(3) , The City v and Vicinity Flags on the city hall and court house are flying at half-mast, in res : pect to Ihe late S. L. Kline. For Rent On College Crest, five rooms, with electric lights and mount ain water. Apply to W. C. Shriver, or phone 1185. 9-6-9 & w. Prof, and Mrs.. T. H. Crawford re turned last night from a two months stay at Seattle and Puget Sound points. They had a delightful vacation, enjoy ing the A. Y. P. E. very much. Lost Flat, gold breastpin, between Seventh and Adams and Palace theater. Leave here and get reward. 9-8-2t The Presidential Postmasters Asso ciation, of which B. ' W. Johnson is Secretary, will meet in Portland Sept. 22nd and 23rd. Postmaster General Hitchcock will be there at that time. Ice cream delivered on thirty minutes Rooms for rent, suitable for office or other purpose.' over Blackledge's furn iture store.. B. R. Thompson, R. F.B, 3. Corvallis. 9-10-w-th For Rent 6-roomhou9e, corner of N. 12th and Harrison Sts. Call Ind. phone 285. . 9-7-3t Rev. Whiirev- of McMinnville, will preach at the Baptist church next Sun j day morning and evening at the usual hours. All members are urged to be present. For Rent, House Eight rooms, and bath and pantry. Located next to corner Eleventh' and Jackson. All modern conveniences. Apply to E. G. Barzee, the corner. 9-10-It-D&W The Starrs are expected from Cali fornia in short time to remain about a month. They were in Arizona for a while but found that climate unsuited and finally went over to the "land of flowers." ' - Postmaster Johnson has been notified that the department is., now prepar ing a new postage stamp of special design, which will be ready for issue to postmasters about September 20, to commemorate the discovery of the notice by Winkley's Palace of Sweets. Hudson river by Henry Hudson in 1609, " tf and of - the introduction of steam B. M. Martin will leave tomorrow for navaAn on Tte wfter5 b7 Salemonatwo weeks' vacation. He , ton ui 1807, , The stamp oblong m will be joined there Sunday by Mrs. Mar- shape. tin. During his absence O. P. Hazzard will substitute on R. F. D. 4. . I Yesterday's Oregonian contained the shocking account of the killing, in Portland, of a little child of less . than two years, of age, by the streetcar of Conductor J. E- Coleman, an old 0. A. C. student, who married Miss Sadie Dixion, formerly of this city, and 'for i years an efficient bookkeeper and sten- Students at 0. A. C. this year will ographer at R. H. Houston's hardware find a welcome change in the hallway store. The parents of 'the little child of the Administration building. A cork are prostrated with grief, and to linoleum has been laid there, and now the many friends here who have learn as the hundreds who tramp through ed to know of the splendid qualities of there daily the noise will be somewhat both Mr. and Mrs Coleman, the news For Sale at very reasonable price 10-room house, within two blocks of Mechanical Hall, O. A. C. Suitable for roomers. 1604 Van Buren Street. 9-9-6t lessened. Eat Golden Rod Flakes, - They are better for breakfast, Than old-fashioned corn cakes, . ,. And five minuets time, Is all that it takes AtKlineti. 6-12-tf B. F. Swope, county judge of Lincoln county, has resigned and Governor Benson has appointed C. H. Gardner, a retired, hardware merchant of Toledo, to the office. Mr. Gardner was highly recommended for the position by the citizens of Lincoln county. He is 55 years old and a republican. Earlier in life he traveled out of Portland for a wholesale hareware house, and . was county clerk of Illinois for 15 years be fore coming to Oregon. ' will be received with deepest regret. It is a well known fact here that Mr, Coleman is considered one of Portland's most courteous, conscientious and care ful streetcar conductors and friends at tach no blame to him. The motorman on the car was so overcome that he was unable to give a statement of the affair. ' . Wanted Position as clerk; have had 16 years experience in general merchandise and clothing store; A 1 references; for particulars inquire at this office. ..'. Wanted A girl for general house work. Inquire or address E. D. eas ier, 142 N. 7th. ' 9-8-tf A few days ago a well-known citizen of the county missed a purse contain- , ing considerable money. He remembered having it at a certain place, and did j not see it after. He recalled that a. boy was near the last time he saw the purse, So he immediately insisted to j himself and others that the boy had stolen the purse. A few days later the F. P. Clark, of Philomath, protests prominent citizen' left that identical that the train service between Philo- purse on the counter of a certain store math and Corvallis is very inadequate, and yet he insisted that the boy had The one train each way a day allows stolen it. The boy's relatives became Philomath people less