The daily gazette-times. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1909-1921, September 29, 1909, Image 3

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    Jet Combs
27-inch BLACK
The City
and Vicinity
Mrs. M. A. Peters returned a day
two ago from a six months stav
142 Second Street
1 That have not been played
buy from
Graham & Wells
We do not allow anyone to
handle our Records but our
Osteopathic Physician
At Corvallis Hotel
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays
At Albany
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays
15-17 Brenner Building
"Dad" Stewart, the oyster house
man, has been ill the past few days
and scarcely able to attend to business,
but he is about straightened out now.
The coming of the students makes
quite a little business for " the local
postoffice. 'Following so closely on the
inactivity of the summer months the
increased work seems none the less
A short time ago Frank Howell ran
a small splinter into his hand. Blood
' poisoning set in and for two weeks or
j or more he has been suffering terribly.
; The injured hand is now getting better
and it is probable that Mr. Howell can
be at work in another week or two.
R. J. Smith, of Lynch, Neb., has
arrived here and will open a fine jewelry
and watch store in Mrs. Wetherla's mil
linery parlors on Madison street. Mr.
Smith is now busily engaged installing
his show cases and arranging his stock
and will be ready for business about
October 1st. ,
Bergman, famous hurdler at O. A. C.
last year, has arrived and will go in for
football this year. Cross, the mile run
ner last season, is also on deck and he,
too, will strive for football honors.
Both are husky young fellows and there
is a strong probability that both will
make the first team.
j A. L. Snell and Bennett Olsen, two
' teamsters of the Five Rivers country
were in Corvallis over night. Like all
j the other Alseans they are proud of the
work being done on the roads in
that section. Every Alsean who
' comes to town boosts for roads,
I and it can not be denied that they are
setting the county a splendid example.
Two farmers in southern Benton
county sold their ranch effects recently,
their total sales being about $1600.
Of this amount less than $350 was paid
for by note. Those who bought either
I had cash or wrote checks. As an in
dication of the prosperity of the Benton
farmer, this is all that could be desired,
! It is also reported that property dis
posed of at recent sale has brought
fair prices.
A bunch f sweetwater grapes ten
inches long and six inches wide at top
found its way to this ofHce this morn
ing, and in the basket which brought
the grapes came nutmeg cantaloupes
with a flavor not surpassed by the mel
ons from Rocky Ford district. Both
grapes and nutmegs were raised in
Corvallis and as samples of what the
ground will produce are A No. 1, The
Gazette-Times is indebted to Misses
Anna and Elma Hite for this luscious
fruit and returns thanks. These fine
specimens were raised in the Hite gar
den, which produces enough of like
kind for Mr. Hite to supply a goodly
number of households.
We are sole agents here for
these always reliable Patterns.
All persons desiring the
Monthly Fashion Sheets may
have them FREE. We will
mail copies the first of October
to all who send or give us their
Newest in Ladies' Suits, Coats,
Waists, Furnishings, Shoes
Henkle & Davis
QDr. F. B. Dayton, of the firm
of Dayton Bros, eye specialists
will have his office as usual at the Hotel
Corvallis Wednesday afternoon and all
day Thursday, Sept. 29 and 30. If you
need glasses get the best. Dozens of
Corvallis references. Eyes examined
free. 9-27-31
It was definitely announced
yesterday that Eugene is to
have a new theater. The build
ing is to be erected by Mrs. M.
Watson and Julius Goldsmith
and is to occupy a part of the
space now occupied by the elec
tric . theater and the Goldsmith
mi 1 . .-a -a
ine electric theater being a
wooden structure will be torn'
down and the new theater plan,
together with other improve
ments, will make it necessary to.
extend both buildings back to
the alley, making a building
44x160 feet.
Suits and Overcoats
From $8 to $25
The season's latest styles and
choicest fabrics, j
Dealer in all Men's Furnishings
We sell cheapest because we sell
' for cash. - ,
The Baptists have finally landed a
minister the Rev. Mr. Rossford, of
Chicago. That gentleman will come to
Oregon at a very early date and take I
up his duties here. Mr. Rossford is
34 years of age, and while pastor of a
Chicago church at the , present time,
has engaged in ; young men's uplift
work some time before.' He comes
highly recommended and at a salary of
$1200. The Baptists have been with
out a pastor some time and are im
mensely pleased that they have secured
Rev. Rossford. Until he arrives here,
Rev. Whirry will continue in charge of
services here.
IU City Stables
Everything new and up to
date. Rigs furnished on
short notice. Call
and give us a
trial. Cor.
Madison x
L. F.GRAY, -
Succeed when everything else falls.
In nervous prostration and female
weaknesses they are the supreme
remedy,' as thousands have testified.
It is the best medicine ever sold
over a druggist's counter. ,
Three or four prospective students at
O. A. C. have returned home , because
of being unable to find board and rooms
at a price that would enable them to
stay. These boys were unable to secure
accommodations for less than $18 or
I a month and they thought this too high.
When it is considered that at Cautnorn
j Hall, where every effort is made to fur
nish the student board and room at the
least expense and no profit, the monthly
cost of living reaches between $14.00
and $15.00 per month of thirty di
the present cost of private board does
not seem outrageously high. Still the
public should be careful to not kill the
goose that lays the golden egg.
