. Helens, General has expressed the same perhaps on a larger scule too. It 'opinion. ' ' means much to the farmers and j The Assessor ii now required to1 to the community, at large. It is make up the tax rolls, instead of time something was heing done 'the Clerk, and he is in the Same along this line. I L.a89 with the Treasurer except J his salary is a little more than The Legislature of 19i: made that of the Treasurer. But the at least one serious mistake. ' work of his office has been in That is of course a common of- creased verv materially and he is tense of all legislatures, to make mistakes, hut this one is really a serious one. The law provid- ing for the collection of taxes by the Treasurer instead of the Sheiitl' failt d to Mile tn urn. vision for the salary of the Tea?- the magnificient salary of $o0 a 1 month, which was inadequate at I any time, and now with the ad- ditional work of collecting and a handling nearly $.'5(K),0o0 of j taxes, under a heavy bond, re- i sponsible for all the work of (f'filtt ttn it eiiio n rri'jrru f.r tlwi' ivtlo. iWifkirvi ! That amount will not pay him properly for the responsibility EUROPEAN PLAN EVERYTHING MODERN AT THE ST. HELENS HOTEL J. CEORGE, Proprietor RATES $1.00 AND UP SPECIAL RATES TO REGULAR BOARDERS 3 I RAINIER MINERAL SOAP U T The Soap of a Thousand Uses COME .ILL YOU PALXTERS, PRIXTEHS and MECHAXICS and THY .7 1UR OF RAINIER SOAP C. H.JOHN&CO. n I ' THE HOUSE OF QUALITY' ' 11 Lb, EZ aLOI3IZ3Il n riirtit lornr -rtnrt- Tt-"-rw''jllw"An 1 All Work Guaranteed. Estimates Furnished. I f I S D mNQTANTIN I !ls 1 A. 1.1 1 A AX 1 Plumbing and Heating I gj. o Sheet Metal Work ? lv a .. . i ?M ? " 1 . I Waff ns-ilEai-o-fc-o ' 1 1 1 i 1 ! 1 Xet W.J.MUCKLE WASHINGTON MUCKLE ri., M jf 9 DEALERS IN i (rKui-jr'''J I I..TS ILIRDWAUE OILS ! St 2 H.ILWL'SS S.ISH DOORS IfflrafflM (0MI.lT an,l MVhR STUFKTS ST. HELENS, OREGON -WOO- -3 aOBKt- fCTM Mill I o TfiiTjyTTiiizffTiTiTio'irBTnisTrDTrjBo'QBrinnrrro vr 3 n (Btristm as 3 Til P 1 1 5 I p 1 KODAKS. CAMERAS, XMAS BOOKLETS. I 2 W I K I , . , , rttf j I LETTERS. POST CARDS. BOOKS FOR OLD I d bttilW anJ YOUNG, GUITARS. VIOLINS, BANJOS. jj LADIES HAND BAGS, MUSIC ROLLS, H GENTLEMENS CARD AND BILL BOOKS, 3 f o PERFUMERY AND TOILET WATERS. 3 E CALENDERS AND NLW YEAR CARDS C f 1 3 CiiMUtuiminminuiiumuuaiuuuiuJUL. alone without doinjf work. It is a farce an hcurs to pxnect still required to work for the same salary. Truly a Legislative Murder was made. The White House bride, Mrs. F. H. Sayre, expressed her thanks to the 1'endleton Com mercial Club for an Indian bath robe gift. We are wondering what an Indian would do with a "ath robe. , . v,,r naUi SWTe ,n 8 low" w,t" bright future, 4 large lots ir.clud- inir all oui uings ana siock wun furnished rooms, horse and wagon for 112,000. Parties retiring from business. Inuuire Mist office or BX 73 St. Helens. lmo Kor Sale 15 head of good cow. J A. Nelson, Warren. dairy 3tp AMERICAN PLAN ALL BUSSES CALL AT HOTEL O o Speed Accuracy SPEED and The Machine You IMDERV00D 68 Sixth Street hRANCHKS IN ALL 1 1 g CHRISTMAS NOVELTIES g $ ARE NOW ARRIVING m E Come and tea what we have before making your Xmas purchae REMEMBER we have a complete line of Home Furnishings, IN ALL GRADES, with prices according to QUALITY. What could be nicer for a Xmas gift than something to make the home more attractive? SHEHWOOD 1st OB B UNDERTAKERS HOUSEFURNISHERS MERRY CHRISTMAS It will be a Merry Christmas to some of your dear friends if you give them oue of those nice Silk Kimouas at Morgus & Son's Popular Store. We also have some fine Silverwear, Ivory Toilet' Sets and other fancy articles. Real live looking Dolls and Teddy Bears. Boots, Shoes and Clothing. I L MORQUS cS-. SOIJ S? Allen, Felton & Quick REAL ESTATE DEAL'JERS INVESTMENTS. RENTALS. INSURANCE, COLLECTIONS, LOANS, LAND TITLES. APPRAISEMENTS. ADMINISTRATOR. GUARDIAN. FISCAL AGENT CONVEYANCE. EXECUTOR INFORMATION AND EMPLOYMENT ST. HELENS OREGON Columbia County Abstract And Trust Co Abstracts, Real Estate, Insurance. Loans, Conveyancing ol. I1C1C.I1. Stability These are the essential features in a typewriter, possessed ONLY by the UNDERWOOD which holds every inter national Record for ACCURACY Will Eventually Buy" TYPEWRITER COMPjMY (INCORPORATED) Portland, Ore. PRINCIPAL CITIES EMBALMERS Chris Johnson & Sods S ccen -rs to 3t. neiens n ver-traiu Autos foT hire. Calls ans wered day or night riionc connection Look for the cars with the Red Cards HKLE NS Oregon Orccon mi