than two hours aroused and with aid of city officials in this city between trains.' If they convinced the prominent citizen that desire to transact business . requiring , he had accused the boy'" unjustly, and any time at all they must remain here under threat of prosecution he proceed- over night. He says , the Philomath ed about the city telling to 'all, to whom people dislike this arrangement very he had previously accused the boy, much, and feel that Philomath is en- that he had made a mistake. Occur- titled to great' consideration. It is claimed that traveling .Representative Jenkins promised them some different sort of arrangement. V ences of this kind are extremely un fortunate and should tead the people to be careful in the matter of making ac cusations. ,.r We Use Scien tific Instruments To determine the needs of your eyes , There is no guess work about our examinations. "They are just as ac curate as trained skill and experi- : ence can make them. They cost you nothing so you certainly ought to have the benefit of .them, if you have any eye trouble at all. They mean ! the propers glasses, the only kind you can afford to wear. E W, S, PRATT, Jeweler and Optician GOSSARP CORSETS PERRINS' GLOVES MENTOR UNDERW'R WALDORF WAIST THE SHOP WE FIT ALL CORSETS Complete stock of all W. B. Corset models in the best styles for fall wear. Take advantage of expert fitting service. W.B. CORSETS $1.00 to $5.00 GOSSARD CORSETS $5.00 and up' F. L, MILLER v 142 Second Street D. H. Leech, pastor of the First M. E. church,, leaver .in- a few. days for Forest Grove to attend the annual meeting of the Oregon' Conference. His two seTmons next Sunday may be his last here, as the Methodist- author ities have a habit of changing pastors from place to place over-requently, and they may send Mr.' Leech to some field where strenuous work ; is needed . In two years' work at the local church, Mr.: Leech has performed excellent service, adding many members to and freeing his church from debt. He is an earnest, conscientious worker, a pleasant, approachable gentleman, a pastor who has gained the good will of a large majority of the people of the city and enjoys the love and esteem of those with whom he is most closelv associated. Corvallis will regret it very much if Pastor Leech is not returned to the charge herey Go With A Rush. ;r, ; - ,'' The demand for that wonderful Stom ach, Liver and Kidney cure. Dr. King's New Life Pills, is astounding. All the druggists say they . never saw the like. It's because they never fail to cure Sour Stomach Constipation, Indigestion, Bil iousness, Jaundice, Sick Headache, Chills and Malaria. Only 25c. re. Colin IS Business Cole HELP YOUR CHURCH By Patronizing Mrs. J. Mason's Spec ial Benefit Millinary Sales. ' I STRICTLY STYLISH r i . iir Keaay-to-w ear SUITS, SKIRTS and WAISTS These Garments for Ladies and Misses are of excellent quality. The styles speak for themselves and the prices are really "' less 4han the cost of material and making. YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BY BUYING HERE NOW Henlde )& Davis Phonographs and all the- newest, re cords at Heater & Harrington's. , 9-3-tf. . A cement walk will be laid immedia tely in front of the one story1-buildings on the East side - of Second between Jefferson and . Madison., "' James L. Lewis expects to lay a walk in front of "his . property, the old Elite millinery corner, also, and is now waiting for steel tressel work for use in case a basement is dug beneath the walk. Complete outfits for camping parties at Blackledge's furniture store. 8-3-tf The change of "program offered . at the Palace theater last night is a strong one.. There are -three really excellent films, "The Way of the Cross" being the best of the three.1 This is a story of the struggles of the early .Christians in Rome during the reign of Nero, the tyrant, is well staged and acted and is intensely interesting throughout. "Cold Plunge in Moscow" shows a man taking a swim in the river at Moscow, Russia, with the thermometer below zero. ' 'An Heroic Father" is also good, being the story of a father s rescue of his son from a band of brigands. While Miss Spangler makes the most possible of the 'songs, they are punk. The bill will be repeated tonight. . Going hunting? : Get your guns and ammunition tit Heater & Harrington's, " '.' '. .; ';. ; 9-3-tf. , A great many Eugene people are going to burn coal this winter instead of wood, says the Guard. This is al most an inovation in Oregon ' and : the West, but in the East the woodsaw as frequently seen as the coal wagon is here. Several Easterners have during the past few winters moved here with coal stoves that are used to coal fur naces " only, LiOOKine the matter up they find that it is possible to ship coal at almost the same price as wood. , So it happens that