Ls.iandWantAd. I Professional Card? Estimates Furnished. J ....... vein ling heifer taken IIWlBf" . , .... ft, fr I" ,,r nt-iiu-iinH-r. lt.r huve wiinf i-y !" "'tf j lin, proving r.KTijr. C. (). Dahlgrcn, , Warren, Ore. tn .t. 1 t i Lj blooded liarrctl l lymouwi Ik 'K' - I '"If "f ' ' I'..r, Houlton. Ore. ...?.. 'rii..r..iiL'lilir'il VVvun- f,,f ran- -. . I., hi) fut-h. Eire I. eiir.;,r.-i.- I.iO fT iH-ttin.'. II .si.ii. St. I Iclon. lire. ,ht Ilrahmasegg fr hatching. -' .. I. L't.... M,.u JUS. . ' l"4l 4-21 . Ore Ilminer duck eggs for ul.O k,r 1 1, j, V. VanSutta. War- ! billed h:iy fur naif. John :itp ...... 1 1... lurc For Sale U f li'"" for sale or will , h, r fr cattle. oineuml . . i. . o .. Uhal '" haw nl u" "i t"'"" . . . W Cnint. Iry w 'i, i Ducks i.f Ili ni .T duck. White ( . hm'f a few wit tog f t,. -it .-. II per mtlinp. j J. M. Miukhcnd, . Warren, Ore. I I r Salt' second cutting: . . . . .! .1 1 ' t-Su'l t.rt culling umnuij mm, l(-r; American Wonder anl Hiir-j ! ;itc.-s: also a new villi-j tin- I Ai ign-on. a great ; l,.r nn.l line i.t:it. j Lr particulars nf, phone or i A L. (.arson, Warrn. Ore. i ,ir Sal.- 'Jo norm: 3 tune from II.Iciis. Good buildings. !n- re Ht Mit Oll'iec. -I IVunti-d A teacher to teach I""' i;h. I t li- ('..nmitiH. 1. 0. x , St. li. I. iim. On-Kon. ISometlung New in Town , r.ifl t'f K'olni; to I'tirllaml for it i... i .... Iiiintin wart', iuiiiwh i t.n lint,-. Stf hii witnlow tlisilay. rrantf.1 for l.'i fur. Vunlf.1 ( It an mtlon rajfs r y.ili. 'l'lif Ansorift' lluuw.1 Win. m !:.,. ..r SaU- i iioi tb of Nijru'er .vk Cutiuii. Siilfwalkn, trnn Icil .U sii.l oity water, reritn. I T ! Win. M. Y"- I rr K"nt ltooiiiH in tho Hunk i lidinjf. Sixain Imat, electric, fit, hut ami colli water. C.ilumliia ('. Hank. A khihI Iiuum w ith tl ret ciioloe Itinif""' location in St. Helena ale. Ii.iuir fjr ri?en ami irmi at the Mist ulliee. lUU $ir,u ninl up. on easy tenrm. B. ('..Nlfrey. 121M K. Clian St., rilatvl, will le in St. Helen on iiurilay ii!. Suiitlay each wtn-k. Fi,r Sale ( nc .r year ohl horse, itly Weight about 12(10. '.nk. IliTilalil, Warren, Ore., or uhilur K'.at phone. 2tp White Wyandott GGS EGGS IIGGS $1.00 $2.00 $3.00 Prom iJfHt Living ami Kxhibititm fink f.Kkrela $2.00 to $.".00 Yankton - - Okkijon Sec'y of ('oun'y Fair A9s'n Str. IRALDA Summer Rates between St. Helens anil I' So ceuts one way 75 cents round trip Tickets good any time after April 4 th Ml.-o.vr. St. Helen. T:M. 111. "ftieniiiK It nvi'ii r.-itlnn l J: p. m. r'hei.Si. Helen 4 4.1p.m. T I. HOOCHKIRK D?. Z.. GILDERT ROSS PHYSICIAN i SURGEON OltW Hank 111. Ik. Hi. Ill V litinoa St. Helens DR EDWIN ROSS PHYSICIAN A SURG TON St. Melons Oregon T. S. WHITE . FUNERAL DIRECTOR I ll'KMXMl KM IIAI.MKH Moult oil Oregon DR. ALFRED J. HEEL PHYSICIAN A SURGEON limit Hill St. Helens DR. H. R. CLIFF PHYSICIAN A SURG I ON I'lmliv Main t.a. A l::u; K.-I K. .'.7 m i i., up -. inn ii. hi. in. rortlantl. Or. GEORGE . SHINN ATTORNEY A T LAW St. Helens Oregon 1 Af . E. MILLER ATTORNEY AT LAW Si. Melius Oregon rOU IDK1LAM) I Alt t rtTEAMEU jfcM EKICA Uatrol. HrVnii 6 IK) A. M. Arri i- m I' r'ln. in :i A. M. lavn I' .rtUml ut i -W V. M ArrivwiH. IIeVi. ::Ui I". M St. Helens and Houlton Dairy rt'UK MII.K AMI I'UKAM TiioM IlKAl.TllV Cows DLI.IVERF.D TO.YOUR DOOR LVF.RY DAY George konopka PROPRIETOR 1 I pANQCROUS BUtOlNOt Out Wt to F1 Ilk KUtl IlAslary rliTM t one ofun ur. Stocking. Knw Cap. AnkUta A f .i' !'" oowwr.r.AiiKco. -.tli.Ml. UH.'" Wood for Sale (kJ Dry Fir, Cut from Urjre Green Trees. Will Deliver to uu ...s for $3.50 per Cord. To Houlton for $3.00 per Cord. 25c Discount on Ten Cords or More. Hard WH)d$l.r0 per Cord. Phone Bachelor Flat Line or write me at Warren Ore. Wm. Skuzie. See McCOY! Hcforc you let your work. He is prepared to do all kinds of I'AINTISO I A I ' K R H A N 1 N" i i TlNTINO St. Mklkns - - Ork. For Sale One hi team, heavy wniron nn.l harness; also 3 liRhter horses. Kmiuire Andrew Johnson. Warren. We have for sale at the Mint office all kind-of typewriter paper, car oon paper. leKal blanks. I.val backs Plumbing and ' Sheet Metal Helens Keeping Up With the Times St. ts Us Qrow' be Quite City. Our.Stdre Haa GroWn in Proportion W M IIWK 0Vi-:i) INTO OUU NKW (iUAUTWW AND HAVK A LAH'iK .HI'OCK OF ' MUtY COOriS CIOTllIN(; I'OOTS & SHOKS LA Dl K.S AND GKNTS FItNISHlNCS