Form 3347 Rtqutstid - TERMINATION ISSUE BULK RATE U. S. POSTAGE PAID Ptrmlt Hi. 2 CHILOQUIN, OREGON VOL 6 NO. 7 KLAMATH INFORMATION AND EDUCATION PROGRAM JULY-AUGUST 1961 Superintendent Mincar Confident Tribe Will Meet Challenges hi ;: v 4 f : ' 1 x t jfcjo-vyosftii ... frnim unit n iiimmm inmimtimii To members oT the Klamath Indian Tribe Six years ago, the Oregon State Department of Education ac cepted the responsibility of con ducting a broad education pro gram to help the Klamath Indian tribe prepare for the termination of federal supervision. The contract under which the state agreed to assume this re sponsibility was signed for the state by former Supcrintcndant of Public Instruction, Rex Put nam. On March 13, 1955, the special Klamath Education Pro gram was initiated and an office was established in Chilo(juin on the Klamath reservation. During the years that followed, we saw some two hundred fifty-eight Indian students take advantage of the educational opportunity that was presented to them, and although many students did not complete their courses, we trust that all of them benefitted in some measure from their educa tional experience. We know that the Klamath Indian tribe through its many years of reservation history has (Continued on Page 6, Col. 1) Secretary Of The Interior Issues Proclamation TERMINATION COMPLETED TERMINATION OF THE FEDERAL TRUST RELA TIONSHIP TO THE PROPERTY OF THE KLAMATH TRIBE OF INDIANS LOCATED IN THE STATE OF OREGON, AND OF FEDERAL SUPERVISION OVER THE AFFAIRS OF THE INDIVIDUAL MEMHERS THEREOF. BY THE SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR OF THE UNITED STATES A PROCLAMATION ' Pursuant to the authority vested in me by Section 18(a) of the Act of August 13, 1954 (68 Stat. 718 ; U.S.C. 564 (2) , as amended, I, James K. Carr, Acting. Secretary of the Interior, do hereby proclaim that: 1. The Federal restrictions over the property of the Klam ath Indian Tribe of Oregon- and individual members thereof having been removed, the Federal trust relation ship to the affairs of the Tribe and its members is termin ated effective August 13, 1961. 2. Hereafter, individual members of the Tribe shall not be entitled to any of the services performed by the United States for Indians because of their status as Indians and, except as otherwise provided in the Act of August 13, 1954, Supra, all statutes of the United States which affect Indians because of their status as Indians shall not longer be ap plicable to members of the Tribe and the laws of the several states shall apply to the Tribe and its members in the same manner as they apply to other citizens or persons within their jurisdiction. 3. Nothing in this proclamation shall affect the status of members of the Klamath Tribe as citizens of the United States. IN WITNESS WHEREOF: I have hereunto subscribed my name and caused the seal of the Department of the Interior to be affixed this 10th day of August, 1961, (Signed) Acting Secretary of the Interior Governor Commends Tribo Sends Best Wishes - JUL L 'I'm the Klamath Indian People: With the signing of the Procla mation by the Secretary of the Interior, the Federal Government terminates its supervision over the Klamath Indian Tribe, thus bringing to a close a hundred years of Reservation history. It may fill many of you with a feeling of sadness and nostalgia to see the reservation come to an end but a wonderful history has yet to be written for you ami your children. Whether you elected to remain in the tribe or elected to with draw, all of you, as members of the Klamath Tribe were fortunate in receiving a legacy left by your ancestors. The wav in which you conducted yourselves after you received your termination pay ments was a clear demonstration to the rest of the world how cap able most of you arc of taking your place in society. We know that the past six years the terminal years were difficult ones wrought with con fusion and anxiety. Our Oregon State Department of Kducation, through the Klamath Indian Kd ucation Program endeavored to help you through that difficult (Continued on Page 6, Col. 1) 1 1