VOL.1. NO. 194 CORVALLIS, BENTON COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1909 PRICE FIVE CENTS ILL KILL WEST ERNSECTION LACK OF WATER THERE CERTAIN TO STOP ALL GROWTH A GREAT FINANCIAL LOSS Section That Has Been Growing Won dronsly to Get Great Set back if Annexation Fails Next Saturday Section Most Have Water A failure to unite with Corval lis will be a sad blow to the dis trict that it is proposed to annex. vAukjku ucidumiaLiini til the Water Commission to confine city water service to the 1 city limits means that there will be "ms ut iivj uuuuillg ill tllB weaL- ; ern section next summer or for a long time to come, ; Two -men who own lots there and have planned to build in -the spring said in this office this morning that they can not afford to liye there without mountain water, and they say emphatically that they will not build if the next Saturday is against annexation. ! This is certain to be the conclu sion of many others who have bought lots in the western part jof the.jeifey-.with the? intention' of building. A , large number of lots have been sold there the past year on the certainty that mountain , water would be 'fur nished. Most of these people will not think of living there without water at once and hope of sewerage at, an early- date. They understand, however, that the city has rendered service there somewhat illegally, out of kindness of spirit, and in the ex pectation that that section would become a part of the city when j 'a i , i , vppurmniiy onerea, so tney do uui cAti cue city ty continue its service if the vote is against annexation. ' r . The failure to get "water ;pn CLEVER WESTERN A' press notice says: - "In Wy oming' H. E. Pierce and Co.'s great play of western ranch life, will be the -attraction at f the opera house Wednesday, Dec. 22. The selection, of this 'drama of the west 'will meet with, wide approval in Corvallis and the production itself promises to be one of the most pretentious that will be seen here during the pres ent season. . "In Wyoming, "is a genuine. ." American play, ..replete with virility and strength. Wil- ' lard Mack, -the author, has skill fully combined, his: ingredients of , dramatic interest with the proper admixture of comedy, and has succeeded in evolving a rare play wherein swiftly alternating laughs fifive nlace frflniieTit.lv . moments of intense pathos, The scenes are laid near Casperj Wy oming. The . management has .furnished a complete scenic pro duction, which, will be used in its , entirety during the engagement'. the hill west of the college means a cessation of growth there. It is likely to result in a lessening of values, and it is certain that there will be no further increase of value. . There has been a dis position to make the western section of Corvallis a residence section and many citizens of spme means have bought there, but these will not build. No section can be made fit for living without water . and the people who have lived down in the city Will not forsake the mountain water here for well water there. With' the tendency to growth that western Corvallis has shown the past year or two, farm lands there would be worth $200 to $400, a lot in less than five years. But it can never be so without water. There is no bluff in the City Water Commission's attitude in this matter,; and if there were there is now ready an injunccion suit to keep the commission from serving consumers outside of the limit.': : w ;"',.' "' Annexation might cause the payment of an advance in the tax (though we doubt any consider able advance) but the loss to that entire section will ,be hun dreds and thousands of dollars if there is no annexation. "Voters should not listen" to these carpers who are opposed to everything. OTHER PULLS FOR THE BIG FIGHT Peter Rickard Squaies Ted's Debts; ; ,i P. Avery Kin to Jeffries. Press dispatches brought the news this , morning that Tex Rickard, the prize-fight promo ter had been , sued for $5650.75 on bills owing one J. G. Roberts. With the idea, of furthering the chance for Corvallis landing the Jeffries-Johnson .fight, .with which Tex. Rickard has much to do, Peter' Rickard got in touch with the authorities at Reno, Nevada, where the suit was