RoseburgNews: T. W. B. Smith,
of Corvallis, accompanied by Mrs. Smith
is in the city on the way to Klamath
Falls to visit their daughter. Mr.
Smith was a resident of Roseburg forty
years ago, when the town was small
bu,t full of energy and boasting of being
the terminus of the O. & C.R. R. He
; was also freighting from Scottsburg to
Winchester when the county and all
I Sourthern Oregon and Northern Call
1 f ornia bought their supplies from
Scottsburg, after that town had re
j ceived them through the mouth of the
LUmpqua at Gardiner, and a railroad
i would ; have been regarded as the im-
i possible realization of a crazy man
, dream. When he looked at Roseburg
r today he realized that the town bad
, been growing bigger and better while
j he had been growing older, and he was
glad of it. -
Walter Wiles, of Wells, was in the
city today.
S. J. Smith and family left today for
Walla Walla.
Mrs. Roy Stewart left today for her
home at Mill City after a pleasant visit
here with her uncle, W. H. E. Gibbon,
The members of the K. L. C. E. will
hold their first monthly business meet
ing in the Evangelical church Thursday
at 7:30 d. m. It is desired that all
members be present.
R. J. Tracy, one of the popular O.
A. C. students last year, is down from
Eastern Oregon today after books and
rjaraohemalia left behind when he de
parted for home last spring. His bus
ness interests make it inconvenient for
him to return this year.
The Right Rev. Bishop Spalding, of
Salt Lake City, will speak at O. A. C.
convocation next Wednesday. The
students will not hear a more brilliant
speaker during the year. Spalding is a
man of tremendous mental endowment
and is a strength to all who see and
hear him. ;
Mr. J. R. Welch, wife and daughter
were visiting this week with C. A. Do'
bell and family. Mr. Welch and Mr.
Dobell were associated together in the
banking business in Iowa twenty years
ago, where Mr. Welch is now in
business. Mr. Welch is one of the
best known bankers and politiciansin
his state and showed himself a good
mixer while here.
Elbert Hubbard, one of the most
prolific writers and speakers of the
present age, is scheduled for an ad'
dress at the Agricultural College Arm
ory next Saturday evening. Hubbard
is one of the real live wires, and is
loved and hated by more people than
any other on the globe today, ms
friends say he is one of the greatest
forces for good that has ever arisen
those who dislike him insist that he
a charlatan, a brilliant faker of ques
tionable morality, and one whose writ
ings should not be given a place on the
center table. There is nothing about
Hubbard that is ordinary he is whack
ing away at something always and he
cuts with a razor blade. Even those
who dislike him most admit that few
men of history have had his capacity
to inspire ' thought or his ability to
make the most commonplace things
vital. He " is the father of the Roy-
crof tie and hails from East Aurora,
N. Y,, where Ali Baba also lives and
has a being. ' As the people read him
and then berate or praise him, Hub
bard continues to scribble at about
$2.00 a word and publish in his monthly
Philistine the vicious things said of
him. No character greater than Hub
bard will visit Corvallis in the next
decade. ' - '
WANTED-Position by young lady
as assistant bookkeeper or office work.
! Best reference. Address Box 121 Cor
vallis. 9-28-tf
, WANTED Experienced girl for gen
eral housework. Phone 4266 9-24-tf
For Rent New seven room house,
west of depot, on 18th street. Phone
4317. W. P Darby. 9-28-5t
FOR RENT Nice seven-roomed house
on South Fifth. 'Phone 3217. 9-28-2t
For Rent Corner Third and Jeffer
son Sts, suite of rooms, and one large
single room, convenient to business
section. ' 9-27-6t
Ice cream delivered on thirty minutes
notice by Winkley's Palace of Sweets.
Eastern and Tokepoint
in bulk at Dad's place.
oysters sold
one of Dad's famous
Go to Andrews & Kerr's Bakery for
fresh pies, cakes, cookies, etc., 9-24tf
Sporting goods, bicycles and fishing,
tackle at Heater & Harrington's.
- 9-3-tf.
Dad's oysters are shipped direct from
beds daily. 9-27-tf
Going hunting? Get your guns and
ammunition at Heater & Harrington's.
300 acres of farming land for rent.
40 heads of Cotswold Bucks for sale.
Roy Rickard, R. F. D. 4, Corvallis,
Oregon. 9-23 7t.
Complete outfits for camping parties
at Blackledge's furniture store. 8-3-tf
For Rent
Good piano.
Phone 4216.
, Charles
Monroe - Sept 28 A. A.
Meek, who has been loading
wheat on the C. &. A., was re
turning home when the team
got frightened at a passing
motorcycle. The seven-year-
old son of Emitt Moore, who
was in the wagon, was thrown
from the spring seat when the
wagon overturned, narrowly es
caping death. The team ran
about a mile tor the Bruce store
and hung up in the fence. No
f uther damage was done.
A party of young folks from
this vicinity are camping at
Wilhelm's prune orchard pick
ing prunes.