CHILDKKNS .CLOTHING OF ALL KINDS - AS, TO PRICES, WE INVITE COMPARISON I-I. MORGUS & SOljl mm live news from:our correspondents WARREN Mrs. Iena Garriott anil Misses Katt: Maker and Mabel Ferry went to Seaside last Sunday. The school board" met. and elected the teachers for next term. They are as follows: J.W. Allen. C. K. Iike, Miss Mary Thomas anil Miss Mary Dahltcren. ' 4 Mrs. J. S. 1'acon has recoveretl sudioiently from her recent illness to K" t'Ut for a drive one day last week. It is reported that L. A. I'uzey is so siek that for once he docs not care to talk, and won't even match the boys for a ciur. , ,, I baseball team! The school boys played against the Yankton team on the St. Helens diamond Sunday mornimr and won, score leinjr 2ii to 40. The Warren baseball team played against the Ouincy team on the home field Sunday afternoon, win ning by a score of 12 to 6. A frotnl tfame was played anil the Quiney boys were very pood losers. They invited the Warren boys to meet them on their ground:!. Listen my children and you shall hear Of another play to be given this year. On Tuesday evening, the IHh of May, liu Warren brass band w ill give a play. What kind of a play yu will want to know; So I guess we'll call it a minstn show. The admission will be as low as dime, So you surely don't want to mi the time. The boys have a debt on nn instr roent. And for this purpose the tlouj will be spent. Now, dear friends, remember t date And get your tickets before it too late. For we would like to sow you all Attend these doings at hrioksor. . hall. Warren, Ore., May 1. The following article appeared one of the county paiiers last weel "The Warren "w ildcats" metdefei by the Sonppooso "whirl winds" 1 a score of 16 to 7. Sunday, Apt 21, Warren using four pitchers, bi STANTIN Heating Work o i Oregon all in vain. Stevens, pitching for Sciippoose, got fifteen strike outs, giving Warren three hits, while Scappoose got sixteen hits of the Warren pitchers. It appeared as if the game was going to end abruptly, but all came out well." As a matter of fact Warren "wild cats" is not the name of the Warren baseball team, but they were certainly treated as ii mey were wild cats. It is true that onej Warren pitcher, and one only, was knocked out, but not by anyone in the game. While running after a high ball he collided with a small boy whose head hit him in the stomach. If it had not been fer the assistance of some of the Warren boys ami Virgil Stevens of Scap- , ,, . ., , ... poosc ne wouiu proimuiy nave uieu. While he lay on the field, black in ; the face, gasping for breath, the Scappoose crowd hooted and cheered in such a manner as might have been expected from a crowd of fans had a "white hope" succeeded in defeating Jack Johnson. Even with their pitcher knocked out they made Scappoose work for their victory, the correct score being 14 to t). If the accident had not hapMned the score would un doubtedly have been different. The Warren boys like to play baseball, win or lose, but they like to be treated like human beings. A Nasi? Hall Fan. REUBEN R. H. Tipton and Kol Tiplon 'were visitors at Castle Rock, Wash., St. Helens Mill Co. Electric Lighting (Saves Your Eyes) Steam Heating (Prolongs Your Lives) Lath Wood Mr. farmer! If Yon are going to need anything in the line of W0VCA VIRE.. POULTRY YtCTTIMG. PLOVi. IMRR0V,CUItTIVlT0R. A0WER&. BIrtDERS. W1G0M&. ? BUGGIES. OR Thrashing Machines Talk over your wants with OLIVER & OLIVER HOULTON. OREGON We are here to supply your needs and the fact that we are now doing a Splendid Business in these lines proves that we know where to meet theJFarmer Preased Customers are Our Best Advertisers - A, CORDIALS WINES Fine Bottled Goods a Specialty WEINHARD'S BEER OLD JUDGE BAR E. ENYART, Proprietor " Houlton ' - Orkgon COURTEOUS J. A. HILL CENTRAL MARKET Dkai.krs in Fresh and Cured .Veals Fish and Poultry, Produce Your Orders Solicited Good Prices Full Weight Phone 60 "St. Helens, Ore. 4 Watches VON Watchmaker Work Optical Goods St. Helens Of. TiiUiiilUlliiiililJliiaiUililUiiUaawUlUiUiUiUiUuiiiliaia Lumber r INDIA RUNNER DUCK EGGS 41.00 per LJ $.1.00 per 50 BARRED ROCK EGGS $1.50 per 15 Poor Hatches Made Good W. C. fflOALEY' ST. HELENS OREGON CIGARS WHISKEY COMPETENT CATERERS K. C. ROBERTSON C Clocks IS A. GRAY and Jeweler. Guaranteed. All r fit 3 I etc.