The daily gazette-times. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1909-1921, September 24, 1909, Image 3

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And we carry
a complete stock
of all sizes and
Especially do
we wish to
inform you
that Perrin's
Black Kid
are guaranteed
as well as all .
' Black Kids,
' $1.50, $1.75, $2.00
Street Glove,
One Clasp Glove,
Brown Suede, -$1.75
8 Button Gloves,
142 Second Street
Night on Bald Mountain.
.On a lonely night"" Alex. Benton, 'of
Fort Edward, N Y., climbed Bald
Mountain to the home of a neighbor tor
tured by Asthma, bent on curing him
, with Dr. . King's New Discovery, that
had cured himself of asthma. This
wonderful medicine soon " relieved and
quickly cured his neighbor. Later it
cured his son's wife of a severe lung
trouble. Millions believe it's the great
est Throat ' and Lung cure on Earth.
Coughs, Colds, Croup, Hemorrhages
and Sore Lungs are surely cured by it.
- Best for Hay Fever, Grip and Whoop
ing Cough. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle
free. Guaranteed by all druggists.
Name ..
Street No. . ..... . . . . . . .
Must be Voted On
The Favorite Musical Triumph
I - , -J
Masterpiece of . .
Pennant Winning Beauty Chorus
Advance sale opens Friday morning at Graham , & Worth-'
am's Drug Store.' Prices: Lower floor, $1.50, $1. ' Balcony, $1, 75c.:
Gallery, general admission, 50c. . . - ,
The City: -and
; Watch for- Andrews & Kerr's special
delivery. 9-24-tf
Miss Ethel Elliott, of Fort Wayne,
Indiana, is the guest of Mrs. W. F.
Gaskins. .
H. H. Glassford, and brother from
Ohio, have gone over to Airlie to visit
a sister, Mrs. Buchanan.
A cook at one of the logging camps
near Philomath was mixed up in a run
away yesterday and received a broken
E. E. McVicker and wife were at
Dallas the first part of week and at
tended the opening at Dallas College
returning home day before yesterday.,
, Wm. H. Waggoner, of near Phil
omath, was found last night in a par
tially paralyzed condition. He was
missed and when relatives went to
hunt him found him where he had fall
en at the roadside from a wheel.
Dean Greer reports that there are
quite a number of . rooms at Waldo
Hall not yet assigned. It was pub
lished that all rooms had been taken.
This statement was incorrect. Any
girls desiring rooms at Waldo will do
well to call Miss Greer by phone or
see her personally at once. .. v
A genflman named Porter, recently
from Canada,"proposes to' winter here
in a tent. The Glassfords have given
room on their lots and a fine heavy
tent, with board floor, has been put
up. The Porters will be as snug as a
bug in a rug and live quite pleasantly
this winter, unless the very unexpected
happens again. - - ,
Joseph Dixon's right hand, poisoned
several months ago from digging out a
thistle, is almost as stiff as a board.
His hand was lanced in thirteen differ
ert places, and is terribly out of shape
buy Mr. Dixson laughs' and insists that
it is better than no hand. That's a
mighty fine spirit for a man past 80 6f
age. . "' -
A fire on Fifth street two or three
days ago - calls to mind again the
necessity of boys and men being careful
with their matches, cigarettes and
cigars. This hre was in iront oi tne
Glassford house and was burning quite
vigorously when they happenpd to re
turn. . But for" intervention . at that
time some serious damage must have
resulted. v The grass is very dry at this
time and it takes but a spark to ignite
it. Be , careful about throwing the
match or lighted smoking material to
the ground. . .-....' . .. ' . . ''
" Registration at O. A. C. this year
extends over a period of four days, in
stead of two as has been the rule here
tofore. This makes it difficult to get
any line-up on the probable attend
ance. Monday and Tuesday will be
the heavy , days, but because of the
registration today and tomorrow the
number enrolled then will not be so
large. It is expected that about 200
will be enrolled before the offices close
this evening. . The four day scheme is
liked because of the fact that it pre
vents the usual "rush."
or Before October 2.
As presented
' Stellar Cast With V 1
Assisted by the Famous ' '
J. T. Patterson, having bought the
Bannister grocery, will be. glad to
meet old Customers and many new ones.