filed, and guaranteed the sum owed by his relative. If this .doesn't warm Tex up toward: Corvallis, then he is a very ungrateful fel low, v ;-v ' , ; Since the Johnsons have lined up the chocolate champion in favor of "Corvallis, Mr. - Punder ,son Avery has been making, an effort to get a particular lever age on Mr. Jeffries. By - refer ence to the family tree he dis covers that a brother , of his great 'great grandfather's nephew by his ; sixth wife mar ried a woman who had a coufiin named Jeffries. That's a "rather slim thread to work on," but the Corvallis company proposes to leave nothing undone that might land the big scraps With $175, 000 of good coin at , hand, the city council, sheriff's office and . ministerial association ac quiescent, it would be a shame if this coming mertyopohs,. prob able capital of Oreeon. should be beaten out by San Francisco or Oakland. .. At, last accounts N. B. Avery and A:.L. , Stevenson had their heads together and they are. certain to hatch up a surprise for other bidders for the fight. " ' J .. ; .': Mrs. - Eldriedsre leaves Fridav for Newberg, v-where she willspend the holi. RUT ONE CASE OF HEALTH OFFICER SAYS ALARM IS WHOLLY UNWARRANTED NEVER MORE THAN FOUR Falling Off of Attendance at North School Result of Foolish Alarm from Careless Statements -Every Pre caution Being Taken. Of more than 200 pupils en rolled at the North school but 65 were in attendance today. This is due to alarm about diphtheria, of which there is tmt ONE case in the city at the present time. There have been but six cases since September and in the past month there have been but four. No case has yet developed jn school, and extraordinary pre caution is being, taken. The North, -ii school , is fumigated, though there was no suspicion of germs hr the buiiding. , Last night the Central building was fumigated simply of a 'precau tion. -. There is no epidemic, no possible danger of an epidemic with present precautions. Everv voune-ster with suspicion of "a s6rerthroat" Is ex amined by ; physicians. Foolish and excitable persons have re ported 25 and 50 cases. - The health officer's report says ONE. Friday nieht opens the rjreliminarv basketball season at O. A. C. Forme experts will play the reffular team anil the Sonhs will nlav fh T 1j - . XT J w 0 J." 11U the line up of the old stars it looks ; like the regulars are due to receive a drub bing. - .' ' George Watson, a stranger enraged in peddling small household utensils, was picked up by Chief Wells Wednes day and charged with violation ' of a city ordinance. On a preliminary hear ing he pleaded not guilty and 'his trial was set for 9 o'clock this morning, and then postponed until 2 n'r-lrwlr days at labor was the sentence. ' KLINE'S THE y1 : Every Man's Overcoat Reduced thisSreek. SEE DIPHTHERIA 1 'k " ' - - I " ! .. . . i r -r ' . MEN'S OVERCOATS , ORCHARD COMA I NY GETS BUSY i ' ;. MONROE CORRESPONDENT TELLS V' OF WHAT IS DOING ' WHO'S WHO AT PHILOMATH People Who Come and Go and Why ) They Do It- Some Come to Cor- j yallis, Others go ElsewhereSam Bennett is Getting Better. ; , MONROE, Dec. 13-Rev. Hack ing, of the M. E. church at " , Monroe, delivered an address on Odd;. Fellowship before Alpine lodge No. 197 I. O, O. F. Sun day at Simpson's chapel. The members were out in full regalia, as were also the Rebekahs. I The prune orchard on the old EcElroy place is being rennovat ed, About half of the trees are, being taken out to make room for the ' rest to properly flourish. The Oregon Apple Co." owns this place and Cleve & Currinj an old O., A. C. man, is superintendent The portion jf the -place' in prunes is only ten . acres, and' the greater part of the remainder will soon be into apple trees. Already nearly 10.000 young', teees are hee1ea"' mnTfefe:"on the placeT awaiting favorable weather so as to be placed in favorable posi tion. A dozen men are employed regularly by the company and a great change is being made in the ranch. Scores of big oak, some of which were four feet or more in diameter, have been cut down and the stumps blown out preparatory to getting 'some 200 acres of trees set out by March 15th. Despite washouts and soft spots along the line, Carver, has been doing 