Si Herron is taking care of
the prune crop on Albert Zierolf 's
place, near Long Tom river. '
The farmers are preparing for
another year's farming. "
For Sale Piano in good condition.
Call phone 142. 9-27-6t
For Sale Some improved lots in
Park Terrace. $500 and under. In
quire of Capt. McAlexander. ' 9-23-6t
Business Pointers.
These cost money and are
worth your attention.
Big hosiery sale at Kline's Saturday.
See window display. 9-27-3t
Eastern and Tokepiont oysters opened
at Dad's place. 9-27-tf
Night on Bald Mountain.
Read Kline's ad. on first page.
Dad's kitchen
always open
for m-
Razors, safety and the other kind.
Largest line at Heater & Harrington's.
- 9-3-tf-
Six loaves of bread for 25
Andrews & Kerr's Bakery.
cents at
Eat Golden Rod Flakes,
They are better for breakfast,
Than old-fashioned corn cakes,
And five minuets time,
Is all that it takes
At Kline's. 6-12-tf
Watch for Andrews & Kerr's special
delivery. 9-24-tf
J. T. Patterson, having bought the
Bannister grocery, will be glad to
meet old customers and many new ones.
He will treat youlright. Give us a
trail and if not satisfactory come" and
tell us If satisfactory, tell your friends.
We can save you money. Try us.
Phone, 3283, J. T. Patterson. 9-23-tf
BOYS! GIRLS! Columbia Bicycle
Free! Greatest offer out. Get" your
friends to subscribe to our magazine and
we will make you a present of a $40.00
Columbia Bicycle the best made. Ask
for particulars, free outfit, and circular
telling "How to Start." Address, .
The Bicycle Man," 29-31 East 22d
Street, New York City, Ni Y: 9-23-3t
At McFadden's
Stables, Corvallis,
Beginning at 10:30
Percherons, by
Get your window glass
Miner's. North Second St.
On a lonely night Alex. Benton, of
Fort Edward, N. Y., climbed Bald
Mountain to the home of a neighbor tor
tured by Asthma, bent on curing him
with Dr. King's New Discovery, that
had cured himself of asthma. . This
wonderful medicine soon relieved and
quickly cured his neighbor. Later it
cured his son's wife of 'a severe lung
trouble. Millions believe it's the great
est Throat and Lung cure on Earth.
Coughs, Colds, Croup, Hemorrhages
and Sore Lungs are surely cured by it.
Best for Hay Fever, Grip and Whoop
ing Cough. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle
free. Guaranteed by all druggists.
Boy's clothing half price
this week.
Round Trip Rates
to Chicago
On October 4th the Southern Pacific
will sell round trip - tickets to Chicago
for $75.10. These tickets carry a going
limit of 10 days going. Return limit
November 30th, 1909. Stopovers will
be allowed on going: trip within limit
and" on return trip within limit. Pas
sengers may go one route and return
another if desired.
9- -8t R. C. Linville. Ae-ent.
The Gazette-Times 50c per month.
Jewell Baking Co.
New and up-to-date
Best Bread, Buns, Pies and
. . Cakes in the city.
341 Second Street ,
Telephone 132
Deliveries made to all parts
'J of town: ' .
Phonographs and all the 'newest i
cords at Heater & Harrington's.
GOOD BOARD And pleasant rooms
for people. Electire lights and bath.
Everything homelike, 440 S. 11th Sts.
phone 1150. 9-28-tf
3 Two-year-old
m- t 1 -It 1 i
(l Tnree-year-oia smre, weigm
1 1800 pounds.
A. L. ' l Three-year-old German Coach.
9-28-tf 1 weight 1250:pounds. -
Kline,s j 1 Match team. "Pilot Lane"
9-27-tf i colts-
1 1400-pound mare ana uerman
Coach colt.
3 Yearlings 1 Percheron, 1
German Coach, 1 Belgian.
Sale will be without reserve
A. L. Stevenson, Auctioneer.
Sunday Excursions
to Newport
The C.I& E. Railroad will run regular
excursions to .Newport every ounaay
until further notice, leaving Corvallis
at the same time as heretofore. Fare
for round trip, $1.50..
9-9-tf R. C. Linville, Agent.
f ".
Notice of Meeting of Board of Equa
To all to whom it may concern: notice
is hereby given that the Board of Equa
lization for Benton County, State of
Oregon,, will convene in the office of
the County Clerk, in the Court, House,
in Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon,
on the thirdMonday in October, tp-wit:
On MondayJOctober 18th, 1909, at the
hour of 9 o'clock a. m., and 'remain in
session until legally adjourned for, the
purpose of publicly examining the As
sessment Rolls for the year 1909, and
correct all errors in valuation, descrip
tion or qualities of lands, lots or other
property, assessed by the Assessor of
Benton County! Oregon, and it shall
be the duty of any or all persons inter
estep to appear at time and place above
specified and appointed.
Dated September 24, 1909.
W. H. Rickard,
Assessor of Benton County, State of
Date of first publication Sept. 24
Date of last publication Oct. 15.
: Street. Phone 4209.
Pass the word to your relatives and friends to come now.
To Oregon will prevail from th East "
September 15 to October 15
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