He ' will treat you right. Give us a
trail and if not satisfactory come and
tell us If satisfactory, tell your friends.
We can save you- money. Try us.
Phone, 3283, J. T. Patterson. 9-23-tf
: Kline's and The Elite have up some
very beautiful O. " A. C. decorations.
O. A. C. colors lend themselves readily
to very attractive decoration and this
year several of the stores have livened
up in a splendid way. The students
should feel very flattered for it's doubt
ful if Bill Taft's coming would be her
alded so joyously.
The O. A. C. council has been hold
ing many meetings recently and yes
terday the entire facutly, numbering
101, inclusive of certain employes, was
called together to hear plans Pres. Kerr
desires to see materailized. A feature
of his address to the faculty was his un
compromising attitude in reference to
the toleration of students inclined to
the use of liquor. Any student guilty
of using liquor while attending school
at 0. A. C. will fired and not permitted
to return.
The first week in October, Corvallis
will receive a visit from Right Rev.
Franklin S. Spalding, Bishop of the
Missionary District of Salt Lake,
which comprises the State of Utah, a
visitation that promises to be an event
in the history of the local parish.
Bishop Spalding is in the prime ' of
life, having been born in Pennsylvania,
in 1865, and was consecrated to the
episcopate December 14th, 1204. His
field is one of the most difficult in the
country, for he has the whole Monnon
problem to contend with. '! In the five
years since he has been consecrated,
Bishop Spalding has shown marked
ability, and is today considered one of
the strongest men in- the American
House of Bishops. This autumn he is
making a trip through Oregon and
California, telling- about the work of
the church in Utah. On October 12th
he is to be the chief speaker at an
important social function, including
a banquet, to be given in his honor at
Portland, under the auspices of both
clergy and laity of the diocese of
Oregon, Bishop Scadding presiding.
His visit - here is in the nature
of a mission as ' above ; set
forth, and the ... citizens of
Corvallis will be fortunate in hearing'
him. Bishop Spalding is one of the
most brilliant speakers in the entire
west and it is certain that the distin
guished visitor will be asked to speak
where all who care to do so may hear
him. , .- . -
Six loaves of bread for .25 cents atl
Andrews & Kerr's Bakery. ; 9-24-tf
Johnson's Fire
(Continued! from, page one )
blew heavy sparks to the north
east, property near the burning
barn suffered no injury. The
barn was a good one and a short
time ago had an addition built
to it.
Mr. Johnson was at the council
chamber when the news reached
himr and the phone message
said that it was his home. He
made a rapid trip out to north
jieventn ana oi course was
greatly relieved to discover ' that
only his barn was afire and his
home was not in greatest
danger. v
Go to Andrews & Kerr's Bakery for
fresh pies, cakes, cookies, etc., . 9-24tf
BOYS! GIRLS! Columbia Bicycle
reel - Greatest offer out. Get vour
friends to subscribe to our magazine and
we will make you a present of a $40.00
Columbia Bicycle the best made. Ask
for particulars, free outfit, and circular
telling "How to Start."- Address,
"The Bicycle Man," 29-31 East 22d
Street, New York City, N. Y. 9-23-3t
Portland Fair and
Love Stock Show
For the Portland Fair and Live Stock
Show held in Portland Sept. 20th. to
25, inclusive the C. & E. and S. P. will
sell round trip tickets on Sept. 23rd.
and 24th., only, good to return not
later than Sept.-27th, for $3.50. ChilJ
dren between 5 and .s12 years old half
fare. Passengers can go, either via
Albany or west sidh direct returning
same way as going.
. R. C. Linville Agent
street. , flume 4209.
Have only
Business Briefs
Furniture, . stoves, ranges, etc., at
Kempin's store. 103 N. 2nd St. 17-25
Phonographs and all the newest re
cords at Heater & Harrington's.
, 9-3-tf.
Read Kline's ad. on first page. .
, 9-20-tf
Wanted All round tailor at Bauer &
Wilkins. 9-23tf
S Wanted A girl for general house
work. Inquire or address E. D. Ress
ler, 142 N. 7th. - 9-8-tf
Razors, safety and the other kind.