'business at the same old stand of late. - C. J. Currin, : superintendent of the Oregon Apple Co.'s ranch here, was a visitor to Corvallis PLACE TO : BUY YOUR Christmas Sale of Ladies' Coats and Suits Great Xrnas Sale of Ladies' Coats and Suits. Every year there are; many people who confine their gift giving to practical and needed things. That is why we are making a Great Reduction on our Coats and Suits, so those who are seeking such gifts may get just what they are looking for at a greatly reduced price. Below we quote regular and sale price which tells the story better than a whole page of description: $13.50 Suits, Sale Price. .............. .$10.75 15.00 Suits, Sale Price. . . ; ............ 1L95 ' . 17.50 Suits, Sale Price... .13.95 1 30.00 Suits, Sale Price. ...i..... . . 23.85 Space will not permit us to quote more prices, but Every Suit and oecona jf ioor Department is Reduced. in the House THEM. a'safe-'flace on Saturday and Sunday. . Bernard Wilhelm is having a snug little home built Things are evidently going to happen. Philomath, Dec. 16, Mrs. Geo. Gove went to Albany Wednesday on business, ' Mrs. H. S. Moses and daughter Blanche were Corvallis shoppers Saturday. Frank Becker returned Wed nesday after spending a few days in Corvallis the guest of Prof. Sam Groff. : : ' 1 ' ' . , -; - Mr. and Mrs. Frank Strong of Salem, visited her mother, Mrs. Schaffer, last week. " ' ' , Mrs. Robert Hunter and baby daughter returned to Corvallis Saturday. White in Philomath they visited at the home of Mrs. Hunter's father, J. E. Henkle. ; The Rhetorical given at the Philomath College last Saturday night was in every way a success. Musical numbers were also rend ered. ' ' ' ; ; Mrs. Gertrude Fischer was in Corvallis Saturday. . , The University Extension Club met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bennett last Thursday evening. This club is composed of the teachers at both College and the public school. j Sam Bowen, who was injured last week, is rapidly recovering. Rev. and Mrs. Parrett are holding, very' interesting meet ings at the Brick college. ' ' ' - . Newberg and the Philomath 0lege-bask4jallara&-playe4 last Saturday night at the Armory The game was wone by the local tipam by a score of 56 to 32. - R. A. Clark, Miss Edith Cum ming, Miss Allen and" Mrs. James Evars were Corvallis passengers Thursday. - ft Editor Gazette-Times: In your headline to my letter of yesterday you said that l am not afraid of the devil himself, but I am. There is . nothing else in (Continued on last page) CORRECTION , Beautiful water colored Landscape t many different subjects. Price 19 cents each! SEE WINDOW DISPLAY. : ' to trade ! AFTER PERNOT AND THE COUNCIL SAYS DOC IS A KNOCKER AND C0UNCILMEN ARE WORSE WANTS ANOTHER ORDINANCE Says Cooncilmen Should Own at Least $2,000 Worth of Property in the City Gets .Wires Crossed and Scores Doc When He Isn't Guilty. Gazette-Times: As I read the article that T)r. Pernot. wrote of the condition of Job's and Wilkins' Additions I would like to know if he knows the reason why Job's and Wilkins' Additions are in the conditions that they are in? We have paid taxes for years and have not. received any benefit All we ever got was our street . crossings cleaned just a few days before an elec tion. . We, will all vote for the annexation . next Saturday if they will sign a contract to go right ' to work and put ' in- the sewer. It seems like there ought to be - a hew ordinance so a councilman had to be a resi dent of the .city for at least two years and -own not less than $2000 worth of property. We nave some men in tne council that don't own any property here in the city' in their" own name. ' I would like to ask Dr. Pernot if Job's and Wilkins Additions are not in as good sanatary condition as the south west part of town. If he finds it the same, don't give this part a blackeye, for I think that is not , helping to make Corvallis beautiful! And I think' Dr. Pernot makes part of his living off of this part of the town. The y college is the life of the the rest and get the sewers Job's and Wilkins' -, Additions will be the heart of Corvallis and the (Continued) on page four) SATURDAY SPECIAL ' .Vt:.--. J - .... - . .