this winter much more is being seen in town than previously. The cost here is about $10 a ton, for coal that sells in the East for $3 and $4, but with the cost of oak, , maple and fir wood ranging from $5 to $6 a cord it is really as cheap to burn one fuel as the other. The coal is generally con sidered mnch the easier and more con venient. - A bin in the cellar takes up much less room than the unsightly woodshed and. the coal hod and small shovel beside the stove is more easily handled than the wood box and pleases the small, boy that has to split wood. ; In a few years, perhaps, when the price of' wood has advanced an other notch or two, coal will be shipped here in greater quantities, and sold at a price so that the begrimed coal man with' his baskets or coal shute is a familiar character.- c 4 " Mrs. J. Mason, the milliner at Third and Monroe streets, is going to donate ten per cent of her daily sales to the respective'churches in the city, begin ning Monday, September 20, and giving the benefit of two days' sales to each church. The dates set apart are as follows: M.T3. church, South, September 20, and October 1; Baptist, September 21, and October 2; Evangelical, Septem ber, 22, and October 12; Presbyterian, September 23, and "October 4: Metho dist" Episcopal. September, 24, and October 5; Congregational, September 25, and October 6; .j Episcopal, Septem ber 27, and October, 7; Roman Catho lic, September 28, and October, 8; Christain, September 29, and October 9; German Lutheran, September 30, and October 11. Members and friends of the various churches are requested to remember the different dates. A full line of trim med hats will be all ready for selection the style being this seasons very latest. Also a line'of mourning hats. ,8-30, 9-4 A SCHOOL OF NEWEST METHODS IN BUSINESS CORVALLIS, OREGON - .La Is 'ia0RG.AJJ3 Principal Individual and class instruction. Bookkeeping, Office Methods, Type writer Bookkeeping, Chartier and Universal Shorthand. - POSITION CERTAIN. ' OPENS SEPTEMBER 27, 1909 c "ie ior i erms uUTJixruvuinnnirur Occidental Lumber Co. s Successors toj Corvallis Lumber Co. We are here to supply your needs in the Lumber line. Please call on J. B IRVING for information and prices. And take notice that if we have not got exactly what you want we will get it for you. . ; . - : CO. BASSET T, Local Mir, The Best Paint There is no better paint made for appearance and durability than . Acme Quality Paint Specially prepared for exterior and interior use. "FLOOR VARNISH THAT WEARS" A.- Xji Miner WALL PAPER AND PAINT STORE Second Street, Near Palace Theater I PUBLIC SALE -OF STOCK W. H. Curry, residing about seven miles northeast of Corvallis, and one mile north of Granger, will hold a Stock sale on Tuesday, September 14, beginning at 10 o'clock a. m. The stock will consist of 19 head of Jersey cattle, full bloods and high grades; ten head are mature cows, the other nine two year old and yearling heifers. This herd has been one of the most profitable little dairy herds in this part of the valley for the past few years, nothing but full blood sires being used; also the milk from each individual cow has been weighed and tested and all unprofitable stock sent to the Hock.""" Every farmer should own at least one good cow and this-is a chance to secure them. - r- Mr. Curry also offers seven head of young Berkshire hogs, full blood. There will be a free lunch served at noon. , ." - - A. L. Stevenson will be the auction - For Sale A few rams. J. M. Porter. choice Cotswold 9-2-5t-w CARD OFT Benton County Lumber Co. Manufacturers of all kinds of Fir Lumber, Mouldings, Cedar Posts, Sawed and Split. Gedar Shakes Dealers in Doors, Windows, Lime, Bitot, Cement, Shingles, etc J!AB8- JABS. J Glass Jars, All Kinds, at . HODES GROCERY We desire to return our heartfelt thanks to our friends and neighbors for their kindly aid and sincere sym pathy extended to us during the illness and death and burial of our beloved mother. . Mr. and Mrs.. B. M. Martin. COOPER 6 NEWTON HARDWARE GO. - We do the Best Plumbing and Carry a full line of Plumbers' Supplies v; Dealers In Hardware, Implements, Buggies, Wagons, Cream Sepa rators, Graniteware, Tinware and Builders' - Hardware. Congo Roofing and Quick fieal Ranges Second Street, Corvallis, Oregon . Acme Quality Paints and Floor nish that wears at A.- L. Miner's. Succeed when everything else fails. In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they afb the . supreme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND . STOMACH TROUBLE it Is the . best medicine ever sold ever a druggist's counter. WHEN YOU WANT SOMETHING GOOD TO EAT Phone Your Orders To No. 7, THATCHER & JOHNSON'S GROCERY Where They Will be Promptly Filled. Fine Line of Crockery, Glassware, Cutff Glass, Haviland and Chinaware, LAMPS ETC. 5-17-tf.