Largest line at Heater & Harrington's.
Ice cream delivered on thirty minutes
notice by Winkley's Palace. of Sweets.
1 - V . tf
-300 acres of farming land for rent.
40 heads of Cotswold Bucks for sale.
Roy Rickard, R. F. D. 4, Corvallis,
Oregon. : ' '' , 9-23 7t.
Acme Quality Paints and Floor . Var
nish that wears at A. L. Miner's.
7. --V- 5-17-tf.
Wanted an experienced woman as
chambermaid at the Hotel Corvallis .
Good wages. : 1 9-20-tf
. Choice vegetables and all kind ' of
grocerices on sale at J. T. Patterson.
Phone 3283. 9-23-2tf
For Sale Some improved lots in
Park ; Terrace. '$500 and under. In
quire of Capt. McAlexander. - 9-23-6t
New goods added' every day , to my
stock. Give me trial J. T. Patterson.
Phone 3283. : ! 9-23-2t
? Sporting goods, bicycles and fishing
tackle fat .Heater & Harrington's. v J
- - ; . . . 9-3-tf.
' WANTED Expert girl for general I
housework. , Phone 4266. - tf
' FURNISHED ROOMS-suitable for !
light housekeeping, with : all modern
conviences. 623 South , 4th . street,
phone 3120 - 9-20-6
Going hunting? , Get your guns and
ammunition at Heater & Harrington's.
9-3-tf. ,
"V - ...
three days more in which to
in this generous and timely
positively the last days of
' For Sale Two lots located . corner
Fourth and B streets. Call 708 Third
street, or phone 1120. - 9-13-tf
Complete outfits for camping parties
at Blackledge's furniture store. 8-3-tf
, Eat Golden Rod Flakes,.
They are better for breakfast,
Than old-fashioned corn cakes,'
And five minuets time,
Is all that it takes
At Kline's. 6-12-tf
No old wornout Edison Record Re
cords at our store. Graham & Wells.
WANTED Experienced girl for gen
eral housework. Phone 4266 9-24-tf
WANTED -Two good carrier boys
for Oregonian. Apply Roscoe Tartar,
at Andrew & Kerr's Bakery. 9-24-2t
For Rent
Goocl' piano. Phone 4216. Charles
Haskell. 9-23tf
For Rent
. Furnished rooms' for light house
keeping. Modern convenien ces. 623
S. 4th, phone 3120. 9-23tf
That have not been plaved
buy from
Graham & Wells
We do not allow anyone to
- handle our Records but our
' clerks.
A new line of Ingrain Carpets, best patterns and fast colors, per yd, 60c
Ingrain Rugs from $3. 75 to. ......... . $8. 50
A good Dresser, 18x40, Plate Glass Mirror, 16x24, only.................. $8. 75
Iron Beds, new goods 4 . . t $3.00 and up
SCHULTZ, The Furniture Man
Sealed proposals to furnish supplies
required by the Oregon Agricultural
College, for four months ending Decem
ber 31, 1909, will be received at the
Business Offif nf fllo OnWacra until nnnn
w.w U11U( I1UVU
Saturday, September 25th. The right
is reserved to reject any or all bids, or
to accept or reject'any part of a . bid.
Envelopes should be inscribed, "Pro
posals to Furnish Supplies." Goods of
Oregon manufacture or production wil
be given preference, other things'equal.
All goods must be delivered at the
dormitories as ordered by the respec
tive stewards. "' -'
Lists will be furnished on application
at the Buiness Office.
W. Horace Kerr,
Corvallis, Oregon.
September 20, 1909. 9-20-6t
WANTED Success magazine wants
an energetic and responsible man or
woman in Corvallis to collect for re
newals' and solicit new subscriptions
during full r spare time. Experience
unnecessary. Any one can start among
friends and acquaintances and build up
a paying and permanent business with
out capitoL Complete outfit and in
struction free. Address, "Von," Suc
cess magazine, room 103. success mag
azide building, New York City, N. Y.
1 9-23-3t
" For Sale An Oliver typewriter.
New, used less than two ' months.
Perfect condition. .Cheap foJ cash.